Black Ride

Chapter 503: Under the throne

The speed of the throne's boat crashed very fast, and Kriss leaned back against the cliff, and when he was not careful, he would hit the cliff and hit it. But Chris understood that the reaction of the throne's boat was actually very fast. He couldn't let the throne's boat hit the cliff with a little advance.

In the predicament, in the eyes of Chris, the concentration of terror broke out. He stuck in the last 0.2 seconds, and the first arm put his broken arm on the cliff wall behind him. The body quickly let him go.

A loud bang, the throne of the boat hit the cliff surface at full speed, and Kriss shunned dangerously, and his bait broken arm on the rock wall was broken into a pool of plasma-decomposed blood bones by the throne boat. Paste!

The front end of the throne's boat has no ability to devour and liquefy the entity, but has unparalleled power and destructive power. The dark gray rock wall breaks through dozens of slender cracks. When the crack appears, it spreads and spreads sharply, and a large number of branch cracks are separated, forming a spider web-like vein. For a time, many huge rocks were separated from the cracks in the cliff wall. They were covered with sand and dust, breaking through the fog and falling to the ground.

This is what Kris wants!

Kriss explored the right arm as lightning, quickly grabbed a 20-meter-long pyramidal stone pillar and held the stone pillar in his arms. The inductive target of the throne's boat has been transferred to the body of Kris, and the large hull immediately retreats from the crevice of the cliff.

When the boat of the throne is successfully withdrawn, Kreis can be used as a bait without an arm. He decisively rushed up, half of his body pressed down, and thundered to the throne of the boat to cast a record of the iron mountain, the whole giant's body hit the side of the throne.

The throne's boat will not be knocked over by a collision, and even the inclination of the hull is poor, but this blow is still a hindrance to the retreat of the throne. When it was said that it was too late, Kreis held a 20-meter-long pyramidal column in his right hand and lifted it to the top of the throne, and then stabbed it!

At the same time, Kris controlled the muscles in the left arm section, and squeezed a lot of blood with a bang. The burning blood beam accompanied by white steam sprayed from the left arm section of Kreis, splashing in a wide range. Hit the deck of the throne boat.

The black mud on the surface of the deck of the throne of the throne softens into the sea of ​​black mud, which automatically absorbs the blood that Kreis deliberately squeezes, and the pyramidal column held by Kreis's right hand is also stuck at the same time, like the needle of the sea that descends from the sky. The black mud sea that slams the throne boat into the belly!

The throne of the throne can absorb the abilities of the virus and the creatures, and can also swallow a small volume of inorganic matter. However, the abyss rock is a pure dead body with extremely hard texture and no internal virus. Kriss inserted this pillar of the abyssal rock into the throne of the throne as an iron bar. The surface of the black mud sea immediately swelled into the raging black waves, and the interior bounced an amazing force, and wanted to discharge the abyss stone pillar. in vitro!

"The boat of the throne wants to spit out the stone pillars!"

With this in mind, Kreis put his whole body's strength on his right arm and stone pillar without hesitation.

The power of Kris is much greater than the force of the rebound from the depths of the Black Sea. After the abyss stone column is inserted into the body of the throne, the reaction of the throne boat is like a rejection reaction produced in the living body, the structure of the body is destroyed, and the force is greatly weakened over time.

The two sides did not spend too much time. The rebellious force of the throne of the throne is getting smaller and smaller. Kris stabbed the abyss stone pillars into the throne of the throne for a period of time until the 20-meter-long stone pillar plunged into the 40-meter-high throne.

The black mud sea on the surface of the throne boat completely lost the ability to re-solidify, and the movement of the body also stopped.

After doing all this, Chris's physical energy also consumed a lot. He stepped back a few steps, preparing to watch the changes in the throne's boat, and by the way, the distance was good.

After the time of two breaths, the outer shell of the throne boat collapsed, and the black mud completely solidified on the side of the ship also lost its solid shape. The black mud of the original deck part collapsed completely, as if there was a tiankeng in the center.

Kris was eagerly watching the change of the throne's boat, but the throne's boat did not launch an attack this time. Its shape completely collapsed and collapsed, revealing the embryonic shape of the dark throne hidden inside.

The throne of the Darkness lay on the ground in a horizontal position, and part of the throne that fell into the darkness of the earth was also rejected by the earth as its ability disappeared. The black mud scattered into a pile of black mud mountains slowly creeps, shrinking back into the rudiment of the black throne, and finally fills the shape of the throne, and the throne of the darkness is completely reproduced in the world.

The whole battle that ended in the electric light and flint was the end. Kris did not expect that Wu Qi and others who were on the side did not expect it.

The original way to make the throne's boat back to the throne of the throne is to destroy it in the simplest and rude manner. If Kris did not restore the giant body of the oversized, this thing they could not do in any case.

Chris took a few deep breaths and spit out a lot of white misty steam. His heart's anger at the throne of the darkness finally subsided, and looked back at the huge stone where Wu Qi and others were.

Wu Qi gave Kris a gesture. He wanted Chris to move forward and execute the last part of the battle plan to capture the throne.

It’s only a short trip to silently, he turned and walked, every step of the road made a big earthquake sounding footsteps; waiting for him to go to the throne of the black, he single-armed Raise the top of the backrest of the Black Throne and flip it to the posture of sitting on the ground.

The dark, dark back of the Inky Throne was in the middle of the field of view of Kris, and Kriss was swaying, but the movement was not dragged with water, and he was decisively seated in the throne of the throne. The body of the 40-meter-tall giant sits in the middle of the throne, as if the throne was tailor-made for him.

In an instant, the black mud on the back of the black throne was removed from the solid state and wrapped up in the spine of the Kreis. Kris felt his spine fall into the back of the throne and was truly connected to the throne of the Inky.

A huge amount of life energy emerged from the depths of the throne of the Inky Throne, and was infused into the body of Chris by a connection with the back of Chris! Kris's big eyeballs bulged forward, and the giant's body trembled like an electric shock.

A thick gray tobacco shimmers on the torso of Chris, and quickly spreads to the end of the limbs of Kreis. Wherever he goes, the muscles of Kreis have skyrocketed, and the skin has a dragon-like scorpion.

Krisna's flat forehead suddenly split a bright red wound, and the vapor of the wound spread and faded, revealing an ice-blue "crystal" underneath.

Or, that is a scale like a crystal of holy beauty!

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