Black Ride

Chapter 411: Return

The sky is no longer raining, and the thick black clouds are gradually spreading. When the clouds are foggy, the golden sunlight is sprinkled on the water pool that is submerged in the mining area. The water waves flow and sparkle, reflecting a golden light shining.

A faint rainbow emerges from the far east sky. The guards who survived the cold and rain, looked at the beautiful rainbow. The dust in the air was brought to the ground by a heavy rain. The air after the rain was exceptionally fresh and breathable, as if it could make people feel bright.

The aftermath of the battle started in the busy afternoon, because the water pool in the mining area was not cleaned, the work of the miners was temporarily stopped, and they were all transferred to the highlands of the mining area to rest.

Morley and other soldiers who have survived the physical strength of the battle, and the soldiers who fell in the water pool were lifted to the high ground one by one. Some of them were hit by the high-pressure water spear of the water spear python. When they died for a long time, the bodies were soaked in the water; some of them had neurotoxins in their bodies, and they were brought back to the camp in time, but unfortunately the heart and The brain has stopped working for too long and the treatment is ineffective.

A total of six bodies were lined up in the high ground of the mining area. The guards headed by Molly covered them with white cloth and observed a minute of silence for their sacrifice.

Miranda stood beside Molly and didn't look very good. She was also like the six soldiers, they have to set foot on Huangquan Road. Because she had a neurotoxin in the last two minutes before the end of the battle.

Fortunately, she originally had poison-related abilities, and the pioneers in the body contained more or less of this genus virus, which was weakly resistant to neurovenin. It was this weak resistance that helped the coma to win the most crucial time.

After the battle, the soldiers extracted the serum of the water spear python as quickly as possible, and the only person rescued by the serum was Miranda.

Wu Qiyi stood by his own camp and kept a distance from the bodies of six soldiers and Molly and others. Wu Qi hugged his hands around his chest, silently glanced at the six white cloths, and looked up at the golden sun, and returned to the camp.

Wu Qi went back, Gao Yuan, Guo Baibo, and Kris also returned to the camp one by one. The little red fox stepped on the light pace and shook his tail into the camp.

Morley and other soldiers finished silently, and Morley first looked back at Wu Qi. Wu Qi and others just left, Molly looked around and did not see the shadow of Wu Qi and others.

There are only 11 guards in the guardian mine area, and 5 of them belong to Wu Qi’s team, and Molly’s side includes him and Miranda only 6 people. In terms of numbers, the Morley side no longer has an advantage over Wu Qi’s team. The number of soldiers who will execute his orders is insufficient. His captain is not as powerful as before.

Not only that, Morley vaguely felt that after the World War II, the remaining four soldiers began to have a different attitude towards the Wu Qi team. There is no way for him to do this, and the result of the battle is so.

The battle of the water spear python, his Molly has little effect, both command and battle are. On the contrary, Wu Qi relied on his own strength to reverse the victory and defeat of the battle, and forced the **** to pull back from the edge of the mission failure. The shocking wounds of Wu Qi are his medals, and the remaining four soldiers are not awkward.

Wu Qi thoroughly demonstrated his strength in front of all the guards. At this moment, no one among the soldiers dared to doubt Wu Qi’s strength and responsibility for the **** mission. Molly and Miranda had to take Wu Qi once even if they were reluctant.

The continuous failures and setbacks did not make Molly even more crazy. On the contrary, he calmed down. Calm people are more likely to produce self-knowledge, Molly understands that the title of his captain now has no repression to Wu Qi. As for the revenge of that kick and the bomb, not to mention.

Molly envisions that the best situation is that Wu Qi is not interested in the management escort, but will not easily drive him; in the worst case, Wu Qi will be on an equal footing with him; in the worst case, Wu Qi wants Directly take over the right to speak of the mine guards.

After all, in the predicament of life and death, the rights brought by the system are far from the sense of security brought by the fists, which can make the scattered soldiers rush.

Molly turned around quietly, without Wu Qi and others. He issued an order: When the water pool in the mining area was dried up, he immediately returned to the mining area for rectification.

The guards and miners waited for the afternoon to wait for the afternoon. During this period, the **** did not fight any plague. All the plague species near the mining area stopped as soon as they saw the waterhole that inundated the mining area, or they spent half a day at the edge of the forest and eventually returned to the forest.

The soldiers who were attacked by the horrible enemy and the death of their companions were able to rest for an afternoon, and the miners were also scared, which slowed down the panic. Wu Qi and others waited for an afternoon in the camp. Others took turns to let Wu Qi sleep for a long afternoon, and the body cells recovered quickly, ensuring that the spirit and strength could be restored as quickly as possible.

Unconsciously, the night falls. The water pool under the mining area has finally dried up, leaving only a few scattered small otters. The miners worked overtime to check whether the machine had any problems. The guards began to stand guard and guarded against the difficult line of defense under the night.

Morley personally stood in the first shift. The lack of numbers made him change his policy. The 11 soldiers removed Wu Qi’s only 10 pets and were divided into two teams to perform duties at night.

On the other side, Wu Qi’s camp was in the camp.

Wu Qigang woke up from the bed. He climbed up and Guo Bobai intimately put the preserved dinner in front of Wu Qi. Wu Qi said thank you, quickly solved the food and water for dinner, and added energy to the hungry body.

A soldier’s voice sounded outside the curtain.

"Hello, can you come in now?"

"Come in." Wu Qi was faint.

A soldier walked in and opened the curtain. Gao Yuan sat in the corner to read a book, Kris was wiping the silver-colored saber, Guo Bobai was feeding the little red fox and dried meat, only Wu Qi turned his head to see him.

The soldier’s hand was holding a rolled up gray cloth. He showed an embarrassed smile, walked a few steps, slightly covered, and handed a roll of cloth in his hand to Wu Qi.

"Wu Big Brother ~ This is the former Moly captain to collect your electromagnetic kinetic rifle, and I will return it to you now."

Wu Qi’s look was as plain as water. He said: “Captain Morley figured it out, we are not suspected?”

The soldier slyly smiled and said: "Wu brother is joking, you are the savior of the entire mining area. Without your credit, the **** mission has long since failed. How can a soldier like you who has done a great job killing unrelated soldiers?"

Wu Qi opened the roll cloth, and there were four clean electromagnetic kinetic rifles in the flat.

Wu Qi looked up and glanced at the soldier who sent the gun back. The soldier’s face was impressed. He was the soldier who had monitored his own for Morley.

Since Molly sent the electromagnetic kinetic rifle back, it showed that he took the initiative to lower his posture.

Although Molly is abhorrent, the **** mission will continue. Wu Qi does not want to waste time on some meaningless martyrdom.

"Know it, go back." Wu Qi put away the roll and said.