Black Ride

Chapter 591: Lead the enemy

The iron fist of the armored beast directly left a crack like a spider web on the special tempered glass of the investigation vehicle. After a punch and then a fist, Yue Zhanfei reacted very quickly, but the enemy’s fist Still slammed the center of the crack on the original glass!

The front window was slammed through, and a large splash of glass shattered into the interior of the compartment. Immediately, the armored beast reached into the inside of the big hole of the window and grasped the surrounding glass part with the backhand.

Yue Zhanfei's pupils violently contracted. He struggled to control the console and pulled the engine power of the reverse to the extreme. This can not afford the armored beast, the armored beast was dragged and slid by the speed of the investigation car, and the hand that came in firmly grasped the glass gap.

Yue Zhanfei raised the electromagnetic kinetic rifle on the side of the side. He didn't have time to think. He could only bet on the trigger of the armored violent beast to buckle the glass hole.

The bullet hit the back of the armored beast, but there was a thin layer of khaki energy film on the bullet. This layer of "attack reflection" energy film instantly bounced the bullets that were sent out by the battle of the Yue battle. The bullets were tied to the glass on the side of the carriage, and a hole was made to fly out.

"Too **** is also exaggerated!" Yue Zhanfei yelled. What he is embarrassed is that the rebound energy cover of this armored beast has no defensive corners.

The armored beast that was dragged and slid suddenly fell back on the upper body, and the head of the armored helmet slammed into the center of the front window. This head squat also borrowed the tension from the hand, and the front window immediately burst into a crack like a broken ice under this collision.

"Captain Yue, the enemy's ability is 'attack reflection', and all attacks from the outside world are ineffective for any part of it! Listen to me, withdraw!" Wu Qi's voice rang loudly in Yue Zhanfei's mind.

Yue Zhanfei immediately asked: "It will hang on the window of the investigation car and will immediately break the entire window. How to withdraw?"

"Thinking. I am coming to the temple." Wu Qi decisively.

Wu Qi wandered behind the armored beast attacking the investigation vehicle, and it circumvented and blocked other large plague species that followed the armored beast and approached the investigation vehicle.

Wu Qi’s foot was short and instantaneous, and it was circled behind a large plague. He cut the enemy’s two knees back. The enemy’s huge body fell and followed the second knife, erasing the enemy. The back of the neck.

In less than 2 seconds, Wu Qi took the life of a large plague. The high-altitude machine guns on the roof of the car were also fired, suppressing the large plague from the left. The high heart of the high heart slowed down, re-established the screaming power, and killed two large plague species in two consecutive shots.

Two large plague species that were smashed by electromagnetic energy, smashed, and shattered their heads, revealed a special plague that had been hidden behind them. It is a reptile-type desert plague, the body is half the size of a war tank; its eight arthropods are firmly grasping the sand, and the thick carapace is lifted upwards like a ladybug's wings, exposing one. Large group of bright gems Blu-ray.

The sudden blue brilliance attracts the attention of everyone. The "naked back" of the reptilian plague grows a few crystal enamel-shaped illuminating crystals. The crystal emits strong energy fluctuations and energy fluctuations. Dissipated into the air, even twisting the light around you!

A strong sense of crisis blew every inch of the skin up and down the whole body, and the high-spirited subconsciously made the action of shutting down the insurance and holding the gun backwards. Immediately, the reptilian plague opened a four-petal worm mouth, and a black mouthpiece like a gun barrel protruded from the insect's mouth.

The eye-catching blue and white light was filled with a black mouthpiece and shot a blazing white blue beam with a diameter of 10 cm. The beam slammed past Wu Qi's field of vision and hit a certain object behind Wu Qi.

Wu Qi and his knife blocked the heavy claws of a large plague in front of him. He pulled back and turned his head to look at it. He saw strong blue smoke on the roof of the investigation vehicle, and the blue flame of the dance roasted the air, spreading the heat of death.

The energy beam of the reptile-type plague was actually bombing the high-altitude machine gun on the roof of the investigation vehicle. Hundreds of sharp high-altitude machine gun fragments burst open to shoot around, and before the high altitude, they were still on the roof!

Wu Qi’s calm eyes showed a sway, and he suddenly turned his head, and the depth of his eyes seemed to ignite a raging fire.

Wu Qi's footsteps are electric, and the right hand takes the knife as the sword runs straight to the reptilian plague! However, there were two large plague species rushing up from the left and right positions of the reptile-type plague, and they were blocked in front of Wu Qi with their huge and strong body.

"Get out!" Wu Qi shouted. Along with this loud drink, the re-inheritance power of countless gene fragments in Wu Qi flows wildly, like a lightning chain, which is quickly connected to light up the whole body.

