Black Ride

Chapter 596: Scout

The next morning, after Wu Qi, Yue Zhanfei and others all woke up, the two men asked for a heavy-duty field vehicle to the investigation unit of the dawn base. The investigation team No. 7 took the new investigation vehicle and drove out of the high wall of the base. The investigation vehicle had a clear target and maintained a high speed of 200 kilometers per hour and went straight to the depths of the sand sea.

"Based on yesterday's survey results, today we are mainly responsible for scouting. Without the crisis, Kris does not have to summon the throne of the throne. We must reduce our target size as much as possible and explore the information about the desert plague. Do you understand?" Yue Zhanfei said to all members before entering the sand sea.


In today's survey, all members of the investigation team No. 7 are gathered together. Reconnaissance, intelligence, melee, long-range, and large-scale killers are not lacking. The logistics treatment has replaced the high-level cell active agents purchased by Wu Qi. It can be said that their investigation team is not afraid of the wilderness and the sand.

Investigating the atmosphere in the car is still relatively relaxed, everyone does not need to be vigilant and nervous all the time, and do some preparations and things in the spare time.

Guo Bobai found someone who hadn't talked before yesterday, and communicated with Xiao Kui and Pi Chunsheng to establish a "spiritual link." She has found everyone and has included the entire team in her "spiritual link" network.

When fighting, every second counts, and intelligence is more precious. Everyone knows how to use "spiritual link", and can communicate intelligence with zero delay over distance. This is undoubtedly a huge boost for the battle that the investigation team may encounter in the future.

After the investigation of the car into the scope of the sand sea, it took more than an hour. Before returning yesterday, Wu Qi found a locator in the reserve warehouse deep in the car wreckage and set the coordinate signal. Today's survey car went along the coordinate information that can be sensed on the electronic map, and returned to the place where the enemy's plan was battling yesterday without any detours.

A layer of unchanging sand sea suddenly has a huge black iron block reflected in the front window. The electronic map on the console sends a large frequency fluctuation warning, indicating that the locator that emits the coordinate signal is here. .

This huge black iron block is the wreckage of the investigation car that they left yesterday.

Yue Zhanfei and Wu Qi thought in unison, yesterday they searched in the sands of the sea for a long time, until they arrived here, they could not easily encounter the enemy. Instead of focusing on the search for no purpose, it is better to start from this coordinate and let the investigation vehicle continue to search along the desert plague.

"Captain Yue, continue to move forward." Wu Qidao.

Yue Zhanfei did not stop near the investigation vehicle wreckage, and headed in the direction of Wu Qi’s escape. It didn't matter if it was opened. When they opened, they saw a body of a large plague that fell on the sallow sand and was half buried by dust.

"Get off the bus and look at it." Yue Zhanfei controlled the car brakes to slow down. Wu Qi took the initiative to open the door for the first time. Gao looked at the people in the car and followed.

Wu Qi all ran to the side of the nearest large plague corpse and squatted down to check. After only one day, Wu Qi was very familiar with the body and was familiar with the extent of her memory.

This is the body of the tank beast, even though its body was lying on the sand for a day and a night, covered with sand and hands. But its revealing the identity of the head of the sand, the wound pierced by a long knife at the throat, and the iconic nail with a hole.

Wu Qi waved the sand that buried the body of the tank beast, adding a little gravitational energy to the palm. In less than two seconds, Wu Qi released the body of the tank beast from the sand and released it.

The body of the tank beast was exposed to the air, and the corpse was preserved exceptionally well. After a day and night, except for the lowest degree of decay, there was no trace of any plague.

"Head." Gao Yuan called Wu Qi, Wu Qi turned his head and looked at him with a look. The two eyes touched each other and they were convinced that the two sides thought of the same thing.

Wu Qi ran out, a corpse and a corpse released them from the semi-buried dust. As a result, as Wu Qi expected, there was no trace of a bite on the body of a large plague.

This day and night, there was no plague in this battlefield.

Wu Qi walked back to the method of investigating the car. Yue Zhanfei, who was sitting in the car, saw Wu Qi come back and asked Wu Qi directly through the spiritual link, and he said that all the members of the investigation team No. 7 could hear.

“What is the result of the survey?”

"The bodies of all large plague species have not been traced by other plague species. These corpses were either second-order life peaks or third-order life. It is impossible to have corpses placed one day and one night without "people". The situation, unless all the desert plague species have been called out by the overlord of the sand sea." Wu Qi replied.

"Fei Ge," Pi Chunsheng suddenly stood up. "Now we have materials, places, and goals. I want to try ‘念卜’ to see if I can read out the information about the sand sea hegemon.”

