Black Ride

Chapter 271: On the mess

Half a day later, Greg stood in the awkward A-11 lab. He squatted in the empty training chamber that accommodated McDonald, clenched his hands and knuckles were whitish.

More than 20 researchers put their hands on their trousers and stood beside Greg. They didn't dare to move, and they didn't dare to scream, as if they had committed unforgivable mistakes.

"Who can tell me! Where did McDonald go! How did the modulation of the dozens of experimental bodies begin at the same time! Why is the sample repository burned out? Who stands up and says!" Grego hysterically shouted . He was trembled with anger and suddenly coughed up after he finished.

More than 20 researchers did not speak, and there was no death in the air. Only a silent sound from the system computer that constantly hit the keyboard.

"Lorenzo! You said!" Greg followed a finger to a blond man.

Lorenzo's back was already soaked by cold sweat. He looked stiff and didn't dare to waste a little time. He insisted on the scalp: "Report Dr., I don't know! But the only certain information is the deputy leader of Dorothy. disappeared."

The wise light in Greg's eyes swept away, turning to extreme anger.

"Do you mean Dorothy betrayed me?" Greg is like a lion that is fried. Dorothy’s bottom is too familiar with him. Since he can plant Dorothy in the position of deputy leader, he has 100% trust in her ability and character, not to mention Dorothy and his daughter Adri Anna has a close relationship with her sister.

Dorothy betrayed him, he would never believe this kind of thing!

A drop of sweat emerged from Lorenzo's forehead, flowing through his nose and falling between his lips. He said: "I don't know, I don't know..."

Hey, a click on the keyboard key is used as a finishing touch for a series of keyboard sounds. A man turned the seat in front of the system computer and stood up.

"Dr. Dr. Moses, a total of 49 experimental bodies have been produced, of which 37 died and 12 confirmed survival."

Talking to a young man with a black-haired yellow-skinned oriental face. He looks ordinary, but ordinary ordinary features; contrary to his mediocre appearance, he has a super brain that is proficient in science, and a research spirit deep into the bone marrow.

The young man is not the person of Greg Moses, but the dean of the Academia Sinica personally sent a helper to help Greg solve this trouble - Zhang Huanling. Zhang Huanling’s "Zhang" is Zhang Yuxi's "Zhang", one of the five standing committee members of the Supreme Pioneer Committee. He is the grandson of Zhang Yuxi and the chief student of the president of the Academia Sinica.

Greg appreciates the young people with scientific research ability and great potential for advancement. Zhang Huanling, who is born in a famous and famous teacher and is known as the "first new star" in the scientific field of the dawn era, can't like it.

The most important reason is that Zhang Huan Ling is a "temporary assistant" from the top. This time McDonald’s loss was too big, and Greg had to report it the first time. Things were alarmed to the Supreme Pioneer Council, along with his “Artificial Pioneer Program” in the confidential research phase.

This Zhang Huan Ling is undoubtedly the "eyes" of the group of the Supreme Pioneer Committee. Standing here, the name is a temporary assistant, but in fact it is a "monitor" with privileges.

Greg hates the monitor. Even so, Greg can't get away with Zhang Huan Ling. In case of annoying some of the guys on the top, let them see that they have ridiculed for most of their lives, and that Greg, who has failed to do anything in the "artificial pioneers", has succeeded. If he is not sure, he will be jealous and stalked!

Greg forced the anger, pretending to be calm and authentic: "Working hard, Xiao Zhang."

"This is what the younger generation should do as an assistant." Zhang Huanling bowed slightly and was very humble.

This does not alleviate Greg's anger, but instead makes him more angry.

"The younger generation also has an immature speculation about McDonald's disappearance. Can you listen to Dr. Moses?"

"Let's talk." Greg yelled out of his chest.

Zhang Huanling said: "The younger generation believes that there are at least two culprit in this McDonald's disappearance. One is Dorothy, the other..."

"Do you think Dorothy has betrayed me?" Greg couldn't help but rushing into the anger.

"Miss Dean, you should calm down and listen to the younger generation," Zhang Huanling lifted his hands and pushed forward, indicating that Greg calmed down. "Before and after the disappearance of McDonald, the researchers who can enter and exit the A-11 lab are not only you. And Dorothy, all the members are here, and they are all in a state of fainting. At the time of the incident, the alarm system and monitoring system of the A-11 laboratory was completely paralyzed. I just transferred the monitoring and disappeared in the monitoring screen. The first moment I saw Dorothy entered the lab. After 10 minutes, the monitoring of the main gate recorded the presence of Dorothy."

"The disappearance of MacDonald is in this crucial 10 minutes. There must be Dorothy among those who can commit this. Although the younger generation can understand your anger, please recognize the ~ Zhang Huan Ling’s words are clear and authentic.

Greg opened his mouth and silently sweared. What he said is - you can understand the fart!

Greg said again: "Since you think so, then you say there are at least two culprit, who is the other?"

Zhang Huan-ling decisively said: "This answer is not certain for the younger generation, but the guess of the younger generation is - 'electromagnetic terry'."

All the researchers were wide-eyed, showing an incredible look. Only Lorenzo blinked and suddenly screamed!

"I remembered! The deputy team leader was just right when he came in from the lab door. He was watching McDonald. I went up and asked her what happened. As a result, a series of blue arcs appeared on her hands. Then Then I don’t remember anything."

Zhang Huan Ling’s mouth is slightly up: “Look, my answer is that the right possibility is improved. Another culprits’ ability is 'electricity', which controls electronic devices, lab alarms, monitoring systems, and control systems. The computer can also call up 49 experimental start-up confirmation fields, and then enter the password to start the experiment; and on the wreckage of the sample repository, the younger generation found that the explosion was caused by high-voltage current. Combining these capabilities, comparing the database records, the most The possible target is the 'electromagnetic terry' that once committed the crime of "destroying the G032 base." Yes, it seems that McDonald's first place is the base test site of the G032 base."

Zhang Huanling’s logic is clear, and his reasoning is snarled. Although Greg is angry and thinks about it, he thinks that he is very reasonable. It is probably the truth.