Black Ride

Chapter 350: Under the general

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As the energy light column of Tongtian shines through the wilderness, the white steam mushroom cloud with a temperature of nearly a thousand has shrouded the sky of 500 meters. Every corner of the steam cloud omnipotently swells the energy turbulence of the riots. They spread out at once, like a layer of life-saving electric membranes, killing the number of birds that cover the sky. At this moment, the bodies of thousands of bird plague species were dragged down by the gravity of the earth, such as rainstorms, breaking through the steam cloud, and falling into the land.

The thick steam cloud gradually disintegrated, and its extremely high heat quickly dissipated in the air. At the same time, the sea of ​​clouds that was opened by the golden energy beam was slowly retreating, and the clouds and waters that were aggregated by the abilities of the clouds were returned to where they existed. Half a mile, the sea of ​​clouds retreats, the steam cloud disappears, and the sky is turned back into the air, leaving only a few tons of white gas in the air.

That white air, like the white mist and the mountain peaks, surrounded by a giant skeleton of more than 40 meters. At the bottom of the skeleton touches the ground is the giant's pelvis. There are no bones associated with the legs, and the thick spines and rows of ribs are the heads.

A pair of bones that did not grow completely extended forward, and the giant hand at the end of the hand grasped the two claws of the cloud sculpture. One of the claws was broken, and the upper part was bitten by the cloud. The Congyun sculpture did not turn into a sacrum under the impact of the energy beam and the steam core. The feathers of the whole body were destroyed by six or seventy percent. The mighty wings that were originally unfolded to cover the sky were half bald. Driving a heavy oversized body to soar into the sky.

The clumps of the clouds were leaning forward, and the carvings fell on the top of the giant's pale skull. The huge eyes are tightly closed, and the original vitality is now only a gossamer.

Wu Qi lay sideways on the ridiculously hot surface. There were dozens of blood-red cracks on his body. The road traversed the flesh and was shocking. The heat wave of the previous high-heat steam waved to the surface, and the amount of blood hanging on Wu's body surface evaporated than the blood of the stream. The rest of the dark red blood-printed, looked like a blood coat.

Wu Qi's closed eyelids suddenly trembled. He slammed his eyes open and turned his head. He caught the eye of an empty skeleton of the giant Kris remnant in the world.

When Wu Qi fell from a high altitude and caused a coma, Kreis struggled with Cong Yunjiao. Now he woke up, and the huge difference in the scene seemed to have been sleeping for a day and night. Kreis turned into a pale skeleton, except for some unvaporized flesh filaments left in the skeleton gap, and there was no other thing in his body.

Giant Kriss turned the whole body muscles and internal organs into fuel, and with all the energy as a boost, he completed a powerful and self-destructive blast. Because of its sacrifice, thousands of bird plague species turned into a bird's corpse **** that could not be seen at the end. The lord of the sky was covered with feathers and smashed into the giant skeleton.

There is only a little white steam on the skeleton of the giant that floats to the sky and rises to a lighter shape. These steam wires seem to be the last traces of life that Kriss stayed in this world. It is like a part of its soul and is floating upwards. More and more away from the earth, close to heaven.

Wu Qi never believed that this world would have a soul and a paradise as the religious culture prevailing in the civilized era. He knows that death is the end of life. Dead, nothing is gone.

"Kreis..." Wu Qi clenched her teeth and read the name of the hole into the atrium. He slowly climbed up from the ground, and his body muscles smashed the dark red blood-stained pieces that were draped over his body, shaking off, revealing a body that was stained with dust but numerous wounds healed.

Wu Qi stood on the ground again, and his right hand was still holding a three-foot knife. Even if the whole person is hit by the full force of the plexus, the knife will not let go.

Wu Qi's eyes are sharp, and there is a last breath in the plexus cloud sculpture on the skeleton of the giant. Its huge body has traces of activity, and the closed eyelids have signs of struggling to open.

Congyun carving is still alive, this is Wu Qi absolutely not allowed!

The sea of ​​clouds retreated, and the midday sun shrouded from the top of the sky without any convergence. The seven dark scales reflected the blazing white, and the corresponding genetic power wandered in Wu Qi. After Wu Qi woke up, this genetic force seemed to have a commander, and he tried his best to repair Wu Qi's damaged body and restore it to the state of perfect force at the fastest speed.

Wu Qi took a step, bent his right leg, and then he did his best! The loud noise of the cockroach, the ground cracked a large dusty pit, Wu Qi as a rocket rocket, and instantly flew to the end of the giant's vertebrae; the foot stepped on the edge of the protruding section of the spine, such as the ladder, I rushed to the head of the giant skeleton.

Fit and jump, slash your sword! A huge **** wave spurts up, Wu Qi has already vacated his feet, and his body is bathed in the blood of the sky. Every corner of his body is immersed in the blood of the neck of the cloud, and the seven black scales are brighter in the blood red infiltration. The three-foot long knife turned into a **** color in one turn, and it was full of the blood of the third-order power virus.

The huge carvings of the Congyun sculpture descended from the sky and fell behind the giant skeleton. The eyelids with a trace of struggle stopped the activity and could no longer be restarted.

Wu Qi leapt to the sky and then fell straight down. He was wrapped in a burning blood, then slammed on the ground, and the body was unscathed under the impact of falling from a height.

The moment he re-established his spine, behind him was a picture of the remains of two third-order life, and he himself was now reborn!

Wu Qi's tight body slowly relaxes. He was about to turn around. Suddenly there was a faint vibration in the ground beneath his feet. The vibration was like a wave. The source of the vibration was extremely numerous and the direction was extremely wide.

Wu Qi has no need to ear to listen to the weight and quantity of the person Because he is the extreme, is the beast from all directions!

The darkness of the eyes is like a deep space in the dark, sweeping the past and seeing the true face of all the enemies.

Little devil sheep, wild bone cattle, black coyote, saber-toothed lions... The number of sturdy ground beasts are all rushing, whether they are natural enemies or not, regardless of their level of life and wisdom. It is low, and there are only two things in the eyes of the big lanterns, the giants Kreis and the corpse of the grove!

Kreis's bones are not cold, and the blood from the broken neck of Congyun is still fresh. Their bodies are equivalent to the rich and abnormal high-order third-order virus source. For the second-order plague, it is a nectar, and it is broken. Also be the first to devour a little "treasure".

This is the cruelty of the world of plague! They are alive and will devour each other for evolution. Once they die, they will be eaten by the plague species that smelled by the smell of the wilderness.

The surface of the enemy-occupied area has never had a bone.

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