Black Ride

Chapter 282: In the middle of the line

The person who came was Wang Hao. She climbed up the stairs and bumped into Wu Qi’s eyes as soon as she looked up.

"Wu Qi." Wang Hao shouted Wu Qi's name, then climbed to the top and looked around. Wu Qi felt that she was a little nervous through the slight movements of Wang Hao's hands and feet.

"Do you have anything to come over?" Wu Qi asked.

Wang rubbed his lips and gently rubbed his feet. His eyes fluttered from the left and right to the eyes of Wu Qi's obsidian. She said, "No...nothing. Actually, I came to apologize to you. ”

Wu Qi quietly looked at Wang Hao, Wang Hao said: "A few months ago, a few days before you left the g011 base, you told me that my brother could not come back, I ... got angry with you, I haven't thanked you for your care and I look at you. Sorry, I apologize to you for your waywardness. At that time, I was really stupid. Also, thank you for saving me before, I owe you Two lives."

After Wang Hao finished speaking, he looked at Wu Qi seven times and eight times, and did not know how Wu Qi reacted. As a result, Wu Qi did not react at all, and his expression was like a calm lake.

After a second, Wu Qi finally gave her a reply: "You don't owe me, you just need to remember this."

"Is this forgive me?" Wang blinked.

Wu Qi nodded: "Okay."

Wang Hao "Oh" gave a cry, whispered "I have really avenged you."

Wu Qi heard it very clearly, but he did not explain it. The explanation was clear and meaningless.

Wang Hao is the sister of Wang Sheng, he must be taken care of.

"Right, why don't you go in." Wang Hao pointed to the opening of the door 502.

"I..." Wu Qigang spoke, and Wang Hao interrupted Wu Qi with an action. She helped Wu Qi to take up the bag and walked straight in.

After the two entered the door, they just saw Guo Baibo finishing the bag in the living room. The little red fox jumped onto the sofa and sat down with a furry tail.

Wang Hao and Guo Baibai looked at each other and gave birth to a hint of ambiguity in the air. The two men simply greeted each other, and Wang Hao turned his head and gently "snapped" Wu Qi with a deep-eyed look, and then handed the bag to Wu Qi's palm.

"Then I won't bother, if you have anything to look for, I will live on the 4th floor next door to you."

"There is something now, I want to go hunting a few proliferating beasts, anyway, idle is also idle." Wu Qidao.

Wang Yiyi raised his eyebrows: "Now?"

"Well, take a high point."

"Cheng, let's go." Somehow, Wang Hao's promise was extraordinarily refreshing, and there was a vague smile on his lips.


As the sun sets, the orange-golden eve of the mountain exudes intoxicating halo, the outer circle of the halo is the burgundy glow, and then the outer circle is the purple sky, until the end.

There is a drunkenness in the sky, and there is a modified off-road vehicle and a power armor driving in the yellow dusty wilderness. The golden light of the setting sun spreads over the land of the wilderness, opening a long silhouette for the modified off-road vehicle and power armor.

The high-altitude framed the smashing. The gun was viewed from the roof of the modified off-road vehicle. He said: "The distance is 1200 meters at 10 o'clock, and there is one."

Wu Qi did not talk nonsense, turned the steering wheel and went straight to the direction of 10 o'clock.

Five minutes later, a body of a proliferating beast that was full of white smoke and a large area of ​​charred body was spread out in the middle of a black burnt mark. Wu Qi took a sample box and quickly completed the collection.

This afternoon, Wu Qi and others have collected six samples, and the money they don't pay is not too fast, and the price they pay is only a dozen high-end piercings.

"Sniper bullets can be solved. I really don't understand why they use a small guide." When parking, Gao Yuan smoothly stroked the cover of six sample boxes and said with emotion.

Wang Hao raised the headgear of the power armor and said: "The small guide. The bomb is the standard weapon for power armor. It can cover the proliferation shell of the breeding beast with a large area of ​​firepower. It is a large multiplication of 7 meters and above. The beast is necessary. If there is not a small number of experiments with small guides and bombs, how do later people calculate the extent of the heart of the proliferating beast?"

Gao Yuan shrugged his shoulders: "You are right."

Wang snorted, she said: "High, not seen for a few months, you are much better than before, I have not seen you a few words before."

The high-spirited finger hit the roof cover of the off-road vehicle. He said, "You are too, not violent before."

Wu Qi listened to Gao Yuan and Wang Hao, the two people who couldn’t think of bickering suddenly burst into flames and felt a little funny.

Once in the past, every moment in the black servant mercenary group, there was a psychological shadow called "Gao Lan", so he suppressed his character and became silent. Since the shadow that Gao Lan gave him, the whole person has become subtle and cheerful, but the smoothness of the water and the calmness of the ice that has been exercised on the repressed days have been left.

Wang Hao’s temperament stems from being locked in a cage called “Home” by Wang Sheng as a pet bird. The deep edge of Wang Sheng’s instinct is not liberated, so violent. Contrary to the high fortunes, Wang Hao suffered misfortune, and the cage was broken and her unprotected red. The naked body was exposed to the dangerous outside world. Now that she is mature, she has also changed.

The wilderness always makes people change, both physical and spiritual.

Wu Qi is also, in recent days, he sometimes gaze at the far side of the wilderness, the end of the horizon, the cells of the whole body will faintly produce a yearning impulse, as if they want to go to the end of the wilderness to pursue the answer. When Wu had a feeling, Wu Qi was a little surprised. Later, Wu Qi went with it, because this impulse was too weak to hinder him.

Wu Qi once again stared at the distance of the wilderness, and the same impulse came again.

From the age of 7 years old, his body has been undergoing exercise, killing several times, gained a lot of physical ability, but the recent changes Wu Qi did not expect. He also feels weird.

Wu Qi has an intuition that some new changes are taking place inside his body, but the opportunity for this change to start, so that the new destination will eventually reach, he does not know.

"Hey, Wang Hao, why are we all heading west?" Wu Qi suddenly interrupted Wang Hao and Gao Yuan’s bickering and asked.

"You don't want me to take you to the place where the multiplication beasts are infested? Going west, we will have more and more proliferating beasts." Wang Hao seems to be talking about something that is common sense.

"It’s always going west..." Wu Qimo said.

"Yes, always going west, but not too far west. Our oil can't hold it, and it's more than 100 kilometers west, which is the boundary line between 'the enemy' and the 'human territory.'"


Ps: modified the contents of the last few paragraphs of this chapter
