Black Ride

Chapter 562: Missing task

Yue Zhanfei sat silently at the bed of Lu Junjun, and his eyes focused on the calm side of Lu Junjun, sometimes diverging.

If Lu Junjun wakes up suddenly, Yue Zhanfei will feel that he is asleep at the bedside of the people. The captain’s face can’t be hanged, but what makes him even more sad is that Lu Junjun will not wake up.

Lu Junjun was lying on the bed of the military hospital for three days and three nights. Yue Zhanfei originally thought that Lu Junjun’s sleep was only a short period of time. Even the doctor initially stated that Lu Junjun’s vital signs and brains were all normal. It was only a matter of time to wake up. But three days later, Lu Junjun still lay there, as if she had just lie down.

Last night, Lu Junjun’s attending doctor suddenly told Yue Zhanfei to be prepared. He asked what preparations were made. The doctor said that he was preparing for the indefinite extension of the patient’s sleeping time. He also comforted him that the indefinite extension does not mean that the patient will never wake up, but they cannot Predict the time the patient wakes up. This news made Yue Zhanfei be hit hard. He did not believe in evil. He simply stayed in the ward of Lu Junjun at night and didn't want to leave. He wanted to wait until tomorrow to wake up and see Lu Junjun's eyes open.

According to Yue Zhanfei's understanding of Lu Junjun, if Lu Junjun wakes up, the first thing he sees is that he is fighting, and he will be surprised, puzzled, and even feel a little uncomfortable. After all, it is a day when she is not good at her. "Fei Ge"; and he is also ready to put a few words of concern in the middle of the count, and if she is healthy, then she will quickly get up and work together.

This kind of scene has been previewed in Yue Zhanfei in the dream, but the dream is always the opposite of reality.

"Lv Junjun, when can you return to the team? Do you think that you are not there, and one of the team will lose money when you get out of the task, then we will remember how good you are. If you play this abacus, you will not deliberately Wake up, then you are very wrong. Our powerful No. 7 investigation team will not lack your ability. After all, when you first pulled you into the team, your ability has not even evolved completely." Yue Junfei looked at Lu Junjun on the bed and suddenly began to talk to himself and said a lot of words.

"So, if you are said by me, I will quickly climb up, don't grind, we have less chat and less to understand." Yue Zhanfei said in a bad tone, even the tone is normal. The style that Lu Junjun spoke when he spoke.

With a bang, the door handle of the ward suddenly turned. Yue Zhanfei looked up and saw that it was not a doctor or a nurse, but Pi Chunsheng and Xiao Kui. They also mentioned a little flowers and fruits, and it seems that they are taking these things to visit Lu Junjun.

"Fei brother, have you come so early?" Pi Chunsheng was surprised.

"Yeah." Yue Zhanfei did not correct.

Xiao Kui silently scanned the things in the room. He found that the mattress on the side of Lu Junjun had a long-term depression. The whole face of Yue Zhanfei did not look so much. He just woke up and didn't wash his face. He seems to understand something, just keep talking.

Pi Chunsheng didn't think much about it. He went to the side of the bed next to the battle, and looked at Lu Junjun and asked: "Jun Jun, did she wake up?"

"No, the doctor said that it may take a long time, her body has not fully recovered." Yue Zhanfei made a lie.

Pi Chunsheng was disappointed with some disappointment: "Ah? Isn't that the fresh fruit I just bought this morning was wasted?"

Yue Zhanfei reached out and took an orange from the basket of Pi Chunsheng and directly peeled it off: "The waste is not enough. Can you waste me, me, Xiao Kui?"

"Then I bought it for Junjun. She couldn't eat it, she didn't buy it."

"Oh, who told her not to eat it herself. Sleeping and sleeping, when to sleep." Yue Zhanfei divided the peeled flesh of fresh orange into half of his mouth, and did not breathe.

Pi Chunsheng and Xiao Kui look at each other. Yue Zhanfei likes to count down Lu Junjun. It is not two times. They have been used to it. Although the parties will not be very comfortable listening to the 80%, they can still rationally analyze the outsiders in their ears.

Yue Zhanfei's surface is strange Lu Junjun still does not wake up, delay time, change the way of translation is to look forward to Lu Junjun wake up, not as good as can only vent a small part of the grievances.

Pi Chunsheng smiled helplessly. They and Lu Junjun's good teammates and friends, friends who have been hospitalized for things to do, do not have to think about it, or let her relax and do not care about the task, rest and rest. He knows and understands Yue Zhanfei for a long time. Yue Zhanfei does not care about Lu Junjun, and it is even more likely to be the kind of person who only cares about Lu Junjun's healing ability; he is such a person, and the way of caring for people is very strange.

Pi Chunsheng and Xiao Kui found two chairs in the room to sit down. Yue Zhanfei looked at Lu Junjun's sleepy look and looked bored. He simply did not look at it and picked up the folding computer on the bedside table.

Yue Zhanfei remembers that he was awakened by the news of the folded computer this morning. He was too lazy to look at it. Now he has the mood to see who sent it.

Yue Zhanfei lights up the screen, opens the mail, and reads it for a while.

"Small skin, Xiao Kui, we have new tasks." Yue Zhanfei suddenly said.

Xiao Kui asked: "What is the task of content?"

"I forward it directly to you. The situation of this mission is a bit serious. I will contact Wu Qi directly, let us investigate the team to start as soon as Zhanfei speeds up the speech, from the chair Stand up and go outside the ward, and dial the communication to Wu Qi.

The lakeside of the artificial lake in the east of Noah City. The sunny and cloudless sky, the bright sunshine sprinkled on the undulating blue lake, reflecting a sparkling light. Wu Qi is holding a three-foot knife and is practicing on the open space on the lakeside.

Guo Baibai stayed on the balcony of the villa and moved to a stool to sit in the warm sunshine. In this position, she only needs to look up and can see the figure of Wu Qi practicing the knife. It is a very quiet and comfortable environment.

At this moment, Guo Bobai is looking at a paper book with a faint scent of wood. This book was given to her two days ago. The book was written by Ruoqiang himself and it is about "How can a beginner with talent and intention become a mature spiritual pioneer". It includes a set of methods for exercising mental strength at each stage, a core point for detecting talented areas and selecting abilities, and an evolutionary formula for all second-order third-order spiritual abilities. How to effectively help after having sufficient abilities Team and other parts.

This book brings together Ruo's experience and knowledge problems. There is no electronic version of a paper book, which shows that its value is precious. After Guo Baibai carefully read and combined his own understanding, he found that this book is completely invaluable.