Black Ride

Chapter 387: I’m going to move

Wu Qi’s eyes passed a slap in the face of vigilance. On the surface, he said: “Captain Morley, there is no need to do this. You are also thinking about the comprehensive consideration of the mining area. I should wait for the soldiers’ orders to obey the superior’s judgment. ”

Molly’s mouth faintly rises, revealing a smile.

Wu Qi’s answer is in his grasp!

"Wu Qi, I am very pleased that you can forgive me. In fact, the reason why we have been uncomfortable before, is the reason for misunderstanding. If you say anything, all misunderstandings will disappear." Molly said, "Wu Qi, I There is an instruction here, are you willing to listen?"

"The captain please speak."

"I hope that you can form a hunting team again and go up the mountain to explore." Molly's lips are light. A pair of vermilion eyes are scarlet and translucent, like a breathtaking ruby.

Guo Baibo and Kriss changed slightly. They felt that Molly was unusually so unusual to Wu Qi. When Molly proposed to reorganize the hunting team, they immediately realized that this was the abacus of Molly!

"Has the captain's thought changed again?" Wu Qidao.

"Yes, I have reconsidered your words and thought that you are right. We need to send a team to go up the mountain to investigate the plague species that belonged to the back mountain that may have entered the former mountain, and the hostility to humans is very heavy." The wolf group. The wolf is a natural killer, and it must be reported that before the wolf group is not destroyed, the mining area may encounter discipline and strong offensives every night. The hunting team shoulders the burden. The mission is about the safety of the front line of the mining area."

Molly has a strong heart and is very sincere: "Would you like to accept this mission again, Wu Qi?"

Wu Qi's surface is pretending to be calm, and the idea in the brain is running at high speed.

Duane didn't return overnight, Morley now determined that Dunn's death, so he wants to judge the cause of Dunn's death; whether Dunn accidentally died under the plague's minions, or died in his Wu Qi's hand on.

Morley came forward to ask for the reorganization of the hunting team, on the one hand to test him, and on the other to re-use him. In the final analysis, Morley's heart fully agrees with the role played by the hunting team. Yesterday, his actions were completely deliberate, but he was secretly poisoned at night. Now that the plan is not a killer, Molly has resubmitted the proposal of the hunting team and will continue to use him to complete this difficult task.

People can be despicable and shameless to the point of this process. Wu Qi has never heard of it. He has never seen it. At this moment, he has learned all of it.

Wu Qi said frankly: "Of course, maybe I will not go, there is no other person in this **** who can do this task."

"Okay, I will write your outstanding contribution in the report to the headquarters after the mission. Wu Qi, don't let us down."

After Morley finished, he immediately turned and walked out of the camp. Wu Qi listened to the footsteps and confirmed that Molly had gone a long way and took a sigh of relief.

In the next second, Guo Bobai ran to Wu Qi's side and held Wu Qi's wrist with both hands. She said: "Wu Qi, this Molly is absolutely not good! I have sensed his heart, his heart is full of dirty and stinking. He was poisoned, and he wanted to kill you last night. You must not be fooled by the table he pretended to admit."

Wu Qi nodded. He was the guy who experienced the danger of last night, how could he not understand the evil of Morley.

Wu Qizhen asked herself, but she did not show any flaws because of her injuries, but he would also be wary of Miranda’s surveillance. Once the serious injury to the left half was exposed in front of Miranda, Morley would definitely know the truth and judge that Dunn was being killed by himself.

At that time, even if he and Molly Ming did not tear his face, Morley would secretly sue him in hysterical revenge.

It is impossible to continue passive defense. Wu Qi knows that he must start planning to fight back.

Wu Qi left from Guo Baibai's side, walked outside the camp to open the curtain, and stood on the high point overlooking the scene below. The sound came down the wind. Wu Qi vaguely heard that someone was exchanging information, and all of them said that they had not seen Dunn overnight...

Half an hour later, the mining area is about to start, and the fourth day of work begins. Without Wu Qi’s expectation, Molly explained the situation of Dunn’s disappearance overnight in the morning meeting and handed over the task of finding Dunn to Wu Qi’s shoulder.

Wu Qi, who has been seriously wounded, Kreis, who is loyal to the guardian, Miranda, who is not good, the three have once again embarked on the road of exploring the mountains. After entering the forest, Wu Qi focused on the exploration, as much as possible to find traces of unknown large plague species, and secretly evade their active areas.

Miranda, who has never wanted to encounter plague species, has proposed several straightforward proposals to trace the traces left by the plague. These decisions were rejected by Wu Qi on the grounds that they could not be so arrogant. The colorless and odorless smoke gradually spread.

Wu Qi looked at the front and half of his attention was placed on Miranda behind him. Miranda’s behavior is uncharacteristically apparently instructed by Molly to let the team touch more powerful enemies to test whether there is any injury on his body.

Molly's intelligence and difficulty are not weak. He is very convinced of Dunn's ability to "break the breath" and the "hunter's direct sense". I believe that even if Dunn is killed by Wu Qi, he will definitely shoot, even if it is Wipe Wu Qi a shot. Because Dunn's configuration is a perfect assassin, the electromagnetic kinetic rifle is even more powerful. Wu Qi was almost killed by Dunn in the state of returning to the has the ability to assassinate all the pioneers below the third order.

Exploration continued over time, and Wu Qi and others discovered traces of many plague species along the way. The traces are twice as many as yesterday. It seems that the plague species in the back mountain have already been partially transferred to the front mountain, and the human life of the mining area is just around the corner.

Going to the junction of Qianshan and Houshan, Miranda actively stepped into the field of Houshan and turned to Wu Qi and said, "Go to the swamp on the original road yesterday."

Wu Qi has an option at the moment, which is to choose other search paths, the reason is to cover a larger forest range. In this way, you can avoid the swamp and not be careful to meet the body of the wolf group.

This is also a temptation, which was proposed by Miranda. Once Wu Qi refused, he could map more things.

"Yeah." Wu Qi will count on the road, and then seize the head of the formation.

Suddenly, a black shadow rushed out from the far side of the forest. It moved very fast and immediately narrowed the distance with Wu Qi and others. Wu Qi and others focused their attention on the black shadow, each look dignified, and immediately started the electromagnetic kinetic rifle.

At the same time, a gunshot broke out at the edge of the mining area. A headless jackal slid down the high **** of the buffer belt and fell to the ground, and the missing head wound was raging.

Seeing the wolf, Morley walked to the body of the headless wolf for the first time, thoughtfully.

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