Black Ride

Chapter 684: Survival

The sun is high above the sky, and from the top to the bottom, the vast and ridiculous land is examined, and the color of the earth is covered with a bright yellow. The movement of the flowing clouds is sometimes slow and static, and the wind gently blows the dry grass that is rooted in the gap between the dry ground without any wind.

In this quiet world, a small group of nine crawling species resembling a giant lizard are crawling aimlessly toward the northeast, and nine pairs of bronze bells are observing the surroundings of the wilderness. This group of reptiles is a violent beast that has been mutated by a giant lizard. It has the name "thorn dragon" on the wilderness.

The spines of the spinosaurus have long spikes, and the parts of the two shoulders have evolved into jungle-like spines; under the common characteristics of the race, the spines have different variations. Some spinosaurus have wings, some spine dragons grow poisonous sacs, some of the hind legs are particularly developed, and some have covered cobblestone-shaped scales and even a tail hammer.

This group of spinosaurus is 15 meters long and 30 meters long. They crawled from the southwest and dragged a long trail of sand and chaotic footprints on the back ground.

At this time, a large amount of smoke suddenly appeared in the wilderness horizon in the northwest. The spinosaurus can faintly sense the vibrations from the ground through a long distance, and the creatures that cause the vibrations are getting closer and closer to them, and the vibrations are louder and clearer.

Finally, there was a strange and awkward monster shadow in the eyes of the spinosaurus. The whole body is covered with a hard gray carapace, a pair of muscular tough stretch legs and a slender sickle arm, and a light gray insect wing on the back. Their heads are human faces without faces, and they all have a mouth full of sharp teeth, which looks horrible and more in line with the staggering dragon!

More than 30 predators rushed to the small group of dragons that crawled calmly. When the distance between the two sides was nearly 300 meters, the spine group realized that the other might be directed at them. The leading flying spinosaurus fanned the **** on the back and slammed high. Its vision far exceeds that of its companions, and when it is high, it is the "eyes" of the group.

More than 30 predator groups approached and surrounded the spiny dragons in an instant, and many spinosaurus immediately turned in all directions, and the tail formed a circle with no dead ends in the circle. They illuminate the huge claws that are as sharp as the talons, and the mouth of the mouth is full of intimidating roar.

However, the mouths of the more than 30 predators hanged on the mouth of the silk, and the sound of hunger in the belly. They are hungry hunters, and they have been running for a long time before they discover the prey. They will give up because the size of the prey is larger than themselves.

When it was said that it was too late, more than 30 predators swayed and fluttered on the body of nine spinosaurus. They hooked the skin of the spinosaurus with the barbs of the two feet, and cut into the hard body of the spinosaurus with a slender sharp arm knife; they hunted a brain full of rushing, but in the process of riding the cutting spinosaurus The division of labor is extremely clear; cutting the tail, cutting the leg, cutting the neck, stabbing the face, all attacks are not reckless, like the professional killer who studied the vitality of the prey, and each knife can ruin the prey, making the prey weaker. fast.

Predators have insect wings and can fly flexibly in the air. The predators plunged into the spinosaurus on the ground, and several flew into the sky to find the trouble of flying the spinosaurus. The general shape of the spinosad has become a disadvantage that they are easily besieged.

However, this group of spines rarely said that they have lived on this wilderness of the inferior and cruel enemy zones for many years. They will not be so easily killed by the creatures they first encountered. Several spinosaurus attack each other's predators on their companions. The front paws of the poisonous sac catch a predator, and then inject the venom from the poison sac into their thin body, and the predator caught. The ground that fell in less than two seconds began to twitch, and then it could no longer move, and the muscles underneath the carapace began to dissolve.

A spine dragon with a chin-colored "tumor gland" in its magma color, a mouthful of high-temperature flint beams igniting thousands of degrees, and a black flint burning with flames mixed in a magma-like liquid, hitting ten in a random shot. Yu is only a predator on his companion. The predator is hit by the flint. Either the shell is broken on the spot, the muscle is punched out of a gap, or the insect wings are burned out of the huge hole, and the spine that is also attacked is at most hot, and the body is thick. Thick white smoke.

The spine dragon group and the predator group are difficult to solve at one time, and no one can occupy the crushing advantage. The predator's dead and wounded wounds, coupled with the powerful power of the spinosaurus, were basically killed by predators. On the other side of the spinosaurus, a number of companions were broken and broken, and the shells fell to the ground.

At some point, the flying spinosaurus flying in the sky were cut off by the predators of the siege and suddenly fell. As soon as it fell into a number of companions, the sound of the bones and the screams of the spinosaurus sounded loudly on the wasteland.

