Black Ride

Chapter 348: Under the sky lord

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Wu Qi looked up at the clumped clouds that had been hovering under the clouds. It also maintains its original flight attitude and seems to be very calm.

It is true that the endurance of Congyun is very good, so desperate, but Wu Qi has seen through its endurance limit, it will never allow the lower-order birds to be summoned to eat the third-order difference The most essential and most essential spinal cord.

When Chris fell, the plexus will surely dispel the flock of birds and swoop down!

"Kreis, get ready to fight back."

Wu Qi whispered in the ear of Kris. In the next second, only half of the left muscles of Kris's lower body were broken by the flock of birds at the same time. The tall body suddenly became short and bang, and his hands were held on the ground to avoid kissing his face and the earth.

The fallen Chris back bends, and in the direction of the clumps of clouds, the thick and long spine that is surrounded by the black-pressed birds is surrounded. The clumps of clouds are hovering in the air at this moment, and the huge cyan eyes are closely staring at the spine of Chris, as if the risk and benefit are urgently measured, and whether it is immediately rushed down.

Rush! Congyun carving did not hesitate to move. It violently fanned the hundred-meter wings that covered the sky, releasing the airflow with amazing air pressure. The blue energy radiated silver-gray feathers and wrapped the edges of each feather!

The huge figure of Congyun carved a trajectory in the air, and then turned into a cyan meteor falling straight down from the high sea of ​​clouds! The violent waves and the invisible blade-like energy storm all condense at the tip of the meteor; the only target that points from the sky is the back of the Kreis!

High-order similar orders are like lightning flashes between gene fragments. All the bird plagues that surround the giant Kris do not autonomously retreat in an instant. Even if the mouth is a "treasure" that is extremely eager, but they know that if they stay at that moment, they will immediately lose their lives, and the treasure will be empty.

The scene suddenly changed, and the black group of birds, such as the tide, suddenly fell off, and the giant Kris finally broke free from the encirclement of the birds. At this moment, it is covered with scars and musculoskeletal, and many places in the trunk uncontrollably shed high-heat steam, which is evidence of the internal and external parts of these body parts.

Kriss has lost nearly all of his muscles. The silver chariot slams down when the birds are low tide. They are now lying on the ground, and the surface of the car is covered with dust.

The wolverines of Kriss are instantly reflected in the blue eyes of the clumps of clouds, and they are constantly magnified in the eyes. The clumps of clouds have determined that Kreis is dying, and this move can determine the outcome of the battle!

When it was said that it was too late, Congyun carved at a time when it was close to the low altitude, fanning the wings to adjust the posture, and opening the huge claws of the right foot to the back of the back of the Chris! Kriss counted the time suddenly, and both hands pushed the ground and used the reaction to raise the upper body.

The dust rising from the sky is like the consciousness of the rise of Kris, its wheels. The big scorpion smashes the meaning of the battle that is unwilling to give up, and the hands have the potential to explore the clouds and take the dragon, bravely greet the claws of the grove .

Four eyes are opposite, Congyun's heart is slightly shocked, but as the hegemon of the sky, when preying on the ground prey, there are fewer prey that pretend to fall down and wait for the opportunity to fight back. The meteor is on the surface, the beast and the prey are close at hand, and now it doesn't have to go back!

The massive amount of cyan energy condenses into a cyan spiral storm, which is surrounded by the right-hand claws of the clumps. The clumps of the clouds control the position of the whereabouts, and the claws flashed over the left hand of Kris, colliding with the giant hand on the right. When the giant's fingers touch the edge of the cyan energy storm, the flesh and blood of the skin is like the bricks and tiles of the typhoon world. It is easily smashed by the energy torrent, and the five fingers suddenly turn into countless minced meat powder, which is scattered with the wind.

Followed by the palms, arms, joints, and the door!

The giant Kris raised his eyes and looked up at the claws of the cloud sculpture in front of his eyes. This distance and speed have been inevitable and unable to return to heaven.

The subduction speed of the Congyun sculpture is too fast, and the third-order nature-controlled abilities have four types of abilities in terms of destructive power, and they are unable to hinder themselves by virtue of the oversized body.

At the beginning of the millennium, a weak figure stepped on the head of Chris. His hand is like a cloud and a mudball compared to the wings of a cloud-cloud carving. His knife is like a dragon and a giant tree compared with the claws of a cloud-cloud carving. His body is much smaller than the plexus, just a normal human size.

The blue spiral storm that can destroy the body of Kris, such as the broken and collapsed sky, descended to the top of Wu Qi’s head. However, Wu Qi not only did not retreat, but also resisted the collapse of the sky for Kris!

Wu Qi has a slight knee and a slight bow on his back. He holds the handle of the long knife with both hands and puts the black three-foot blade behind the waist. His eyes are tightly locked to the goal of full vision.

The smooth eyebrows of the eye suddenly split and shed a bright red blood line. Wu Qi did not expect to use such a reincarnation to cause such a severe pain, but the arrow was on the string and had to be sent.

The next second, a dark scale broke out from the wound of the eyebrow, draped in a warm blood coat, and truly ignited the power of the ancestral transformation. A thick lightning bolt connects every gene segment of Wu Qi's body, every dnf, every cell, every part of the body tissue, until the whole world is connected, and then from the window of the mind, a pair of obsidian beautiful eyes deep Appeared!

Wu Qi's arms and legs muscles suddenly rose a circle, and the contours of the back muscles were convex and twisted, turning into the general form of the mountains and forests. He waved a knife toward the blue storm that descended from the sky, separating the airflow and touching the edge of the cyan spiral storm.

"Kreis! Give me a win!"

The destructive power created by the energy torrents silently completes the The world seems to be static. Within 0.1 seconds, Wu Qi’s forehead suddenly emerged with six other existing scales; within 0.1 seconds, Wu Qi’s gap between the muscle areas of the body, the joints of the joints, and the cracking of the **** cracks, bursting In the 0.1 second, Wu Qi's long knife was bounced off by the blue spiral storm, and the body was also hit with a huge rebound force.

Wu Qi’s feet were off the ground, and the body rotated 360 degrees in the air, and immediately flew out toward the empty rear. He paid the price of a total body disability, in exchange for the cyan spiral storm shift and deceleration.

At this critical moment, Giant Kris quickly responded to the short side of the head, letting the instincts decide the winner's paw to pierce his right shoulder. The power of the blue spiral storm instantly hits the body of Kris, colliding with the massive energy in the body of the Kris, quickly offsetting, and the scattered aftershocks crush countless thick bones.

Chris spurted a blood, and the left hand that had pulled back firmly grasped the claws that pierce the right shoulder. Congyun's eyes are not good, and he is full of fluttering wings. He controls the airflow far beyond the maximum typhoon. He wants to push the front of Kreis and let himself return to the sky.

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