Black Ride

Chapter 395: Triumph

"Master, you woke up." Kriss was happy.

Wu Qiyu opened his eyes and saw the face for the first time. It was Kreis. He smiled comfortably, and he thought in his mind to restore the originality of the incident.

Kreis injected the blood of the boar into his body and saved his life. And if the non-magic pig breaks through the death to become a third-order life, there is no way in the real world to pull him back from the ghost gate.

This kind of thing is really wonderful, but it often does not fall from the sky out of thin air. Those who fight for the last moment without the consciousness of death are not qualified to hold their luck.

Wu Qi gave orders to the body's limbs and quickly mobilized every inch of the body's muscles. This time, the body is not stiff, and it is entirely due to the miraculous effect of rejuvenation.

Wu Qi grabbed the rock on the rock wall and slowly got up. He looked around and Miranda was standing outside the cave with a gun patrol, revealing them a back.

Kriss was close to Wu Qi’s ear and lowered his voice and said: “Master, this woman just wanted to open our yin gun behind her. It’s because her own strength is not enough to return to the mine safely, but I have to be intimidated by my words. Give up. I propose to solve her on the spot. It’s all about Molly’s right arm.”

Wu Qi’s gaze fell on Miranda’s back. He thought about it for a moment and whispered: “Leave her life, her abilities have no real threat to us, and the mine guards need manpower.”

"Well, Chris listens to the master." Kriss had no choice but to accept Wu Qi's decision.

Wu Qi took Kris out of the cave. After a battle with the steel scorpion, Wu Qi produced a special hunch. It seems that the mysterious storm is brewing in the surrounding forest. The closer the mining project in the mining area is to the end of the period, the more obvious the feeling of the mountain rain.

The king of the wolf who ruled this hill was superior in intelligence and superior in combat power, but it did not pose a threat to him less than one tenth of the steel scorpion. Once two or more plagues of the second-order plague, such as the steel scorpion, are found, the garrison of the mine is in jeopardy.

Wu Qi and Kris's footsteps sounded, and Miranda turned his head in vigilance and found that Wu Qi’s eyes were clear and the action was normal, and there was no sign of plague.

Miranda was particularly shocked and saw his eyes straight.

"What is is it possible, how can you still survive?" There was a cold sweat hanging between Miranda's forehead and he saw a ghost.

She remembered that Wu Qi’s lungs were pierced by fangs. Visceral damage can not be repaired by "high-speed regeneration", unless there is a superposition of the ability to recover the abilities, or the third-order abilities "overspeed regeneration" can be done.

That is to say, Wu Qi not only created a miracle, but also captured the miracle in the miracle.

Miranda's face was a bit embarrassing, and Wu Qi didn't care what she was thinking about now. He followed the footprints of the steel scorpion and walked to the place where the long knife was thrown.

Wu Qi has never left the knife, this is the first time the long knife is so far away from Wu Qi. Fortunately, the long knife seems to have established some wonderful sense with him. He can slightly sense the direction of the long knife. It took less than 1 minute to find the long knife and re-hold the handle in the palm of his hand.

Wu Qi put away the long knife and turned and said to Miranda and Kreis: "Get out of the mountain early this morning and collect the two magnetic fangs as proof."

Miranda had no objections, and the three men returned as they had. After a long while, the three came to the forest on the edge of the mining area.


Miranda suddenly screamed, and Wu Qi looked back, only to find that Miranda stepped on the corpse of a plague buried in the bushes.

The corpse lost its lower body and was obviously shot by the bullet of the electromagnetic kinetic rifle. Looking at the structure of the upper body, it is not wrong to be black and white.

Wu Qi went to the mining area without thinking, and walked off the buffer zone. The vision in front of him suddenly became wide, and the warm sunshine sprinkled on the whole body, but what caught his eye was a real and cruel **** scroll.

The thick **** smell is lingering over the mining area and cannot be dispersed for a long time. On the ground, there is a plague corpse with a head and a residual limb, and blood flows into the river everywhere. Wu Qi stepped on a rare open space, and there was a pool of blood flowing to his feet.

Wu Qi heard a brisk gun movement. It turned out that a soldier closest to him pointed the gun of the electromagnetic kinetic rifle at him. Wu Qi and the soldier looked at each other and saw that the soldier’s eye was full of blood.

The soldier was over-tired and had some time to go. When Wu Qi stood motionless and stood in front of him for two seconds, the soldier exhaled and slowly let go of the gun.

Molly happened to see the returning Wu Qi and others, he said faintly: "How come you come back in advance?"

"The hunting is complete." Wu Qi took out a bag containing the fangs of the porcupine and placed it on the ground in front of Molly.

Molly looked up and down Wu Qi, and wanted to do some oral essays on "early return", but he saw Wu Qi dressing at the moment, his mouth seems to be blocked by invisible hands.

Wu Qichi. Naked and strong upper body, there is no one inch of blood pollution. There is a new piece of meat on his right chest and left abdomen, like the old wound that was once severely damaged and now regenerated. The lower body of Wu Qi’s soldier uniform is even more terrible. The white combat pants are washed with blood into a whole body of red blood, as if they were soaked in the dyeing tank and fished out.

Anyone who saw Wu Qi’s appearance could not imagine that he was wearing a neat white soldier uniform out of the door more than an hour ago.

"Your clothes are dyed by the blood of the enemy?" Morley pointed out.

Wu Qi smiled faintly: "Captain Morley, please ask Miss Miranda for details. I want to take a shower By the way, change clothes."

"Go ahead." Morley had to say.

Wu Qi and Kris left, leaving only Miranda to stay in place. Miranda’s expression is tense and there seems to be a lot of information to report. Molly lifted a heavy bag with one hand and said "follow me."

Back in the camp, Miranda and Molly reported in detail what happened along the way, and the details were not missed, and at the end they stated that they had been involved in the battle of the steel scorpion.

Looking at the four tubes of bright red blood on the table. Molly Moore chin, thoughtfully lift one of the sealed tubes.

There are some weird spots in the thick blood soup. They are like little stars floating in the deep red world, wonderful and magnificent.

"I want to say that Wu Qi's strength is not necessarily strong, but the degree of resistance is really scary. He has been smashed by the rooster's fangs through the left abdomen and right chest, and even survived." Miranda used one The incredible tone of voice.

"Do you think the strength of the steel scorpion is not strong?" Morley did not know what to say.