Black Ride

Chapter 574: On the wicked

5 minutes ago.

"Idiot! Dead waste! Laughing Laozi! Wu Qi, Wu Qi, you **** today!" In the investigation car on the 5th, Molly laughed at the dark electronic screen on the console.

After Molly cut off the communication, it was revealed. He was very happy, because everything went smoothly according to his plan. Other investigation teams were attracted by his distress signal, which helped them to take away the desert dragon lizard and enable them to escape.

Molly waited for a whole day, and when a dusty monster disappeared and a giant lizard suddenly appeared beside the investigation vehicle, he was almost scared to a sudden cardiac arrest. Everyone stayed in the investigation car and went out. Did not dare to go out, for fear of being perceived by the giant lizard monster, all into its **** mouth.

Now he finally broke free from the horror brought by the monster lizard! What made him more happy was the investigation team that they were sacrificed as a ghost. It was Wu Qi’s investigation team.

Originally, another colleague from another investigation team came over as a victim of their escape. Moline’s selfish and dark heart was only a little guilty. As a result, he knew that there was one in the investigation team that made him look extremely disrespectful. He only experienced a task and was promoted by the general to the Noah base as a superior soldier. Wu Qi, a little bit in his heart. The sense of guilt was immediately gone.

There is nothing more to make Molly feel happy than to use the mean and dark means to remove the object that is unsightly.

"Let me see what they are giving... what is it, oh, I haven't eaten the 'Desert Dragon Lizard'." Molly thought about it, and called out the electronic map to locate the car and 7 No. survey car.

The distance between the standard and the survey vehicle number 7 on the electronic map is zooming in.

Molly blinked in disbelief. He glanced at the rearview mirror. At the end of the sand, there was a survey car driving towards them.

Behind his investigation car, there is no shadow of the desert dragon lizard.

Molly's eyes widened, he couldn't believe the answer, but only the answer.

What is the sacredness of this investigation team, even the means to face the desert dragon lizard can delay the delay!

"Damn, speed me up, speed up, speed up!" Morley was too clear about what would happen if he was caught up in the investigation vehicle. Whether in the high walls or outside the walls, the soldiers premeditated to murder their peers are a big sin. Only the military order will be used to dispose of a road. He dared to do this all because the colleague who was sacrificed by him would certainly be buried in the **** mouth of the desert dragon lizard, and there was no evidence of death.

A deafening buzz suddenly sounded from a very close, and the huge sound awakened the injured soldier in the break and scared Molly.

In the next second, the entire carriage was tilted down to the corner, which is a symbol of the explosion of a tire in the investigation vehicle.

Molly looked at the rearview mirror again, and there was a flash of cross-like light on the roof of the investigation vehicle in the distance. Morley saw the score clearly, which was the reflection of the sniper mirror.

It was less than Morley’s thunder, and the wreckage of a tire that was blown by a gun violently rubbed in the sand, causing the survey vehicle operated by Morley to slow down sharply. In just a few seconds, Morley’s investigation vehicle No. 5 was chased by the No. 7 investigation vehicle that was chased after the rear.

The two cars went hand in hand, and the roof of the car uploaded a voice that people skipped. Molly turned quickly, rubbing his teeth against the skylight on the ceiling of the car, and grabbed the electromagnetic kinetic rifle at his hand and aimed at the skylight.

Molly said, since things have come to this point, it is better not to do it all the time, simply kill the team where Wu Qi is! Even if it is more difficult, it is better than being caught by the military law.

boom! A blue flash was inserted into the edge of Molly's field of vision. A sniper bullet penetrated the special tempered glass window on the side of Molly, breaking a whole glass, and the warhead swept through Molly's eyes in supersonic advancement. Penetrate the other side of the special tempered glass to fly out of the car.

The electromagnetic kinetic rifle barrel in Molly's hand was directly shattered by sniper bullets. The broken barrel fragments flew around, and a piece of debris smashed the flesh above Molly's eyebrows and splashed with blood.

A high-precision bullet hit Molly, and the skylight on the ceiling of the next second was broken by a whole piece and fell to the floor.

Xiao Kui’s figure fell into the compartment from the empty skylight gap. He looked coldly and ruthlessly at Molly, who was half-faced and bloody, and his feet flew to Moly's very close.

"Ah!-" Morley sent out the last struggling roar. The double sleeves of his combat uniforms turned into countless pieces, and his hands turned into a long bone knife and a steel claw, waving two sharp swords to kill. Oncoming Xiao Kui.

However, Morley’s speed was too slow in front of Xiao Kui’s eyes. Xiao Kui only had a straight punch. A straight punch was faster than Molly’s long bone knife and steel claw. It was almost immediately wiped out the attack. The gap in scope is in the middle of Molly's chest.

Molly was directly hit by Xiao Kui’s fist and flew to the front window. His limbs were stiff and his eyes rolled down and the deformed hands of the swordsmen changed back. Xiao Kui controlled the power of "impact strengthening", otherwise he could punch Molly's chest into a big hole with a punch.

Xiao Kui turned his fist and glanced at the inside of the carriage. There were six injured soldiers lying on the seat or still sleeping. These soldiers had nothing to do with Morley’s poisonous plan. Xiao Kui stunned them. They scared them into the air and did not dare to say anything.

The next step is that Xiao Kui took the rope and tied the stunned Molly Wuhua, and then took a series of iron ropes to connect the two rear end of the survey car and so on.


Wu Qi took off a damaged battle suit that was contaminated with blood. This battle suit was originally the blood of the desert dragon Now the blood has changed from deep red to a dark, thick and scented **** silky group. This means that the desert dragon lizard that has broken its head after their departure is resurrected, and it is obviously unwise to continue wearing this dress with a resurrection virus.

Wu Qi took the upper body and replaced a spare combat suit.

When changing clothes, Wu Qi and Yue Zhanfei spoke of the results of his and Kreis's desert dragon lizard. Yue Zhanfei was slightly surprised, but he quickly accepted the fact and joked: "Hey, when you leave, you say 'blocking'."

"Isn't it best to stop the enemy?" Wu Qi said.

"With you." Yue Zhanfei lost his smile.

Now Wu Qi has to do all the things he has done first, and the rest is how to deal with Molly.

Xiao Kui went to Molly and squatted down, tearing off the tape attached to Molly's mouth. Molly resisted the pain of tearing the skin and glared at Wu Qi with a wolf-like look.

Wu Qi looked down on the body and was tied to the flowers. Molly, lying on the floor, said coldly: "Morley, you are so lucky."