Black Ride

Chapter 594: Progress

Wu Qi pulled out the three-foot knife from the throat of the armored beast and brought out a few drops of splashed blood. The armored beast and the giant giant kneeled down on their knees and then fell to the ground.

The vitality of the armored beast quickly passed away. It eventually became a deadly dead body. After Wu Qi felt this, the tight nerves and muscles of the body finally slowly relaxed.

This one-on-two victory is really a limit game. He was either dead or defeated. However, at the time of danger, the energy level of the long knife suddenly increased greatly. He had sufficient gravitational energy and was able to transport it to the environment as he thought, to control a wide range of sand and sand.

Before the energy level of the long knife was not upgraded, he used energy-saving methods to guide the sand of the sand sea for himself. With the previous practice, he once again controlled the sand of the sand and felt like a natural power. No.

The ability of an armored beast to see through him before he died is "gravitational", which is the advantage of using the medium of sand and sand to use power.


A long fox screamed to Wu Qi'er and interrupted Wu Qi's "quick resumption" of the battle. Wu Qiyi looked back and saw that in July, standing 20 meters away from the wreckage of the burning car, he raised his small head and shook his tail to call him.

In July, there were Yue Zhanfei, Guo Baibai, and Gao Yuan, who were burned to varying degrees by high-temperature flames. The battle suits and large pieces of skin were burned dark, and they looked like three human-shaped black charcoals.

Wu Qi first ran to July and the three people, he kneel down, one by one to test their heartbeat and breath. His expression changed from nervous to soothing, then to tension and then to soothing, so he reciprocated three rounds.

Wu Qi measured all the hearts and noses of the people and finally settled down. Their injuries are relatively heavy, but the rest of the gas is enough for him to save them all. After finishing this most important thing, Wu Qi’s eyes turned back to July.

The black pearl-like eyes of July looked at it in a glance, revealing a cute expression that wanted to be rewarded. Wu Qi stretched out his left hand and gently stroked the back of July, moving gently to its hair. In July, there were a few places where the red hair fell off, revealing the wounds that were squirmed by the energy. These wounds looked like the claws of the beast, and they caught four or five deep cracks. The wound also recovered very slowly, and Wu Qi felt distressed.

The high-temperature flame has no threat to July, but in July, it is hard to smash the energy of the body and tear the body. In the inside and outside of the investigation of the burning of the flames, three in and three out, and Guo Bobai, Yue Zhanfei, Gao Yuan three all out of the sea, must A lot of suffering.

"July, good."

Compared to the gratification, Wu Qi's heart is more a bit sorrow and grief. When the black scales of the ancestors were released, Wu Qi’s eyes were red, and a few sporadic tears were swirling in the eyelids.

Wu Qi put the small, furry little head in his arms in his arms, and his chin rubbed gently against the top of July. At the end, he gently kissed his forehead in July.

"Hey." In July, a very light voice was made. It communicated with Wu Qi’s mind and felt the emotions in the owner’s heart.

"Do not worry, waiting for you to blink, it is a safe place." Wu Qi said to himself.


Two hours later.

The huge throne boat sailed at a constant speed in the wilderness at the end of the horizon. The wilderness was calm, as if everything was silent.

The orange sky shines, and the light that changes to the sunset color is sprinkled. On the deck of the throne's boat, Kriss sat on the chair of the boat and looked into the distance. Xiao Kui and Pi Chunsheng scattered on the sides of the deck and looked at the other two directions.

Wu Qipan sat in the center of the deck, and he placed four wild beds next to him. Guo Baibai, Yue Zhanfei, Gao Yuan, and July were all lying on the bed. They slept very well and their breathing stabilized.

"Yeah." Guo Bobai suddenly whispered in his sleep, and immediately her eyelids frowned and opened her eyes.

When Guo Baibai regained his eye, the first thing he saw was the orange sky. Her eyes stayed in the center of the sky with a few faint clouds, the air was quiet, and the shadows of several black birds silently passed over the orange sky without making any noise.

"A world after death, is it so quiet?..."


Wu Qi suddenly took the call to make Guo Baibai very surprised. She turned her head and saw Wu Qi, who was sitting close to her. Wu Qi also looked over her eyes and calmly looked at her.

"Wu Qi, how are you..."

"I am afraid that you are too lonely, come together." Wu Qi's mouth slightly raised, beautiful big eyes into two crooked crescents, a gentle smile.

Guo Bobai first glimpsed Wu Qi's smiling face, and the micro-expression on his face changed again and again, and finally he was helplessly relieved.

