Black Ride

Chapter 479: The sun disappears

On the occasion of the glory, Wu Qi successfully separated his upper body from the legs engulfed by the black mud. However, the broken arm and the legs have been swallowed up by the black mud. The broken knife and the blade attached to the sides of the ship's boat wall have lost the stability of the triangle and cannot be the coordinates for launching the repulsive force.

The impact of the bullets of the electromagnetic kinetic rifle that shattered the thighs was only enough for Wu Qi’s body to fly backwards for a short distance, far from Wu Qi’s departure from the deck. Once he falls to the deck twice, waiting for his ending will be swallowed up by the black mud sea!

Wu Qi was in a hurry to inject half of the body's gravitational energy into the electromagnetic kinetic rifle in his hand, and then calmly thought about it for a moment, compressing all the energy to the tail of the gun.

One second before the body was about to fall back to the deck, Wu Qi gripped the end of the electromagnetic kinetic rifle and slammed the muzzle on the darkened ink deck.

The hardened black mud that makes up this part of the deck does not soften into the sea of ​​black mud, and does not seem to sense the signs of life and energy.

Perhaps after 1 second, the black mud that makes up this part of the deck will sense the energy compressed at the end of the electromagnetic kinetic rifle, but as long as you win a blink of an eye, it is enough for Wu Qi.

Wu Qi uses the electromagnetic kinetic energy rifle as the coordinate, and all the repulsion to himself! His body flew out of the deck of the throne boat, and the electromagnetic kinetic rifle left on the deck was swallowed up by the reacted black mud after losing support.

With the coordinates of the blades left in the investigation vehicle compartment, Wu Qi was able to accurately land on the roof of the investigation vehicle. His back slammed into the roof of the car, and the pain of the legs being shattered by the supersonic bullets smashed into the brain when the nerves slacked out a trace of flaws!

"Hey--" Wu Qi pressed one hand on his face and sucked a cold breath. The thigh section under his body was **** and the broken section was almost all burnt scars. The blood in the nearby blood vessels is vaporized, and the blood from the trunk will take a while to break through the burnt wounds.

Wu Qi struggled to prop up the upper body and recalled the long knife and blade that remained on both sides of the throne. After confirming that no part of the long knife was taken away by the throne boat, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He climbed back to the skylight and fell down with his support.

Wu Qi, who lost his legs, fell into the compartment, causing the movement to let everyone see it all at once. His injuries were shocking, and everyone was scared and jumped quickly and forgot to yell.

Wu Qi raised a hand and his voice was slightly weak and said: "I don't get in the way, this injury, I can recover myself."

"I am coming, now there are medical soldiers around you." How can Lu Junjun tolerate the serious wounded casualties of his own, and immediately kneel down to cure Wu Qi's legs with healing rays.

The pure white light containing the golden sea of ​​stars falls on Wu Qi's thigh section, and his injury recovers quickly with the speed visible to the naked eye. In the burnt place, the time of one breath disappears, and the blood vessels, nerves, bones, muscles, and skin grow rapidly from the cross section. The length of the thigh grows every minute and every second.

Lu Junjun’s white forehead’s forehead didn’t know when there was a little bit of sweat. She suddenly had a very tired illusion, and she clearly showed that she had only cured the ray for 30 seconds, how can there be a heartbeat that lasted for more than 4 minutes. The symptoms of sweating on the top of the head.

Wu Qi saw the sweat on Lu Junjun's forehead, and reached out and held Lu Junjun's hands, forcibly pulling Lu Junjun's hand. Lu Junjun was forced to interrupt the healing ray. The airway said: "How can you move, your thigh is far from good."

Wu Qi gradually adjusted her breathing back to the normal range and said: "If you go on like this, you will be tired first. Healing me is too expensive for you."

Guo Bobai went to Wu Qi, and gently moved Wu Qi’s upper body and said seriously to Lu Junjun: “Reassure, he is not stubborn.”

Guo Baibai said so, Lu Junjun can only give up. This is a big blow to her.

There have been a lot of violent shaking from time to time inside the compartment. Pi Chunsheng has been counting the number of times of the limit operation of the Yue Battle. Up to now, there have been 32 times.

Yue Zhanfei has become more and more tired. He sometimes closes his eyes or dry his throat.

There are limits to people, and there is a limit to walking the tightrope. But the wilderness in the northwest seems to have no end.

Wu Qi, lying on the reclining chair, returned to the ancestral home to recover his legs, while telling everyone the information he got from the throne.

The boat of the throne itself has no breakthrough. After knowing this, everyone was silent.

The opportunity for all members to escape is only luck, except for the miracle of changing the goal of the throne in the battle of the heroes and energy before they are exhausted, otherwise they will die. Farther away from Noah City, even if Wu Qi and Xiao Kui get off the bus, they can't get enough time.

Wu Qi once thought that the words "receive the fate of the heavens" are far away from him, because he has always been able to change his destiny by doing his best, but he did not expect that one day he would not be able to do anything, and he could only resign.

In July, I could feel the helpless feeling of Wu Qi, climbed up the seat and squatted on Wu Qi’s arm. Everyone else sat back in his seat and lowered his head. Kris went to the vacant position next to Wu Qi, kneeling on one knee and holding Wu Qi's left hand.

"Master, it is too weak for Kris. Until now, I can't do anything but drag you down..." Kriss put his forehead on Wu Qi's left hand back, heavy and authentic.

If you can restore the third-order strength earlier and regain the ability to "oversize", the master will not be like this.

"Not yet at the end ~ ~ don't give up hope." Wu Qi softly.

The light outside the window suddenly darkened. The crowd raised their heads and saw that the earth outside the front window was dimly lit, as if the sun above the head was covered by thick clouds.

"Just after a thicker area of ​​the clouds." Xiao Kui thought, he has no hope. But I didn't want Pi Chunsheng to walk to the side of the window and squat on the window to look up at the sky.

"The sky is darkening! The sun, the sun is only a few traces of light!"

It’s shocking to see if Chun Chun is not smooth. His words were incomprehensible. Lu Junjun, Guo Baibai and others followed up from the seat and walked to Pi Chunsheng to look up at the sky with him. He wanted to see what he said about the bottom.

The sight of the sky also surprised them. There is a thing that looks like a gray mist, and I don’t know where it comes from, covering the sky in all directions, even the clouds are covered! There is a part of the foggy area in the middle of the gray mist layer. The sun's rays are oozing from these thin fogs, as if the sun was divided into several pieces, leaving only the golden light marks!