Black Ride

Chapter 672: Hostage

Cleopatra, controlled by the chasing troops and surrounded by the regiment, is a shackle. Even if the "recovery wind" can make him hard to support, the loss of freedom is somewhat more terrible.

Yue Zhanfei opened the megaphone of the battlefield car, and said coldly: "The throne of life, don't make a meaningless struggle! Otherwise, the next round of attack is to directly kill the abilities virus in your body, so that you can not regenerate and die!"

Cleopatra's skull was regenerated very slowly, and it was able to recover in 1 or 2 seconds. Now the speed is slowed down to more than 5 seconds. He grew his ears and naturally heard the declaration of Yue Zhanfei.

Yue Battle flew a bit, and immediately shouted: "Be honest, hand over Wu Qi!"

Kleey heard a sigh, and Yue Zhanfei repeated it again and again.

"Hugh can't hear, let the old man hand over the soldier you captured!" Yue Zhanfei looked angry and authentic.

Cleopatra understood after Yue Zhanfei repeated, but he could not understand why the other party would say so.

"The man named Wu Qi has long been out of his hands. Isn't he saved by you?" Cleef returned to the tunnel as soon as he grew his mouth.

"What?" Guo Bobai heard her eyes wide open. She saw that the performance of Cleopatra was as true as she was, and she could not wait for a shot at Cleopatra.

Yue Zhanfei’s eyes were slightly stunned. He didn’t even think that Cleopatra, who was a prisoner, would say such a thing. He ordered the order, and Gao Yuan’s command to raise the gun was a bullet!

A blue light swept over Cleopatra's body and slammed the bullet through Cleopatra's left leg and blew the left leg of Cleopato into a myriad of broken meat. Cleopa snorted and fell to the ground, and the flesh and bones of the thigh section worked for two or three seconds before regenerating back to a leg length of one centimeter.

The anti-corpse beast type III bomb is essentially a potent anti-viral antibody that kills and suppresses the allergic virus, and practice has proved that it can indeed suppress the effect of the "recovery wind".

Cleopatra was shocked to add. He desperately outputs energy to the legs, but the regeneration of the broken section of the leg is not accelerated. This reality has hit his confidence in the "wind of recovery." Originally invincible regenerative capacity, it will be cut off the power of 90%!

If more than a few of these special bullets hit their bodies, will they reduce the energy in their bodies to the point where they cannot fully implement the "life pathway". Will you be shot again with a shot, and can you create a brain tissue that inherits all brain information?

Cleopa is really scared. He originally thought that Wu Qi had cut his head and sliced ​​his body. He had already overcome the biggest desperate situation. He should have regained the prestige of being the ninth throne. However, he has experienced many experiences. The constant suffering is a series of nine deaths.

Cleopatra’s dignity as the throne of life was quickly devastated by this chain of desperation. He tried to prove that he did not say anything wrong: "Wu Qi is not in the hands of this seat! When the seat is hit by a fist to the ground, no one is in hand!"

In order to answer the enemy's problems, even the details are clearly stated, giving the enemy maximum intelligence. Cleopatra never felt so shameful. He even suspected that even if he returned to a safe place, with the protection of the apostles, he could not wash away this heart-wrenching humiliation experience.

When the soldiers listened to the words of Cleopatra, the air immediately became dead.

This life throne is not like lying, but is this really possible? Some third parties suddenly broke into the battlefield and took Wu Qi to another place?

Xiao Kui’s face flying in the sky is getting harder to see. That punch was played by him. He used the power beyond the limit to explode the head of the throne of life. Now there is a tingling sensation caused by muscle tearing and excessive energy output in the arms, shoulders and even the waist. After the throne of life hit the ground and the smoke was scattered, Wu Qi’s figure disappeared. He always thought that it was the throne of life that hid Wu Qi by some means, but the other said that he did not.

The result did not become a part of his responsibility. If he used his fist to cut off the hand of the throne of life instead of exploding his head, he would have saved Wu Qi.

Xiao Kui controlled the flight armor and landed on the ground. He grabbed Cleopatra's head in full view, and the five fingers were placed on the temples of Cleopatra and the temples.

Cleopatra's eyes widened and the temples burst into blue veins. Xiao Kui exerted his strength little by little, and his strength was as large as wearing the temple of Cleopatra, and he suppressed the critical line that really broke the flesh.

Klee was horrified to the extreme, when Xiao Kui bowed his head and the mask of the metal armor was against the sinister face of Cleopatra.

"Take your heart and give you ten shots. I will ask the captain again. Where did you hide Wu Qi?" Xiao Kui was authentic.

"There is no other answer to your use of this means! This is the truth!" Cleopatra also snarled with anger.

Xiao Kui smashed the tunnel: "Yes! You can escape and kill Wu Qi is to benefit from the help of the corpse beast. If there is no throne that controls the plague of the corpse, where are you now? The throne is in this battlefield." In which position, what is his true identity and ability? If you want to live, you will say it!"

Xiao Kui, the soldiers who chased the troops all heard. The soldiers immediately reacted. If Wu Qi is really not hidden by the throne of life, then it is most likely that Wu Qi’s can only be another throne under everyone’s eyes!

The Throne of Life really left a hand, because this must be the joint plan of the two thrones.

"Xiao Kui ~ ~ continue to question. Gao Yuan, check the surrounding with a thermal mirror." Yue Zhanfei separately ordered.

Xiao Kui continued to question the throne of life. The throne of life has been closed, and the opening is also "don't know", "this war is just a war where he is picked up by a throne in order to occupy the merits."

"I see you are looking for death!" Xiao Kui slammed Cleopatra's back neck and lifted him into the air. Another soldier took an electromagnetic kinetic rifle and fired another shot, and another anti-corpse beast III bomb shattered. The right leg of Cleopatra.

On the other side, remove the scope and switch to thermal sensing mode. He circled around 360 degrees and found no suspicious thermal images on the wasteland.


There are more than ten pioneers in the field, and the other throne is really taking the Wu Qi from the underground?

Gao Yuan slightly judged and chose to search the air first. He raised the thermal sight to search the air, and called other soldiers with thermal sensing props in the headset to search with him.

In addition to the depression, there is another possibility of being "stealth."