Black Ride

Chapter 288: Live on

Another guard was hesitant and repeated, and said, "I can live for a while after being infected. Moreover, he is just a teenager, and there is such a strong desire for survival. Hope, we should help him. Be careful not to be infected. ""

The two decided to agree, and each of them checked their gloves and prepared to move Wu Qi. They are preparing to start, suddenly heard the sound of the car coming from behind the car.

They bent down to halfway and stopped, looking back, it turned out to be Wang Hao.

"Wang Hao? How come you come here early?" asked a guard.

Wang Hao’s expression was dignified, holding the steering wheel and slowly decelerating on the brakes.

The door of Wang Hao’s house was knocked out early in the morning. Gao Yuan and Guo Baibai went to the door of her house and asked her if she knew where Wu Qi went. Xu is that she pays special attention to the relationship between Wu Qi and Guo Baibai. She actually thinks that Guo Baibai suspects that Wu Qi has arrived at her home at night. This is of course impossible. After Wang Hao answered her calmly, Guo Bobai told her that Wu Qi was not in the room last night and did not come back all night.

Wang Hao was stunned for a few seconds, and suddenly thought of where Wu Qi might go, the answer is the border! Wu Qi had a thought of going to the border to investigate intelligence. Although he was discouraged by himself, he was not allowed to sneak out.

Therefore, Wang Hao immediately put on the clothes out of the door, drove to the door of Chang'an District, and wanted to go to the wilderness to find Wu Qi. When I didn't get to the door, I saw a man standing in the doorway of Chang'an District, and the two guards were looking around the man.

"I am going out to find someone, what are you doing?" asked Wang.

The two guards looked at each other for a second. One person said: "There is a young man who is seriously infected with the worms. I am discussing how to carry him. Can I borrow a car?"

Wang Yuxiu's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled: "Severely infected people should not end the pain for him in advance, or refuse to let him go out of his own life? How do you feel soft this time?" Wang Hao is fascinated, out of selfishness I don't want to borrow a car.

"You will come to see this scene and you will know." The two big men don't know what to explain. In fact, they are doing things as Wang Hao said on weekdays. It is rare to be different once, purely because of Wu Qi’s horror. Perseverance is shocking, and he sincerely gives him some admiration.

Wang Hao sighed and opened the door and got off the bus. Since both guards have said this, she is not so selfish to be a wicked person.

Wang Hao approached a few steps and suddenly felt that the man who fell to the ground was so familiar, wearing dark gray combat uniforms or short black hair.

Suddenly, she gave birth to a bad hunch, and ran to her feet and looked at it with a sigh of relief.

"Wu Qi....... Wu Qi!" Wang Hao knees on his knees and falls in front of Wu Qi, holding his hands on the ground.

She did not misread, even if Wu Qi's face was covered with dirty mud, she would not admit the outline of Wu Qi's five senses, this is Wu Qi, but also carrying a long black knife.

"Wang, you know him?"

"More than that, he is the one I am going out to find. You two helped me carry him to the trunk of the car." Wang Hao said in a strong tone.

The two guards face each other, they are used to Wang Hao's disposition and don't care. They grabbed Wu Qi’s arms and feet and carried Wu Qi to take him to the trunk of the car. In the process, Wang Hao’s eyes have always locked Wu Qi’s back.

Wu Qi's back is inserted with a blood-colored pyramid, the blood-colored pyramid is dark red, with **** veins, like a certain biological organization, and the part of his back combat suit is broken, the muscles all mutate into disgusting Boar. The scene of the intensive and wormy worms is extremely anti-human. No one can immunize the physiological discomfort caused by the picture. Wang Hao sees it in his eyes. Except for nausea, he is more painful for Wu Qi.

"Wu Qi, you don't listen to me, even if you go out at night, why have you been attacked by the proliferating beast and become this look." Wang Xin said, his heart hurt like a knife.

"Wang Hao, what are you going to do? Let him know that he will die." One asked.

Wang Hao decisively said: "Of course, I will go to the leader of the year and let the doctors at the medical center do their best to save Wu Qi! I will go first, and, thank you."

After all, Wang Hao half-pressed the lid of the trunk, quickly plunged into the driver's seat, and went down the throttle, and turned the front of the car toward the center of the camp.

Inside the car, Wang Hao grasped the steering wheel and watched the scenery along the way regress. She did not care about the chaos, but because of the care of Wu Qi's car technology, she steadily and quickly turned the corner of the road and quickly approached the center of the camp.

Wang Hao brows his head and locks, unconsciously becomes a one-handed grasp of the steering wheel, bites his thumb, and bites the white and rosy nails out of a tooth print.

She was thinking, analyzing why Wu Qi became like this. Just being besieged by a large number of proliferating beasts, Wu Qi’s skill will not be defeated. The biggest doubt he has become such a penetrating injury in the back is that it is a mysterious blood-colored pyramid that has never been seen before!

So far, the whole red wing has never seen a proliferating beast with a similar tissue, and this mysterious blood-colored pyramid not only seriously injured Wu Qi, but also has an infection of incompletely proliferating blood. effect.

The truth of the matter must wait until Wu Qi wakes up to know that Wang Hao faintly feels that Wu Qi discovered a huge secret last night, a secret from the border. Reporting this matter to the elderly, he will definitely pour the best medical resources and wake Wu Qi!

Wang Hao quickly arrived at the center of the camp. It was not allowed to enter the vehicle. She was stopped by the guards in the center of the camp. She had to force her biggest trick and shouted:

"Year of the year, I am Wang Hao! I have a hundred thousand urgent information to report!"

The guards who blocked the road were shocked by Wang Hao’s sudden excitement. Someone saw a man in the trunk of Wang’s car. When he came closer, he was scared and bloodless. I took out the rifle!

"Wang Hao, what are you bringing back! The people who infected the worms to this point have not been saved. Putting them in will only increase the chance of transmission to others!"

Wang Hao rescued Wu Qixin cut岂 can get someone to lick her feet, she instantly pulled out the pistol with the waist, opened the insurance second, glaringly pointed at the first gun pointing Wu Odd guards.

"He is my friend! You dare to move him, my mother wants you to be buried!"

Wang Hao’s domineering as a woman is no less than any man present. The madness and imposing eyes of the eyebrows are like Wang Sheng!

"Stop your mouth!"

A majestic and honest male voice rang in the direction of the camp, and the elderly ancestors opened the curtain of the camp's big account and walked out.

For the first time, the elderly saw the eager eyes of Wang Hao, and there was still anger in the eyes. He did not blame Wang Hao for breaking the rules on the spot and chose to ask questions first.

"Wang, what are you doing?"

"Year of the year! Wu Qi nights to explore the border, attacked by the proliferating beasts that have never been seen before, infected with the worms. If you are a squat, please order to wake up Wu Qi, he is likely to say extremely heavy intelligence!"