"Okay. I thought you would survive."

Wu Qi was cold and stretched out to hold Guo Bobai a delicate earlobe. Guo Baibai had a painful meal, and the whispered "Oh," he blurted out.

"Play with you, hurry up and see, we are still alive." Wu Qi broke the "fantasy", and the gentle smile immediately turned into a calm and calm expression.

"Oh, it hurts," Guo Bobai complained while holding Wu Qi's shoulder and sitting up for himself. Then she also caught Wu Qi's earlobe coldly and took a five-point effort.

Although it was not very painful, Wu Qi’s “very familiar” showed a feeling of feeling.

"This is awkward," Guo Bobai said. "And, when I am stupid, I will play with you."

"Hey." Wu Qi did not intend to make a win or loss on this matter. It would be fine to perfuse the past.

Guo Bobai looked around and knew that they were on the throne. If nothing unexpected, it is on the way back.

Yue Zhanfei and Gao Yuan have not yet woken up. There is still a black and red burnt mark on their faces. Guo Baibai thinks that he is also in the burning car, and quickly touched his face.

"Wu Qi, is there any disfigurement on my face?" Guo Bobai asked very carefully.

"Do not worry, clean and beautiful." Wu Qi replied.

Two hours ago, Wu Qi injected three high-level cell active agents into the three people. The burnt areas of the three skins were all crusted, and the newborn skin powder was tender and tender. And Guo Bobai's skin is the fastest recovery among the three, and she just woke up when she recovered.

After another half an hour, Yue Zhanfei and Gao Yuan wake up one after another. Yue Zhanfei just woke up in the state, Wu Qi replaced him to gather all the players to concentrate on the center of the deck to share the results.

Wu Qi took the entire enemy warfare very seriously from beginning to end, including his discovery of a plague-like march across the sand sea.

"After the battle, a total of 48 large plague species died in the enemy's operations. No plague was converted into a corpse after death. Although this does not prove that the entire plague is not a corpse, but at least sand The proportion of organisms infected by corpse virus in Haidong is not high. The source of corpse virus should be west of Shahai, or more accurately, northwest of Shahai."

"The destination of this desert plague long march is still unknown, but only 48 of them are attracted by blood, and other relatively weak individuals are not driven by bait. Explain that they are marching long. There is a clear goal in itself, and there is the possibility of being “called” by a third-order hegemon, and it is possible to assemble into a military.” Wu Qi finished his investigation conclusion.

"Master, I have new information here," Kris said seriously. He controlled the deck to raise a black mud, and opened the lid of the black mud, which contained frozen green vultures.

"This is the survey material we captured. These clusters of green eclipse vultures will attack the corpses of the plague species, but their behavior is very different, not only do not eat the body in violation of habit, but also lick a few dead bodies, the corpse virus is transmitted to After the dead body, they will fly back to the sky. Obviously they know that the dead will be resurrected and will in turn hurt it."

Chris continued: "These evidences indicate that this group of green eclipse vultures is not the first time to do such a thing, they seem to shoulder the mission of spreading the corpse virus, the messenger of BOSS!"

Wu Qi nodded thoughtfully. He took a green vulture vulture from the black mud, placed the ice sculpture on the deck, and then explored it with the revelation of the wilderness.

In just a dozen seconds, Wu Qi will find out the detailed life information of this green vulture. It is also a living life, not a corpse, and there is no trace of "ability" in the life information and gene chain information. They can only speculate that this green eclipse vulture and its companions were BOSS before their death. The order, so it served as the messenger role for the spread of the virus for BOSS.

"This green eclipse vulture, which only acts as the messenger of BOSS, seems to be small in number, but in fact they play a role of dozens or even hundreds of times their own. It is well known that 'the wasteland will not leave life's wreckage' The nature of the plague species causes them to swallow all the meat that contains the abilities virus, and eat all the dead."

"That is to say, the green eclipse vulture turns a dead body into a corpse and there are two ways to expand the spread of the corpse virus. First, the corpse is returned to its original population and the corpse virus is transmitted. To the whole population. Second, after the resurrection of this corpse, it is still used for food of other plague species, and the corpse virus that is filled with it will also be transmitted to all hunters who eat it." Wu Qi erected Two fingers, the road.

Yue Zhanfei said: "Yes, a corpse transformed into a corpse beast can extend the vast network of spreads. The green eclipse can fly 9 to 10 hours a day. This counts down the messengers of these BOSS. The efficiency of work is extremely horrible, and the efficiency of infection will increase exponentially over time. This is more similar to the spread of a plague than the spread of the virus."