Black Ride

Chapter 564: On the clue

At 10 am the next day, the people of the investigation team No. 7 gathered at the mouth of the investigation department. Yue Zhanfei, Pi Chunsheng, Xiao Kui, Wu Qi, Gao Yuan, Guo Baibo, Kris, and July, all the members arrived on time and boarded the car on time.

Yue Zhanfei sat in the driving position of the investigation vehicle and started the engine. The engine immediately made a loud rumble. The scenery outside the windows on both sides began to recede, and the survey car quickly drove out of the city along the road in Noah City. The tall walls were getting closer and closer in the eyes of everyone.

Huh--Investigate the car into the black passage at the bottom of the wall, and immediately rushed out of the end of the black passage. The light of the wilderness sky was sprinkled on the front window of the survey car. They left the home of peace again and came to the wilderness of the crisis.

The elite investigation team was selected to be sent out to carry out the investigation task. The strong lineup leading to different directions reflects the difficulty of the mission and the degree of danger it will encounter.

The people of the 7th investigation team have already realized this, and their No. 7 investigation team has a special trump card.

When the investigation car opened to 200 meters outside the high wall, it slowed down and Kreis opened the door and jumped out of the car. His thoughts moved, and a huge vortex of downward depression and spiraling appeared in the wilderness land in the distance.

A dark black shadow slowly emerged from the center of the vortex, and the boat of the throne rose from the ground and reappeared in the air!

Kris called the boat of the throne and embarked on the deck of the throne, and controlled the throne on the deck. The head of the investigation vehicle pointed to the dawn base in the northeast of the wilderness, and accelerated to the far side. The boat of the throne was followed by the side of the investigation vehicle, keeping the same speed as the investigation vehicle and escorting it.

For a long time, the past is on the untouched wilderness of the first layer of the landscape. From the afternoon to the afternoon, the sunshine over the wilderness is at its peak, and the temperature of the wilderness covered by the sun is higher. The soil of the wilderness land, which is extremely popular among the people, has gradually changed, from dry and cracked dry soil to sand full of yellow sand.

The electronic map navigator of the investigation vehicle shows that it is 300 kilometers northwest of the dawn base. According to the specific information attached to the investigation mission, the investigation team No. 4 of the dawn base lost contact with the headquarters here.

Before the investigation team No. 4 lost contact, it did not send a final message to the headquarters.

Wu Qi stood on the roof of the investigation vehicle and made a "hidden" tactical gesture to Kris, who was standing on the deck of the throne. Then Kreis controlled the throne of the boat to sink the yellow sand land, and the man jumped down the deck and walked toward the investigation vehicle.

When they arrive at the mission site, they are likely to encounter enemies who have lost the No. 4 investigation team. If the big ship of the throne is placed beside the investigation vehicle, as long as the enemy with a little brain does not appear, they will not be able to find and track the enemy and continue the investigation.

The investigation vehicle continued to move forward. At a certain moment, a "triangle" of bare sand less than 1 meter appeared on the yellow sand land outside the front window.

Yue Zhanfei started the "global line of sight", carefully observed the object of unknown body for a few seconds, and suddenly found that it is a corner of the heavy battlefield car!

He immediately ordered: "Wu Qi, Pi Chunsheng, you two got off the train with me, the rest stayed in the car. Xiao Kui, you take over the driver's seat."

"it is good."

After getting off the bus, the three quickly walked to the sand where the heavy-duty fieldbus was buried. Yue Zhanfei maintains the "global line of sight", Wu Qi also spread the perception network, always alert around.

Yue Zhan flew down, and the right hand wrapped in the tactical glove touched the corner of the ground with a heavy-duty field vehicle and smashed the sand covered.

"Is there any way to dig up the heavy-duty fieldbus from the ground..." Yue Zhanfei muttered.

Wu Qi heard and silently looked at a large piece of sand in front of him. He knelt down and picked up a small amount of sand, rubbing his fingers between his index finger and his thumb.

Immediately, Wu Qi pulled out the long knife behind him, and the knife of the long knife poured out silver energy. He broke down two-thirds of the blade into pieces, letting the long knife fragments all plunged into the sand and drilling deep into the sand.

Yue Zhanfei and Pi Chunsheng looked at Wu Qi, Wu Qi seems to have any way.

After a while, hundreds of long knives flew out of the sand and returned to the blade in an orderly manner.

“There is no groundwater in the ground for a hundred meters, so you don’t have to worry about quicksand.”

Wu Qi was like this, then he took a shot on the sand around the corner of the heavy-duty fieldbus. He released the gravitational energy from his body into the sand through the palm of his hand, wrapping the numerous sand particles around the circle and flowing in all directions.

At the foot of the sand, the silver light appeared, and Yue Zhanfei and Pi Chunsheng retreated outside the silver aperture. A huge pit appeared in the sand of the heavy-duty fieldbus. The sand in the pit continues to flow outwards and spreads to the surrounding surface. The body of the heavy-duty fieldbus is slightly exposed to the air.

"Gravitational abilities can still be used like this?" Pi Chunsheng was slightly surprised.

"Nothing special." Wu Qiping said quietly. He believes that this is only a ability to use the angle of conversion. If the energy level of the long knife is large enough, it can directly bring the heavy-duty field vehicle buried in the ground.

The whole picture of the heavy-duty fieldbus was quickly revealed. The "4" number paint word is clearly printed on the side of the car. This is the investigation vehicle of the 4th investigation team.

The composite metal armor plate and special tempered glass on the surface of the vehicle have many flaws that are cut by some sharp and hard objects, and the glass of the front window is completely broken. Apparently, this investigation vehicle was attacked by the enemy during the driving on the wasteland, and all the members were suffering.

Wu Qi and others have already had psychological preparations, but when they did see the whole picture of the crash investigation vehicle, the heart was shaken by a small one.

Although the body of the investigating soldier could not be seen nearby, the investigators who lost the heavy-duty field-cars on the wasteland 300 km away from the base were less likely to return to the dawn base safely.

The people in this investigation vehicle were already dead.

"Wu Qi, there are people in the carriage!" Yue Zhanfei suddenly said. Under his "global line of sight", as long as there is light entering, it is not his blind spot of vision.

Wu Qi jumped into the big hole in the front window glass and touched the 90-degree rotating car. The air inside is not only dirty, but also stuffy and pungent. The source of the pungent is the blood of several big beaches left on the walls of the carriage. The shape of the blood is like splashing from the wound. Now all of them have dried up.

Wu Qi went all the way to the end of the carriage. Behind the rear wall of the car is a backup bin, and the door leading to the rear bin is now locked.

There are thick and thin cracks on the metal door. The cracks have penetrated the wall back and forth, and the light can shine in.

Wu Qi saw this scarred door, as if to see a monster madly attacked this metal door, to kill people hiding behind the wall.