Black Ride

Chapter 500: Break through

Pi Chunsheng was solitary, he really felt cold, and his hands felt the ice on his arm, as if he were on a cold windy iceberg.

Yue Zhanfei’s look at Pi Chunsheng’s eyes is not like a joke, he said: “Psychological effect?”

"No... right?" Pi Chunsheng didn't think so.

"Oh, I know, that is kidney deficiency." Yue Zhanfei touched a handful of Chun Chunsheng's cold hand, pretending to be authentic.

Pi Chunsheng was anxious: "You are kidney-deficiency, and your whole community is kidney-deficiency!"

"Hey, hello, you don't put a map cannon on the skin, I can live in a community with Feige." Xiao Kui quickly played round the field. Pi Chunsheng ran up the train in his mouth. He really didn't know what the guy would say.

Yue Zhanfei has a look of indifference, and casually said: "Hey, I can't use it anymore, what do you say. Anyway, you are."

Pi Chunsheng gave Yue Zhanfei a half-word that couldn’t be sung, and his face gave birth to a pig liver.

"I said, Fei Ge, you are so determined, afraid that you are not trying to "try" with Xiaopi?" Lu Junjun, who walked in front, came out with a cold voice, and her mouth rose slightly and smiled slyly.

Yue Zhanfei was joked by Lu Junjun, and the face of Pei Chunsheng’s indifferent appearance disappeared: “Perverted! Your uncle, I am very straight!”

"Oh, yes." Lu Junjun pinched the scorpion, and the yin and yang were strange.

Lu Junjun still remembers that in the conference room a few days ago, in the conference room, Yue Zhanfei took Chun Chun’s divination and arrogantly glared at her. Anyway, every time Pi Chunsheng said that Yue Zhanfei had a letter, let her play the joke of two people as a reincarnation.

The four people’s slaps started like a day, and Wu Qi and others looked at them like the audience, sometimes smiling. Kris's attention was also drawn to the past 30%, and the tense facial muscles were loosened a little.

The group soon returned to the cave camp. The cave camp was exactly the same as when it was taken, and the warning settings were not passive. Obviously they did not invade the plague when they left.

Chris immediately sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and exhaled a hot breath. He closes all perceptions of the outside world and sinks into the world of cellular and apical viruses.

He wants to evolve, get the "oversized" ability in one fell swoop, and return to the ranks of third-order life!

Kreis retreats in place. At the stage of his breakthrough, people could not intervene, and Wu Qi and others should do what they should do.

Time seems to be very slow, but it gives people a sigh of relief, and the sky outside the hole suddenly disappears. The blazing white arc has turned into a dark blue color. Several people in the team promoted a series of life work such as hunting, watering, and burning fire, and ate dinner on the side of the warm fire.

Kriss still sat on the side of the retreat. His body did not move from the time he sat down, just like petrochemical.

"It takes so long to break through the third order from the second order?" Wu Qi inadvertently mentioned.

Yue Zhanfei took the mouth and tossed the last piece of the grilled oil. The food was fragrant and fragrant. After eating it, he took a sip of water and put down the stick to satisfy the grin. He said: "I have been a breakthrough for a long time, probably used... It seems like three days and three nights."

"Four days." Lu Junjun suddenly interjected and corrected.

"That's what I remembered. It's four days. Because I'm using the ability to form a formula. In the absence of a third-order virus, I rely on a formula network of multiple second-order abilities to get a global view. From the 'this result, so the impression left is very, very difficult. I think if the spirit of concentration, the possibility of evolution will be more successful. Now think about it is a painful journey. If I am like Xiao Kui Offensive abilities like 'Impact Enhancement' can also have a little more chance to break through in battle, but my auxiliary ability doesn't deserve to enjoy that kind of opportunity." Yue Zhanfei recalls his experience of evolving into a third-order pioneer. He will never forget his experience in this life.

Staying at home, most of the time is sitting on the bed, a moldy experience for 4 days.

Xiao Kui listened to Yue Zhanfei and shared the experience of breakthrough. He also said: "Under the conditions of the abilities of the abilities, I think that strong emotions are the key to breakthrough. I broke through in training."

Wu Qi nodded slightly. Xiao Kui should also pay a lot of effort to advance to the third order, but his expression is inevitably that he is a genius; and Yue Zhanfei is full of wisdom, courage and execution talent, sounds talent Although it is not as good as it is, it is even more powerful.

Wu Qi just felt strange. Kris once had the ability to "oversize". It is reasonable to say that once the evolutionary path is taken, it will be familiar. Now it has been delayed for a long time, but there is no movement, giving him the feeling that "this should not be so".

Wu Qi looked at the back of Kris, as far away as he could, pressing the tension and worry in his heart. He thought he should give Kris more time.

At night, everyone fell asleep in the camp. Guo Baibo and Lu Junjun sleeped in a camp, and Wu Qi and Gao Yuan slept in a camp.

Wu Qi's sleep is shallow sleep, there are many reasons for maintaining shallow sleep, which makes him unable to sleep. At this time, he faintly heard the sound of the hammer floor, and several times, as if each one had a strong feeling.

Wu Qi naturally opened his eyes and woke up. He drilled the camp without disturbing the high distance. As soon as he went, he saw that Kriss lifted the posture of sitting and retreating, and a fist fiercely hammered the ground of the cave.

With a bang, Kreis raised his fist again. Wu Qi saw that the skin on the top of the four protruding knuckles of Kreis's right hand was broken and a few trickle of blood flowed out.

"Kreis." Wu Qi said softly.

Kriss stopped his fists and he stopped. He turned and apologized: "Sorry, Master, I disturbed you to rest?"

Wu Qi went straight to the side of Kris and sat down: "Talk about how the evolution is going on?"

Chris lowered his head and was full of frustration: "Master, I have a bottleneck."

"According to the plan, you will get the ‘oversized’ ability with great probability, and there will be no change.” Wu Qi is the way.

Kris said: "Yes, I think so too. But who thinks of another third-order abilities 'metal scales' abilities virus will hinder me!"

“Why is this?”

"Because the 'metal scales' versatile virus dominates the spinal fluid of the bronze dragon, the composition of the 'oversized' kinetic virus is suppressed. If I have a second-order 'metal scale' One of the lower abilities, I will directly evolve the third-order abilities of 'metal scales', and it will also treat the 'oversized' abilities virus as a nutrient!"

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