"Go. "Yue Zhanfei is the order.

Pi Chunsheng said "Good" and ran off the car. He asked Wu Qi for a few words of yesterday's message, and then went straight to the body of the tank beast.

Pi Chunsheng's feet stood on the side of the body of the tank beast. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, seemingly feeling something in a world that did not exist on the physical level. He slowly squatted and raised his right hand and gradually gestured with a knife.

Pi Chunsheng opened his eyes, and the right hand palm knife slammed down the brain of the tank beast! This slashing slammed on the forehead of the tank beast, a mysterious breath blowing from the northwest, sweeping around Pi Chunsheng and flying around him and the body of the tank beast.

The sand under the head of the tank beast began to move in a small area without strong wind blowing, and a sand painting with concave sand marks and prominent sand dunes was outlined out of thin air.

After the invisible wind disappeared, Wu Qi and Gao Yuan got together to Pi Chunsheng. The three men took a closer look, and the sand painting depicts a tall, standing “desert dragon lizard”. The "King of Desert Dragon Lizard" has its claws hanging, the top of the head is horned, and the whole body is covered with the shadow of the mighty mysterious sand. Although the eyes of a pair of erect eyes are drawn by the sand, they are extraordinarily ecstatic, as if they really have a sharp The gaze is pricked from the flat sand painting. It is more appropriate to say that it is the "Dragon King of the Desert."

At the foot of the Dragon King, there are four real desert dragon lizards. The desert dragon lizard should have a very large slender body that looks very small in front of their king, and the height of the back can only be reached by the knees of the Dragon King. Their bodies are not as clear and contoured as their kings in the depiction of sand paintings. The difference in height, volume and "painting skills" makes the two's momentum high.

In the vicinity of the four desert dragon lizards, there is another piece of sand painting that basically depicts the shadow of black pressure that is unclear. The shadow of the black pressure has become blurred, and it is difficult to identify what the sand is painting.

The entire painting is 1 meter wide and 1.4 meters long. Pi Chunsheng shared the sand painting with the shared vision to the investigator.

After watching the sand paintings depicted by the virgins, Wu Qi took a moment of contemplation and said: "From the size and proportion of the desert dragon lizards, the height of the king they surrendered is about 100 meters high. Although I can't see the length of the body, it is definitely not possible."

"Almost, it's these dark pieces..." Pi Chunsheng poked his finger at the dark sand traces of the desert dragon lizard.

"It's a soldier. The biggest and only one is the king, followed by the four generals. The weakest and most numerous are the legions of the desert plague." Gao Yuan interjected.

"The content of this sand painting is the overlord of Shahai. We call it the 'Dragon King of the Desert', which summons the images of four desert dragon lizards and desert plague corps. If time is right, it is night, because the desert dragon king There is a round of meniscus at the top of the head." Yue Zhanfei said.

Yue Zhanfei mentions that everyone's attention is concentrated on the sand moon on the top of the sand sea. At this time, Wu Qi's eyes were slightly stunned. He reached out to the dragon's head at the top of the Dragon King's head. The left side of the dragon's corner depicted by the sand also had an unrecognizable shadow on the right side of the dragon's horn.

"what is this?"

The mind is full of people's spiritual link channels. It's silent, everyone can't say what it is.

"I don't know, this is just a flat sand painting. It can't be as clear as a camera. Xiaopi can read so much content through a large plague corpse that is called "calling". It is beyond imagination. It’s amazing.” Yue Zhanfei ended the topic and praised Pi Chunsheng.

Yue Zhanfei can't say what the shadow block of Wu Qi refers to. The head of the Dragon King has a lot of irregular shadows. Like the desert dragon lizard, it is estimated to be rocky scales or flesh.

No one answered Wu Qi's Wu Qi did not know what the answer was. He looked at the irregular shadows beside the dragon's horn for a long time, and suddenly felt that he was a little nervous now. Unlike the month of Sha, he refers to this stuff, there is nothing in the sand painting that can be compared with it and solve the answer.

"You come back first." Yue warfare.

"Okay." Pi Chunsheng said, taking out the folding computer and taking the whole picture of the sand painting.

The three returned to the carriage and the vehicle was re-started.

Wu Qi thought for a while and asked Pi Chunsheng: "Pi Chunsheng, how did you read about the sand painting?"

Pi Chunsheng turned to look at Wu Qi. He replied: "This, I was thinking in my mind. If I imagine that this enemy will not die, what will it arrive in a day? It will eventually see the sand sea overlord, that What is the sand sea hegemon?"


PS: I would like to recommend a ticket. Book friends are also welcome to comment in the book review area.