Wu Qi has a silver-like surging energy. He slashes dozens of silver stars in front of him. The width of the three-foot knife is greatly reduced, leaving only a very slender blade in the middle. The silver and silver cross of the space swept to two large plague species that blocked Wu Qi, and nailed them to the upper and lower parts of the two large plague species.

The high-speed sniper of dozens of long knife fragments can't pierce the defensive shells of these two large plague species. They can't hurt themselves when they see the human attack. Only the anger and killing of this human being are left in the heart.

Two large plagues that are covered with long knives are like a hedgehog. The left and right sides are besieged Wu Qi. The long-armed claws tear the air and squint at the Wu Qi face. Wu Qi’s figure disappears in this crucial 0.5 second. Once again, Wu Qi has appeared in the air 5 meters to the right of two large plague species!

Wu Qi took an oblique angle between the electro-optic flint and sprinted into the sky, and in the sky started the "gravitational coordinates" of one of the large plague species. When the gravitational coordinates were triggered, there seemed to be a gravitational line connecting Wu Qi's body center of gravity to the right shoulder of one of the large plague species. Wu Qi is speeding in the vacant state of the inability to borrow, and is flying beyond the limit of human visual eye to fly behind one of the large plague species.

Wu Qi is too fast, and the two large plague species have not yet reacted. When they noticed that Wu Qi used a method that didn't know how to get around them and approached at high speed, it was too late to defend.

A thin silver thread crosses the sky and wipes the joints of the heads behind the necks of two large plagues. The slender blade is extremely fast and extremely profitable under the momentum of overspeed sliding. A black line straddles the front and rear of the neck of two large plague species, and the two skulls slide down on the item one second later.

Two sounds, and the last sound was the sound of Wu Qi’s feet landing. There is no other large plague in this small battlefield except for the armored beast. The unobstructed 10 meters in front of him is the reptilian plague that he wants to hand-edge.

If he is not mistaken, the "several crystal sputum" on the back of this reptile-type plague is an extremely rare third-order mutated genus "energy storage crystal"; the energy storage crystal is equal to a growth in the body of life. In the extra space for storing energy, the effect is to greatly increase the upper limit of the energy level that the body can have, and to enhance the flow rate of energy in the body.

With the evolution of the ability of "storage crystals" itself, it is not a myth that the average human body-sized life has equal or even surpasses the energy level of super-sized life.

Wu Qi went to kill the heart, he must kill this reptile plague here. This guy is not dead, a luminous beam hits the fuel tank of the investigation vehicle and can send them all to the West.

The six insect eyes of the reptile-type plague also focused on Wu Qi at the moment, and looked at Wu Qi's obsidian eyes and looked at him.

This human blood exudes a very attractive genetic atmosphere. If it can eat this human being, it will inevitably undergo great evolution. But this human being is too dangerous. He relied on one person to face four or fifty large plague species to kill two-thirds. Now he has killed all the enemies who pursued him. Being close to this human being is definitely not a good condition. It must be supported by another companion.

The reptilian plague species emits a squeaky worm sound, which communicates with the armored beasts of the attacking vehicle using the communication language of their worms, and asks the armored beast to come back together to solve the human being that is approaching it.

The armored beast had been taken out of the investigation vehicle and was taken out more than 50 meters. It not only smashed nearly half of the front window with its head, but also moved the heavy and huge body to drill into the compartment of the investigation vehicle to attack the human being inside the vehicle.

"Wu Qi, the enemy has already rushed into the carriage, can you come back now!" Yue Zhanfei's eager voice was transmitted to Wu Qi's mind. Yue Zhanfei is still sitting in the driver's seat. He is closest to the armored beast and the distance between the two sides is less than 2 meters.

Once the armored beast successfully climbed into the survey vehicle it would deprive them of their ability to control the investigation vehicle. The armored beast was in the compartment again, and the car itself, Guo Baibai and Xiaohonghu Got dead. Yue Zhanfei can't be rushed.

"The last special plague is still not solved. This guy just used a luminous beam to blow up the high-altitude machine gun on the roof. Is Gaoyuan right next to the high-altitude machine gun? You told me what happened to him?" While talking to Yue Zhanfei's spirit, he smashed dozens of long knives from the bodies of two large plague species and manipulated them one by one to suspend him ten meters.

"You said Gao Yuan..." Yue Zhanfei glanced at the "global line of sight", Gao Yuan was holding a slap. The gun was lying in the corner of the roof, and a silver star battle suit was contaminated with an anti-aircraft gun. The eruption of the blue fire was burnt in half; his eyes were closed, although the chest was still breathing together, but the trunk, waist, arms, legs were all inserted with fragments of high-altitude machine guns, and some fragments were very The length is very sharp, all embedded in the flesh and blood of the body, the situation is not optimistic anyway.


PS: New week, the boss who has the recommended ticket in the hand to send the ticket~ Xishan wants to have more clicks and collections, let "Black Rider" go to the list one~