Black Ride

Chapter 478: Close to

Wu Qi picked up the electromagnetic kinetic rifle and fired a shot on the hull of the throne. The flashing blue supersonic bullet instantly hit the hull, but the shell made of hardened black mud bounced off and didn't know where to fly.

Electromagnetic kinetic rifles can't do any damage to the throne's boat.

Wu Qi then pulled out the broken knife with one third of the blade left, brewing for a moment, and cutting off his left hand with one knife. He had previously closed the blood vessels and pain in his hand, and the knife seemed to cut off his limbs.

There is still some gravitational energy left in the left hand, and Wu Qi directly launches the repulsion to let the broken left hand fly to the throne. Immediately, he broke his hand and squatted on the side of the hull of the throne. Wu Qi observed the changes that might occur between the broken hand and the hull, but not. The broken hand was bounced like a bullet, and it fell into the dirt near the bottom of the throne boat and was crushed by the throne.

At this time, Wu Qi could not sense part of the gravitational energy away from the body. There is no doubt that his broken hand was crushed and absorbed by the throne.

"It seems that the side of the boat that touches the throne is safe." Wu Qi said. This is a very important piece of information on the side of the throne.

Wu Qi turned his attention to the top of the throne boat, from which you could not see the scene on the deck of the throne. He lifted the long knife twice, this time directly from the big arm, and cut off the entire left arm with one knife.

Wu Qi picked up his left arm and injected gravitational energy, then threw it high. The broken arm crossed a parabola in the air and landed on the deck of the throne, and entered Wu Qi's blind spot.

The broken arm has fallen on the deck of the throne boat, and the deck part will not swallow the broken arm, just look at the result of the next second.

Wu Qi waited quietly for a few seconds, and he still could sense the broken arm that fell on the deck of the throne. It seems that it is safe to touch the deck.

Wu Qizheng is preparing for the next step. The investigation vehicle suddenly came to a limit turn. It turned out that Wu Qi’s attention was on the induction for too long. For a moment, he did not notice that the throne’s boat had caught up with the rear of the investigation vehicle.

The strong inertia almost has to take Wu Qi out of the car's roof, and Wu Qi's reserve has played a role. The gravitation between the legs and the blades attached to the ceiling of the car made Wu Qi firmly set in the roof of the car. The investigation car came over a 90-degree turn, and Wu Qi’s feet did not leave the place.

Wu Qi put the upper body of the reclining back into the normal erect posture, and the investigation vehicle was staggered with the boat of the throne. The distance between the two was more than 100 meters, and Wu Qi could not sense anything.

It is not that the broken arm is absorbed by the throne's boat, but the distance between the two exceeds the effective range of gravitational abilities. Wu Qi can't sense or control the broken arm with gravitational energy far beyond 100 meters. .

Wu Qi silently waited for the investigation vehicle to approach the throne boat again. When the second opportunity came, Wu Qi’s footsteps stopped at the same place.

After three breaths, Wu Qi was mentally prepared, and at the same time repaired his left arm with the rejuvenation of the reintroduction. He can now sense the broken arm on the deck of the throne's boat, and the broken arm is lying on the deck.

Wu Qi recalled a blade in the carriage, and both hands throw the long knife and the blade at the same time. The long knife and the blade were instantly rotated and flew to the sides of the throne boat. Wu Qi looked at the distance and suddenly launched the gravitation!

The triangle is the most stable shape and is equally applicable on the gravitational level. In an instant, the broken arm lying on the deck of the throne boat was tightly sucked by the deck, and the broken knife and blade flying to the sides of the throne boat were also tightly sucked by the outer shell of the hull. The triangle is stable, and the three stable gravitational coordinates attract each other at the same time, fixing each other. As a result, any of the broken arm, the blade, and the long knife becomes a powerful coordinate, especially the broken arm.

Wu Qi stepped on the roof of the car, as the rocket jumped and jumped. He slammed his hands and feet on the outside of the hull of the throne, and clung to the ship's wall like a gecko.

This is the result of Wu Qi's use of gravity on the broken arm fixed on the deck. The broken arm is fixed at the original position and becomes a gravitational coordinate. Wu Qi's exertion of gravity is equivalent to letting himself be sucked. Fix yourself on the outside of the ship's wall of the throne, and step by step toward the top deck.

After 5 seconds, Wu Qi successfully set foot on the deck of the throne boat, and the broken arm lay in the distance of 20 meters in front of him. He glanced at the dark deck for the first time, and at first glance he removed a piece of darkness or darkness.

The deck of the throne boat is nothing but empty! This result made Wu Qi feel that he had hit the South Wall, because nothing means that there is no way to change the boat of the throne back to the throne of the Black.

Wu Qi sees through the tyrant's gene chain, which hides the "memory" of the power flow in the body. When the tyrant has not yet obtained the complete "king power", the massive amount of life energy comes from the spine. Obviously, the tyrant is connected to the throne and the throne to obtain the life energy transformed by the Inky Throne.

There is only one way to achieve the ultimate goal of capturing the throne of the throne, that is to become the master of the throne. To this end, the throne of the throne must be displayed as the "throne." Only the "throne" is revealed, and it is possible to sit on the throne and connect with the throne of the throne and become its next master.

Whether it is to change the throne of the throne back to the throne of the throne and become its master, or to become its master and then return it to the throne of the throne, a critical throne is needed. This is quite a keyhole, and the indestructible scorpion has the possibility of opening as long as there is a keyhole.

" There must be some key to the deck. As long as the king of the throne still needs the owner, it has weaknesses!"

Wu Qi stabilized his confidence and he told himself that he must find the key to breaking the game. Everything needs to be prepared by both hands. Yue Zhanfei must go all out to fight, and he is here too!

Wu Qizheng was searching for the deck of the throne's boat, and the broken arm in the field of vision suddenly disappeared.

The hardened black mud on the soles of the feet softens without any warning, softening into a swampy black mud sea. In the depths of the black mud sea, a strong suction suddenly erupted, and Wu Qi’s legs were swallowed in an instant, leaving Wu Qi’s knees into the black mud sea!

Wu Qiyu has big eyes, his pupils are shrinking, and his expression is changing rapidly.

This is a trap! The trap set by the throne of the throne!

Wu Qi's right hand, if lightning, draws the electromagnetic kinetic rifle at the fastest speed, and pulls the trigger when the muzzle is pressed to the outside of the thigh. The blue electric light that broke through broke the Wuji's two thighs. The horrible heat wave and shock wave rushed to Wu Qi's upper body, separating Wu Qi's body from the legs engulfed by the black mud. Throw into the air.