Black Ride

Chapter 533: 1 person's experience

Gu Chang feels like he is being thundered. It’s too clever to say that he’s not managing his own eyes. It’s just a bad sight for female leaders. It’s too bad to see the impression of the leader for the first time. Now!

Fortunately, Gu Chang was calming down very quickly. He put on a smiling face that a newcomer had first arrived: "Leadership, I am the first to come to Noah Industrial Zone."

"Call me Xue or the name is OK, you are older than me, don't call my sister." Xue Xiaoman looked at him with a smile. Her mouth is always hung with a nice smile, and her eyes are like the stars in the night sea.

This is a joke that makes the atmosphere easier to get along with the upper and lower levels. Gu often smiles embarrassedly. The new leader seems to be a very good person, which makes Gu often have some small surprises and surprises.

"Let's go, I will take you to your department."

Xue Xiaoman took the opportunity to enter the elevator and ordered 7 floors.

In the elevator with only two people, Xue Xiaoman said: "I have seen your file before you came. You have spent 10 days from the reserve producer of the dawn base to the secondary producer of the Noah base. ”

Xue Xiaoman turned to look at Gu Chang, and his expression was always the same: "Can you tell me how you did it?"

Xue Xiaoman mentioned that Gu Chang is very honest: "This is actually the light that I have touched my boss. He won the 'great outstanding contribution' in a mission, and was promoted by the general. The teammates were transferred to the Noah base. Now my boss and other teammates are affiliated with the investigating headquarters."

"So you are a producer in your companion?"

Gu Chang has already broken the demons in the morning. He can face up to the identity of his own producers, and he will not compare himself with Wu Qi and Gao Yuan. He said: "Well, the areas I am good at are not fighting, so I don't want to be with them; I personally have a certain interest and talent in machinery manufacturing and operation."

"Is it?" All the newcomers Xue Xiaoman had brought to their own hands were almost the number of hands, but dare to say that they have little talent for machinery manufacturing. "Then you will learn in the short time of the dawn base." What, let me talk."

"I learned the repair and driving of the heavy-duty fieldbus. It still has some meaning, but the time is too short." Gu Chang is like this. He was able to learn the repair and driving of heavy-duty field vehicles at the beginning of the dawn base. It was a good luck. Moreover, the Dawn Base Industrial Zone also lacks talents for mechanical manufacturing talent.

“The heavy-duty fieldbus project is a typical project with a long learning period and high proficiency requirements for the producers on the job. If you want to, I can arrange for you to continue to advance.”

Gu Chang flashed his eyes: "Really?"

Xue Xiaoman smiled and said: "Of course, if you are willing to be arranged by me to the B7 department of the industrial zone."

Gu Chang sighed in words, and said, "I still learn by myself."

Gu Chang is looking at Xue Xiaoman, the more I feel that this beautiful woman's mouth is hung with a mysterious and awkward smile. She is not a boss to ridicule herself, or it is just her style.

The elevator moved to the 7th floor of the corridor and slowly stopped. Gu often followed Xue Xiaoman and found that the number on the glass sign hanging on the entrance ceiling of the 7th floor was A7.

The complete content is: A7 - Gaussian practical research and development department.

"Mr. Xue, are you the minister of the A7 department?" Gu Chang said, pointing to the glass card above. Gaussian stone has never been heard of this kind of thing. Just looking at this posture, it should be a rare and important material.

Xue Xiaoman's answer makes Gu Chang some accidents: "No, I am the minister of A3, the floor of the office is on the 15th floor. I can't get in the new department of my department, so I will entrust my predecessor to be a teacher of mine. About the basic content of Gaussian practical research and development. You have to study hard, after all, you are the new person I bring, I will review you after three days."

"Well, I will not let Minister Xue disappoint." Gu Chang is responding. In fact, he has a little bit of regret in his heart. It would be nice if he could work with Xue Xiaoman, the great beauty leader next to him.

The general is still important, and I often know it, so he just thinks about it.

Xue Xiaoman suddenly took out her folding computer, put the screen in front of her, and showed her identity card account on the screen.

"Take your out, exchange the contact information, and find something for me."

Gu Chang did it according to Xue Xiaoman.

Time flies, Gu Chang after drinking the coffee at the study table, I found that the sky outside the window has been covered with orange-red sunset.

Since he was in the office and research room of the A7 department, he was completely immersed in the study of Gaussian stone practical research and development. The more I learn, the more I feel that Gaussian is a substance that is a miracle product.

Gaussian stone is a new-age mineral produced by the combination of the mutant microorganisms produced by the decomposition of the third-order life and the minerals around the soil. The materials produced by combining the Gaussian stone can develop excellent energy carrying capacity and fluidity materials. The special nature of the fastest telegraph transmission capability. Noah's large and small high-tech products are inseparable from Gaussian stone, as small as a composite metal armor plate, a component of an energy base group, as large as a whole base high wall, all need Gaussian stone.

The reason why the high wall outside the dawn base can adhere to the inviolable energy defense field is because the material cast into the high wall is mixed with a high proportion of Gaussian Gu is greedily absorbing the Gaussian The knowledge of the production of stone composites is all about thinking about this. If you can finish this, you can create your own energy base, build an energy defense field, and learn all the contents of a complete electronic textbook without paying attention. 28-page electronic notes.

The evening glow came out, not too far in the evening. Colleagues in the next-door research room have been working late, heading for the elevator in the center of the corridor. Gu Chang also had Xue Xiaoman’s teacher in the office where he was sitting – a 50-year-old female minister did not leave, but she also mentioned that the bag was ready to go.

"Small Gu, greedy and chew is not bad, continue tomorrow, this basic textbook you can learn for three days."

"Thank you Minister Li for your concern, then I am ready to go." Gu Chang waved and smiled.

Minister Li, who is more than 50 years old, is also very good. Although he is still in a state of mind, the "small Gu" who called the younger generation is very kind and has a feeling of concern from his mother.

"Remember to turn off the lights when you go."


Gu Chang was watching the end of the road where the Minister Li went to the back corridor and extended to the center of the elevator. He took the elevator and went down.

The entire 7th floor was very quiet and the lights in the other office labs went out. The entire 7th floor seems to be left alone.

Gu often licked his lips and picked up the folding computer with his notes. He looked at the glass door that connected the next-door research room.


PS: Don't forget to bookmark the recommended ticket for one-stop oh~ Your support is the biggest power of Xishan~ Thank you for refilling you~