Black Ride

Chapter 263: Once underground

Because the mercenaries were killed too fast, the second group of monsters arrived without assistance from the beasts.

The second batch of monsters are all from the depths of the tunnel. They are four-footed reptiles with a length of one meter five and a height of 50 centimeters. They bear huge gray carapace and hard and sharp armor on the tail. The top of the head grows a pair of thick and thick horns. After the protection of the giant horn, it is the emerald ellipsoid in the center of the head. The mouth full of sharp fangs is below the head.

Lei Weiming temporarily called these monsters "corner beasts." He gave instructions and all the soldiers fired at the horned beasts. The small-caliber rifle* woven metal barrage does not penetrate the carapace and giant horns of the horned beast, and only splashes of rainy Mars on it.

But when the bullet passes through the incomplete protection of the giant horn and falls to the emerald ellipsoid of the head of the horned beast, it can directly crush the emerald body and kill the horned beast.

The horned beast moves at a speed of 110 kilometers per hour, and a large group of horned beasts move together like a moving carpet of gray cloth and green light! The metal barrage collided with the horned beast quickly. During the process, countless horned beasts were crushed and violent. The dead horned beast was ruthlessly trampled by the companion, or directly flew to the two by the rear companion's giant horn. Mido is high.

Obviously, these horned beasts are equal to humanoids. They are also plague species with large populations. The horned beasts have faster speed, harder defense, and stronger strength. Sticking to the ground makes them more difficult to destroy the ability to move, unless the damage is critical, otherwise they will not know how to stop moving at full speed until they pierce the enemy with a giant horn!

After the five-second high-intensity fire suppression, the mercenaries could not stop the charge of the horned beast. The two mercenaries jumped into the machine gun position of the armored combat vehicle and controlled the high-altitude machine gun to eject a flame of up to one meter. And the fierce and fierce chain!

The Hells Lions 2 team has a wealth of combat resources, and the army of dozens of horned beasts is simply unable to withstand the destructive power of the 14.5 mm caliber bullets that the high-altitude machine guns spend money. The second batch of monsters was also swept away by the mercenaries.

The battle took only 40 seconds from start to finish. At the same time, the two batches appeared, and the plague population that was enough to shred the four-level mercenary group was completely suppressed by Lei Weiming.

In the infrared visual field of the vice captain, the corpse of the corpse of the horned corpse is a "red light", and the red light is continuously darkened in the next 30 seconds until it is finally extinguished, which symbolizes that their physical activities have arrived. At the end.

The vice captain told Lei Weiming about this situation. Since the large group of horned beasts are dead, and there is no individual death, the next step is to remove the bodies of these horned beasts so that the team can successfully pass through this part of the tunnel.

Through this battle, Lei Weiming basically determined that special plague species such as “shark lizard” and “fish head deer” were formed by individual individual mutations, otherwise the attacks launched by the plague population will be more diversified, even in a small space, even in a small space. They have two high-altitude machine guns, and they are bound to cause casualties.

However, this does not mean that other special plague species will not evolve in this nest.

Twenty mercenaries walked from the rear to the front and began to carry the horned beasts in the horns. A horned beast has at least 20 kilograms and a large one has more than 30 kilograms. Lei Weiming doubted whether this group of plagues grew up. This tunnel is opened by the plague species and integrated with the mountain. There should be one or several large-scale nutrient sources in the depths of the mountain, providing nutrients to the plague species and allowing them to breed and inhabit.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the plague species of the order of magnitude will act in tunnels and mountains without leaving this place to go to the mountains and wilderness.

To know that this head-and-corner beast is not able to cause harm, and the first-class squatting into the wilderness, I do not know how many displaced people and low-level security zones will be devastated.

Lei Weiming gradually felt that this task is a bit B-level difficulty. If there are a large number of similar plague species in the follow-up, the attack will be accompanied by individual special plague species, and the risk may even rise to A level! It is the interest to be at the same level as the risk. If the mystery of the plague nest is solved, they will receive hundreds of thousands of rewards.

After 10 minutes, the team was able to move on. The team has advanced by 1000 meters. After 1000 meters, the encirclement team is a mixed army of more than two hundred horned beasts and humanoid beasts!

The battle was launched at a glance, the fire line was pulled open, and the high-altitude machine guns were like a storm, and a 50-meter tunnel was filled with **** killings. At the beginning, there were plagues that broke through the firepower network and bullied the mercenaries. They used the giant horns or the blade arm to kill the mercenaries. When the first drop of human blood spattered on the ground of the tunnel, it seemed to be broken, and the one-sided battle became a battle for the two sides to surrender their lives!

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared from the end of the tunnel. The monster is more than 3 meters tall and is completely a magnified standing type of the horned beast. Two rhino-like legs support the body to stand on the ground, and four hands with tips on the top are growing on the forelimbs. giant horns are also covered in the front of the body with a hard cuticle.佝偻" With his body, the emerald green ellipsoid grows on the top of the head more than 3 meters high, and the front shot is completely incapable of attack.

Lei Weiming put down the rifle that the bullet was empty, and above the indifferent face, the black eyes released the murderous suffocation.

He has his subordinates dead, even if these plagues are not enough!

When it was said that it was too late, Lei Weiming stepped on the legs like the wind, and rushed to the slow-moving giant horn king. His right hand lightning swept the tactical belt and pulled out a silver long whip! The silver long whip is fully stretched to three meters long and is the most easily conductive silver-based composite metal weapon.

Lei Weiming's brain gives orders to the body. The electric organs of the electric sputum release 800 volts of high-voltage current, and the current is introduced into the low-resistance electric power steering suit, and then transmitted to the top of the silver whip!

The loud noise of the cockroach, the silver whip hit the chest of the giant horn king, the body of the giant horn slammed for a while, the muscles smashed, and it was actually stiff.

Lei Wei screamed at the corner of his mouth, revealing a smile. He continually waved the silver whip, and the silver whip sloppily danced. In 1 second, he took the giant horn king 2 whip, and each whip applied a current of 800 volts.

Lei Weiming applied a five-second electric shock to the giant horns. After 5 seconds, with the last whip carrying 1200 volts of current, the giant horns all sullenly burned and burned down.

"Bee, let's die." Lei Weiming stunned.

The next second, the situation is abrupt! The giant horns of the six-footed stickers, actually violently launched the charge! Its potential is comparable to that of a train, breaking through a distance of three meters in an instant, such as the mountain symbolizing death and colliding with Lei Weiming.


PS: There is one more at eight o'clock.