Black Ride

Chapter 332: Traumatically

The dark sensory world has lost all its elements, there is no feedback from outside things, no color, smell, sound, hot and cold contrast. It is like an eternal prison, which can make people forget the passage of time.

The strong smell of smoke suddenly appeared in the sensory world of scent, and then the voice of the whispering voice, a very gentle warmth rushed into the center of the world, like a golden sparkling sun, illuminate the place.

Adriana's five senses gradually recovered, and a particularly fresh male taste stood out in the smoke smell, and it was close at hand.

Adriana finally opened her eyes, and the emerald-colored scorpion reflected the faint light of the sky, and a man's face was recognized.

Perhaps the package of energy was too warm, dissolving Adriana’s vigilance. When she opened her eyes, she was a little sullen, why did she open her eyes like this, instead of closing her eyes and watching the changes outside.

She felt that her **** chest was covered with the palm of a man. When she changed her face, she smacked Wuyang’s hand. Wuyang wakes up and smiles embarrassedly. In fact, he didn't mean that.

Adriana looked around and it was still the battlefield of the ruins of Chang'an District. Only her enemies driving red-red mechs, the man who saved her life, and the life-saving Dahl lying on the stretcher Gram.

I breathe in a bite of air. Although the air is turbid and mixed with all kinds of taste and dust, Adriana is relieved to smell the air again.

The feeling of being awkward between life and death is very bad for anyone. Even if Adriana has a similar experience on the battlefield, she will not feel relaxed when she next experiences.

"Thank you for your help, Colonel Wuyang, it is really troublesome for you." Adriana said that the clothes worn by Colonel Wuyang were completely casual, so they said.

She struggled to get up, but her limbs were too hard for a long time and lacked blood circulation.

"It's more troublesome than if you can live, and the speed of others may not be enough."

Wuyang pulled Adriana's arm and helped her stand still. He looked up and down Adriana, and she had no other wounds except the left chest of the military uniform that was stained with blood.

Just as Wuyang looked at Adriana’s injury, Adriana suddenly took a step toward the elderly.

"It's you, obstructing the officer's mission!" Adriana clenched her right fist and was cold and authentic. She doesn't need any fierce expressions, just standing there, giving the elderly an endless sense of oppression.

The elderly have a sense of oppression and scalp the scalp. "The officer is an officer. How do I know that you are an officer? You only need one sentence. You have to ruin it together with Chang'an District. Can I still protect my brothers and my brothers?" ""

Adriana didn't want to listen to her explanation. If it wasn't for the local "indigenous" spoiler in this safe area, the ss-level hunting order had long been taken down by her.

The next step she has to do is to get rid of the elderly and to resolve the hatred.

Wuyang saw the trend of the situation. He did not go directly to Adriana. Instead, she approached her sideways and smacked to her ear. "Others are giving the border army an arm, so it is a bit strong, although it does hinder you. Logically, you can't blame him. To take a step back, he believes that you are dead as an enemy, but still protect your body and kill him, not very good."

Wuyang did not need to suppress the official position, the second did not talk about the rationale, the third did not blame Adriana, but the advice of the temperature in her ear, and did not give the elderly to hear.

After listening to Wuyang, Adriana said that the clenched fist was loosened a little, and the cold expression was relieved, and it turned back to calm and waveless.

Wuyang is a colonel who presses himself at two levels, but his words and deeds seem to be treating himself as a colleague of the same class. He can do this step, and take care of his face. If he folds his face in person, he will not know how to be a man.

"You, get out." Adriana spit out three words, the older face was blue, and the back was already soaked by cold sweat.

In the end, the elderly moved out one or two steps, and then quickly disappeared into the vision of the two.

There are only Wuyang and Adriana left here, as well as Dalke lying still on the stretcher. The bleak wind swept the ground, passing every corner of the battlefield and flowing through the edge of the battlefield.

"Where are you going? Going back to the new Beijing?" Wuyang asked.

Adriana lightly brushed her hair, and her long red hair danced in the air. She turned to look at Wuyang, took a deep breath, and filled her **** chest.

"Colonel Wuyang, I said it straight, I want to ask you to help me, we can complete the task of military work, we can five or five points." Adriana's emerald green beautiful nephew passed a burst of water, she seriously.

"Continue the ss-level pursuit order?"

"Well. The target ran away. When he ran away, he summoned a 70-meter-high multi-legged giant. He called the giant "Kreis", which should be a third-order wild animal."

Wu Yang took his finger and pinched the chest of the white t-shirt. When he loosened his clothes, he bounced back to his body.

"Without the equipment, I always find it difficult to fight the third-order wilderness giant." Wuyang warm-yang smile with a apology.

Adriana snorted. The meaning of Wuyang’s words is equivalent to the rejection of the roundabout. With her current physical condition, it is obviously impossible to catch up with Wu Qi and defeat him without the help of Wuyang.

Adriana lowered her eyes. "Sorry, I am thinking about it. You can save me, I am grateful."

Adriana kneels down and holds Dalke on the stretcher in her arms. She stroked Dalke's facial muscles and smoothed his horrified and fearful expression into calm and tranquility.

Dalke had no heartbeat and breathing, and the silver scales in his eyes had disappeared without a trace. Adriana clearly felt that Dalke is really different from her own.

The long knife not only destroyed the heart of Dalke, but also took away his blood and abilities virus, otherwise, Dalke would not be.

"I'm" Adriana hugged the beautiful teenager who was sleeping peacefully, bowing her head in pain. Although there was no relationship between them, Dalke was at least her subordinates.

The death of Dalke is a manifestation of her incompetence. Time has passed for so long, and Cheng Yu has not appeared, and the ending can be imagined.

In the end, the two experimental bodies that her father Greg entrusted to her not only helped a lot, but eventually died in this mission.

Adriana is harder than the death of her subordinates, and she is deeply saddened to reflect on her own failure.

At this time, there was a faint muffled sound at the far end of the western horizon. The sound was very light, and the light was too unreal, as if it existed only in the darkness. It was an auditory hallucination.

The folding computer in the pocket of Wuyang pants suddenly rang, and Adriana’s computer was also. Wuyang was puzzled, took out the computer and opened the message from the eagle headquarters.

In an instant, his orange sun smashed the hole and shocked him.

"Adriana, the goal you said, turned over the high wall of the border."
