Black Ride

Chapter 373: Restless

Wu Qi suddenly disappeared in place, and his legs broke out at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour. He moved like a ghost to the invisible owl, and the invisible owl felt a strong danger. He immediately lifted off and hid outside the attack range of the long knife.

The next moment, the invisible owl found that Wu Qi did not slash it, but threw two throwers. It can easily be flashed off.

It does not know, it is the explosion of the buckle and the flash.

A glare of blazing glare and a sharp horror screaming out of the dark forest. The strong visual and auditory impact caused the flock of birds inhabited nearby to be frightened and fled. The same change was also transmitted to the battlefield of the mining area.

Two minutes later, Wu Qi stepped back to the mining area with a gentle footstep. He set aside the dark barrier of the last woods, and the light from the bright yellow lights between the mines immediately came into view.

Into Wu Qi's vision is the corpse of a wolf in a place, with a piece of semi-connected Yin Hong blood. Thick and thick, dirty blood flows on the earthy surface, and it makes a pungent **** smell all the time. It is unpleasant and disgusting.

Molly and other guards stood in the middle of the mining area, near the miners' camp. They are surrounded by two white cloths, the white cloth is slightly raised, and the width and length are just enough to cover a person.

Wu Qi jumped to the buffer zone and walked to the center of the mine step by step. He saw Molly and others with a dignified expression, especially Morley. His scarlet eyes reflected the light of anger and disgust. It seemed that killing so many wolves was far from being vented.

Molly heard the footsteps on the edge of the mine, turned his head and saw the person he was most disgusted with now.

"Wu Qi! You are one of the guard posts responsible for night duty, why didn't you fire a signal gun..." Molly said. However, he said half of it, the scarlet eyes suddenly contracted.

He saw Wu Qi’s extremely serious injury. The left armpit was unknowingly dig a large piece of flesh and blood, and it looked empty; there was a deep bottomless scar on the left side of the neck, and the chest and shoulders of the neck, shoulders, and even the white soldier uniform were all dyed dark red. Blood cloth.

Wu Qi’s footsteps are not vain, and the actions that come are step by step and steady. He had a candid look in the eyes of Molly, the obsidian eyes.

A smudged black knife flashed from the back of Wu Qi, and the body of the invisible owl that was pierced by the chest was smashed on the ground between Wu Qi and Molly.

"If I don't kill it in the forest, the mine will suffer even more damage." Wu Qi faintly stated the facts. He understood that he said this sentence, Molly would not believe, at least not to believe.

The facts are very easy to verify, even if they are verified, they will be covered up by the words "do not understand", so Wu Qi thinks that he does not need to explain. The allergic virus stocks that can be extracted from the enemy's corpse and the two wounds that are deadly on the average person are the silent, best explanation.

His defense against Molly was only the one sentence just now, and that sentence was his strongest defense.

Molly bowed his head and glanced at the body of the invisible owl, then ordered a man to bring back the body of the invisible owl. In this process, Wu Qi has left the in-situ and went to the camp of his team.

"Stand up." Morley was cold and cold.

Wu Qi stayed in his footsteps and turned around without mud.

"Captain Morley, what are you doing?"

"Come and clean up the battlefield, this is part of your work." Morley's voice is chilly, as if the sharp-angled polyhedron makes people feel uncomfortable.

Wu Qi did not reverse the order, but went back to follow Morley's orders.

Immediately afterwards, Morley ordered all the guards to clear up the battlefield and demanded that the body of the wolf and the blood on the ground must be cleaned up until there was no **** smell to rest.

All members of the mine **** team, sleepless night.

When the sky is white, it is the quietest time in the mining area in the past few hours. In another two hours, the miners who were still frightened overnight would have to get up and continue their work on the sixth day of the countdown, and the squad soldiers who had fallen asleep must climb up.

Wu Qi was not in the mining area for a few minutes, the guards headed by Molly suffered an unprecedented terrorist attack on the 23rd and 23rd night. A total of forty-eight jackals rushed into the mining area. The soldiers of the escorts swear to resist the premise of protecting the entire miners. After the bullets were finished, they exerted their abilities, and they used all the physical means to squat in front of the wolf’s blood basin. More than ten jackals were killed and the remaining jackals were rushed.

15 soldiers in the original mine escort, 6 were slightly injured, 4 were moderately injured, 2 were seriously injured, 2 were killed; one of them died due to excessive blood loss, and the other one was bitten by a certain jackal, unable to stay A whole body. The only unscathed person is Molly.

Wu Qi’s team, except Wu Qi, was not injured. Others, including the Little Red Fox, were only slightly injured in July.

The impact of this night on Molly’s mood is undoubtedly devastating. He originally intended to easily complete the last 7 days of the **** mission to go back to dawn base. By the way, the annoying Wu Qi and his party made a few fun, as a fun; I did not expect the danger of the forest around the mining area to increase tenfold overnight, so that he had to do the task of successfully completing the escort. Worried.

For a short time, in the biological clock of people who lack sleep, it seems to fly faster. The early ringing bells ring in the various camps, and the guards and miners are out of the camp, and each one looks very ugly.

Li Fushan could not sleep at night. He contacted the dawn base overnight and reported the tragic situation last night. This time, he walked out of the camp with a pair of dark circles. He urged the logistics staff responsible for breakfast to hurry and influence the miners with high voices, hoping to restore their spirits.

One hand drilled out of the gap in the highland camp and opened the curtain of the camp. Wu Qi walked out of the camp. At this moment, the missing muscles in his left armpit were almost completely regenerated, and there was a circle of scar on the surface of the skin, leaving only a very thin trace on the neck.

Standing in the highlands, Wu Qi looks at the sky between the two peaks on the other side of the mining area. The sun rises slowly between the two peaks, and the golden warmth of the sun shines on the earth.

Today is the sixth day after the end of Wu Qi’s **** mission. Wu Qi decided to take the initiative to negotiate with Molly again.

The number of wolves that attacked the mine last night was three times that of the escorts, and all were second-order plague species. In such a difficult situation, the **** can still hold the line of defense and not let any miner get injured. This makes Wu Qi begin to face up to Molly's leadership and the enthusiasm of all the guards on the mission objectives. And Molly is the only unscrupulous person in the escort. His strength may not be as good as himself, but he should not be underestimated.