Black Ride

Chapter 696: Under the king of air blast

Wu Qi felt the intense burning sensation from the black arms and realized that he had always underestimated the strength of the flying whale.

This is what is "flying giant whale", clearly "the king of air explosion"!

Wu Qi immediately tightened the muscles and nerves of the whole body, and used the attitude of treating the thirteen throne to face the air-exploding whale flying in the sky above the head. He stepped on the electric foot and the figure suddenly disappeared.

The dark bursting bag descended from the sky like a pouring rain, and instantly enveloped the space of Wu Qifang's 30 meters. Wu Qi saw the timing of the fall of the bag, and rushed out of the envelope of the bag with lightning as the path of the snake.

Wu Qi’s foot just left the earth, and a blast bag fell on the position before his foot left. The explosion bag was only 0.3 seconds from black and red to high-heat blasting. The deafening sound of the explosion slammed into the back of Wu Qi with the hot flame.

Wu Qi's speed is very fast, but his back is still a trace of the high-heat energy torrent that was exploding. Wu Qi’s face turned red for a moment, and the hot air in the chest seemed to break through the throat and destroy everything in the chest. He resisted hard and the movements on his feet did not slow down.

Although there is a constant distance on the plain, Wu Qi’s destination has not changed. He must rush to the foot of Yunfeng.

At this moment, the airborne whale first fanned the four wings! This fan, the massive air is condensed by the four wings of the air-exploding whale and hits the earth. The strong wind pressure is fiercely pressed from the height of hundreds of meters, and even condenses into a dark gray with a radius of 20 meters during the falling process. Wind tornado!

Wu Qi's perception network of course perceives the wind tornado above his head, and his hunter's sense of current is almost shattering his body.

The wind tornado contains high intensity energy, and the bottom of the sweep is no less than the flame of the bag!

Wu Qi’s running posture remains the same, and he believes that his speed is faster than that of the wind tornado.

According to this trend, the wind tornado will indeed hit the land behind Wu Qi, but this sturdy and violent wind tornado temporarily changed direction before the last second of hitting the earth, and swept an arc with lightning speed. Put the dragon-shaped gray wind tail to Wu Qi!

Wu Qi's pupil shrinks slightly. To this extent, he is not astonished, because he has already been wary of the changes in the wind tornado, leaving room for steering.

At the beginning of the millennium, Wu Qi’s foot stepped shortly and turned to the oblique side, and the wind tornado hit the plain at this time. The sound of the wind tornado is no less than the loud noise of the explosion of the bag. Although it is wind, it seems to have a hammer-like entity. A hammer hits the ground and cracks the cracks like spider webs. Flying sand and stone are accompanied by strong wind pressure!

Wu Qi escaped the most powerful range of the wind tornado, but it was inevitably swept by the strong winds scattered outside. The dark gray airflow took away all his vision unreasonably, and his only place was the gray world of wind.

The strong wind pressure surrounding the whole body is like a pair of invisible big hands. It covers the body and limbs of Wu Qi, forcing his movements to slow down by 30%. There are more than a dozen sharp stones hidden in the world of the wind, whistling close to Wu Qi.

Wu Qi, with the sense of current erupting in various parts of the body, "closed his eyes" and slashed seven or eight stones in a second. The remaining stone that could not be cut with a long knife wiped the black scales of Wu Qi's upper body, and all of them made a metal cutting sound that rubbed the ears.

Wu Qi tried his best to rush out of the cover of the world of the wind at the fastest speed. When he saw the day again, there were many blood holes in his legs. These blood holes are all masterpieces of stones with high wind pressure and high-intensity energy torrents, and his upper body protected by black scales is also scarred, and there is an active energy torrent between each cyan scratch.

Wu Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and he quickly looked around and wanted to find his position immediately. The scenery around him was several times darker than before. Wu Qi looked up and saw that the black shadow seemed to be pressed against his head.

The air-exploding whale did not know how many times it landed at a height of only 120 meters from the ground. Hundreds of black explosion bags hung over the top of Wu Qi, replacing the original sky.

It is like a diver who suddenly bumps into the face and swims with him. The unexpected close distance and the pressure of the huge size of the air-popping whale can make an ordinary soldier feel trembled and his fighting spirit is greatly reduced.

At such a close distance, the air-exploding whale can kill Wu Qi ten times more convenient than before, and Wu Qi’s “gravitational” ability has a range of 100 meters, and still can’t touch the air-blasting whale.