The predator has no feelings for the smashed companion, and the first time he smashed into the spine heap. They cut their hands and cut the throat of six spinosaurus. The spinosaurus who were cut throat struggled painfully, and the violent limbs kicked the companions and caused chain confusion.

In this way, the remnants of the predators slaughtered the chaotic dragons that were in chaos. Five minutes later, no more spines were alive on the ridiculous land, and all the pain was broken.

There were only 11 predators alive, and they immediately began to bite the hard skin and flesh of the spinosaurus. There are fewer prey hunters, and each predator eats very scattered. Only the most tender part of the spinosaurus can eat.

The physiological characteristics of predators are the killers of thirsty blood. They use the blade to cut into the body of the prey to **** the blood of the prey. If the prey is stronger than itself, they can immediately evolve their own genes. But predators are also creatures, even if they are not twisted lives in nature, their lives follow the balance of biological systems.

Predators are naturally powerful, and every organ seems to be born for fighting and killing. They instinctively kill, even without prey, ordinary sports consume more energy than the average creature. Just as people with high exercise intensity oxidize faster than people with normal exercise levels, the same is true. Predators can eat like snakes, but they are not as hungry as snakes, and hunger can cause predators who are already ferocious to fall into greater madness and consume their energy more violently.

Either keep killing life to supplement yourself or die of hunger. This is the law of life engraved on the gene chain of each predator's twist, until the end of their short life, there will be no change.

Eleven predators ate the body of the spinosaurus three or four percent and re-entered the road. A group of green eclipse vultures hovered over the empty corpse.

The predator group finally walked away, and the long-awaited green eclipse vultures flew down. The green eclipse vulture has been observed on the surrounding wasteland at high altitude, and no other hungry plague species have moved.

They can enjoy this big meal alone.

The first green eclipse vulture fell on a corpse of a spinosaurus that was eaten half of the abdomen and exposed the sternum. Just as the rest of the green eroded vultures were to follow, the interior of the thorny body suddenly shook.

The green eclipse vultures that had just been surrounded were all shocked and re-launched. They didn't fly back to the high place without a single breath, only staying at 20 meters and less than half an air, and the squinting eyes were staring at the body of the spinosaurus that had just changed.

Pull it out. A dark edge suddenly pierced the thin layer of flesh and blood from the sternum of the spinosaurus from the inside out. After the blade is pierced, the surface changes a lot of silver cracks. Half of the blade is scattered along the crack into dozens of blades, and the blade is instantly cut and cut. Whether it is a thin layer of flesh or a hard sternum, it is almost as hard as a hard cut.

The abdomen flesh layer of the spinosaurus was completely cut into three slits by dozens of blades, and the people inside directly turned the piece of "blood flesh" and climbed out of it.

The long-lost air blew on the body, and Wu Qi, who was contaminated with spiny dragon body fluid and newly stained with blood, struggled from the body of the spinosaurus. The body fluid completely wet his tattered battle suit and soiled his hair and face. Wu Qi raised a leg and walked out of the body and stepped on the ground again.

The taste of Wu Qi is the smell of internal organs and blood, and the smell of the body mixed with the predator's saliva. It smells like another living "corpse". He wiped out the mixed liquid that had been in front of his eyes, and the outside sun suddenly caught his eye.

The green eclipse vulture also hovered over the top of Wu Qi. Wu Qi took a long knife and walked step by step to the place away from the body, then sat down and motionless.

Wu Qi's move is equivalent to acquiescence to the green eclipse vulture to go to the corpse next to him to eat ~ ~ but he just divided the knife for the blade's manipulation method is seen in the green eclipse vulture. This group of green eclipse vultures is extremely cautious, and 10 minutes have passed and hovered in the sky.

"Don't do this, I doubt that you want to wait for me to die and eat together!" Wu Qi whispered indifferently.

Wu Qi simply lifted a long knife and divided the long knife into dozens of blades. The blade wrapped in silver energy flew to the sky and the speed of the green vulture was not able to catch up with the speed of the blade, and was slaughtered half by one. The remaining green eclipse vultures scared the gallbladder, and all flew high, giving up the intention to forage here.

The bodies of more than a dozen vultures fell down, and the green residual feathers that slowly drifted down. All the falling objects fell to Wu Qi, but none of them fell on him.

Wu Qi exhaled a deep breath. He is very hungry now, and his physical energy is also consumed. It is imperative to quickly recover his strength.

The bodies of a lot of beasts next to them seem to be the most convenient food, but these bodies are not known to be eaten by any creatures, full of a smell that makes him instinctively disgusted. The hunter’s sensation began to move slightly as soon as he thought that he might have to eat these flesh and blood to restore his physical fitness.