Black Ride

Chapter 530: Old and new

The boat of the throne carries the people to the main entrance of Noah City and stops at 300 meters from the main entrance. The people walked down the deck and stepped on the ground, and Lu Junjun, who had been sleeping, was replaced by Xiao Kui. Kris manipulated the throne's boat and dive to the grounds of the wilderness, leaving the boat of the throne "disappearing" without traces. After all, the huge ship of the throne of the throne could not enter the high wall of the base of Noah, so Kreis and Wu Qi decided to temporarily reserve the throne of the throne.

After doing all this, Wu Qi and others followed Ruoxi to the main entrance.

The center of the huge high wall suddenly separated a door and opened a passage to the city. The high-wall is equipped with a smart face recognition function, and the face of Ruo is the highest level pass. She has access to the high wall anytime, anywhere and does not need to pass the top authority to lead the soldiers.

Across the passage of a dim light, the sights of Noah City are in the eyes of everyone. Familiar streets and buildings, familiar with the blue and familiar familiarity of countless air defense energy groups.

All the fatigue that everyone experienced in the investigation mission can finally burst out at this moment. This is their home, and now they finally go home.

A low-profile black 12-seater sedan is parked on the high-walled passageway and on the way to Noah’s city. The car has been parked here for a long time, as if to wait for it to come back.

If you approach the black car, a series of bright yellow lights, such as the car's lights and interior lights, will automatically light up, and the doors on both sides will open at a constant speed, ready to meet.

"Come up, I will send you back to the city." Ruoqiang said that he sat in the driver's seat.

"Thank you for the city owner." Yue warfare.

The people sat in the spacious compartment. If you don't need manual operation, you can see a series of high-tech style changes on the new console. The black car starts to accelerate and turns into the intersection of the city to the intersection.

The color of the vehicle is soft and bright yellow. Everyone sits on a wide vertical beige sofa on both sides. The black glazed one-way window is a fast retro street scene. This fully automated car is driving on unobstructed city roads at speeds of up to 90 kilometers per hour. The people and cars in front of the road will also autonomously avoid.

Wu Qi did not sit in the co-pilot. He sat in the back row with his teammates. Nothing at this moment, I have observed a lot of car interiors that are significantly heavier than the low-key luxury high-tech style.

Wu Qi saw a black frame on the top of the seat, like something that would show an electronic image. At this time, a black-red spot was lit in the black box, and an electronically synthesized male voice suddenly came from a very close place.

"Hey, Wu Qi, your mission is very good."

Everyone was shocked by this sudden sound, and Wu Qi heard it. This is the voice of Josda.

Why has Josda, who has always been cold and has no emotional tone, suddenly speaks to himself in a friendly enthusiasm, and Wu Qi does not know it. He whispered softly: "Josda?"

"It is down."

"I haven't seen you for a while, how come you?" Wu Qi asked casually.

"I see you are observing the furnishings of the city's adults, analyzing your interest in these things, so they have appeared. You can treat me as an AI," Josda said.

Wu Qi's abdomen, this Qosta is a bit of a problem, or if Josda in the car is not the same as Josda he had encountered before, or the guy deliberately performed in front of Ruoqiang.

In any case, the similarity between this Josda AI and the real person is not generally high.

Everyone else in the car was surprised by the chilly Josda who took the initiative to talk to Wu Qi. Wu Qi himself naturally embraced his arms and talked to Josda about what he thought.

"This car is the exclusive car for the urban master. It is made by the brainwave connection technology newly developed by the laboratory, and the intelligent autonomous driving technology that was established in the civilized era. At present, the city of Noah is the owner of the city. Josda explained.

"Then why not make a few more cars, it looks very convenient."

Josda explained: "Because the brainwave connection technology is still not perfect, the main scope of application is military power machine armor, and it must rely on the physical line to connect the human body to operate normally. Only the powerful spiritual pioneers of the urban masters In order to directly control the system without the help of the physical line, other sample cars still need the driver to connect the physical line to the head. This kind of behavior is better than nothing."

Wu Qi understood and nodded. It seems that the technology level of Noah City is very developed, and even the technology that directly uses the brain waves to control the electronic system has developed. Although he didn't ask the answer, he probably knows why only Ruo can do it.

It is because if you can control the brain waves and put them out, you can connect the "system interface" of brain wave connection technology; the brain wave connection technology itself has not developed to the extent of detecting the driver's brain waves.

"The military power machine is a humanoid appearance, two or three stories high, and armed with various types of melee long-range weapons?" Wu Qi refers to the type of big guy like "Red Yan Changan" ~ The combat power of the general armor is quite strong in Wu Qi’s impression. It can make an ordinary person have the fighting power to sweep the ordinary second-order pioneers. If you add another “defensive energy field”, I am afraid that even the third-order pioneers will win.

"Yes, how do you know?" Josda's tone changed a lot, and this sentence clearly reflected his surprise.

"I have seen similar. Hey, Josda, if the arsenal at Noah's base can produce a higher and larger giant power mech or a medium-sized power mech with flexible fighting ability, coupled with brainwave connection technology, 岂It is not possible to turn over the total combat power of the current strength of Noah City." Wu Qi suddenly thought of this, could not help but gain.

Wu Qi did not care about the military weapons of war before. There are also reasons why he can have excellent individual combat capability without the help of high-tech weapons. But with the opportunity of the apocalyptic abyss to war on the human survivor base, he began to want to know more.

"The urban master is thinking in this direction. The power mech in the field of flexible fighting is obviously more able to play the role of brainwave connection technology, but many military executives prefer to rely on the firepower suppression caused by heavy war weapons. You agree with the master of the city, is it accidental?" Josda is very vaguely touting Wu Qi. If he said that Wu Qi and Ruo Ruo "the hero sees the same thing", then the purpose is too obvious.