Wu Qi recalled that within ten seconds, he had been running and escaping all the time. The air-blasting whales all landed in such a low air, and he still couldn’t move.

What is the distance to the hands-on? There are hundreds of variations in the air-blasting whales, and they can also manipulate the powerful tornado. Its abilities are not just "oversized" and "flying". The two add up to make him not that simple.

In this case, he can escape is victory.

Wu Qi’s mind flashed countless thoughts in one second. He bit his teeth and fled back. The air-blasting whales are slid in the air, as straight as a bomb. The machine is generally over. It is faster than Wu Qidi to reach the top of his head, and casts hundreds of dark bursting bags.

On the plains, hundreds of fires and grand explosions were continually smashed, and the flames of hot air filled the area on the plain side. The thick smoke covered a little space, and in the "sandwich" made by thick smoke, Wu Qi went forward in a charred manner.

The flames have burned the scalloped scales into coke, and the hot hot air has penetrated into the pores, destroying the fragile capillaries and invading the internal organs. Although the smoke shielded the vision of the air-exploding whale, it also made Wu Qi fall into a poisonous place.

The flame filled with high-heat energy torrents now surrounds Wu Qi's front and rear, and every step he walks through is in another flame. Every minute of the body is experiencing extreme heat and torture.

Wu Qi did not have a choice. He ran on the flames that could instantly burn the flesh and blood of ordinary people, inhaling smoke with poisonous poison. A serious injury deprives him of his consciousness. He can only maintain the mechanical movement of his legs by diverting his attention. He thought that the original burning place and the bare valley were all caused by the bombing of the bag.

His speed has been falling, falling to two-thirds of the speed, and then to one-half. The last distance of the plain 2 kilometers seems to be endlessly stretched in Wu Qi’s consciousness.

Wu Qi opened his eyes with tears of tears. The fleshy eyelids covered most of his vision, but he still saw Yunfeng.

He finally arrived at the foot of Yunfeng.

The near-extreme explosion destroyed Wu Qi’s entire hearing, and the “bang” sounded only as weak as a line at the beginning. Wu Qi’s vision changed like a battle, and the five senses were suddenly wrapped in a quiet wind to the infinity.

At this moment, six bursting bags that were completely hot to red surrounded Wu Qi and exploded. Between the energy torrents caused by the explosion of these six explosion bags, Wu Qi's body is like an ordinary person falling into the general, fragile and unrestrained.

The air-exploding whale bypassed the side of Yunfeng and turned his head and tail. Wu Qi's completely blown up body was wrapped in high-temperature air and flew into the air, crossing an arc.

Wu Qi’s body has not been blown apart, and it is already a powerful proof of his strength.

boom. Wu Qi's vague remnant fell heavily on the ground and fell to the corner of the burning plain where the fire was not extinguished.

That can only be regarded as an unidentified object with a 7-point image.

The air-exploding whale looked down on the scorched object lying on the ground and hovered in midair for a while, as if thinking about something.

Wu Qi’s return to the ancestral atmosphere is indeed attractive to the air-exploding whales, but it is not enough to let the air-exploding whales drop the blood, and sprinkle nearly two hundred burst bags to kill a human. There is a shadowless invisible scent on his body that is entangled in thin shredded tobacco. In the midst of it, the fear of the air-blasting whale has not been seen for a long time.

Therefore, compared with the murder of the man who invaded its territory and hunted it, and seized the power of its ancestorization, the air-exploding whale chose to go all out and not give this human being, who seems to be vulnerable as an ant, a chance to escape. The life information of the body and even the body is completely destroyed.

The weak man who made it feel dangerous eventually turned into what it expected. Although it could no longer eat this human being to absorb its reintegration power, it was enough.

The air-exploding whale finally fluttered off, surrounded by the towering peaks of Yunfeng, and flew back to the nest at the summit.

The sky became empty and silent, and the plains that ignited the bag were still burning slowly. As time passed, the burning plain finally burned out the last flame, and only the remaining embers fluttered into the flames with the wind, and then disappeared without a trace.

Wu Qi’s remnants are lying at the foot of Yunfeng, and no creatures dare to approach. The plains that have been whipped by the fire tongue are taken away by the wind a little bit, and it will be cold for a long time.

The sky-clouds in the sky are gradually becoming lead-colored, which is the migration of water vapor caused by the turbulent air caused by the air-torn winds.


PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. Don't forget to like it, and support the ticket.

PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket. PS: Don't forget the one you like, and support the ticket.