Black Ride

Chapter 711: Gray Queen's Legion

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Black Riding Chapter 711 Revenge War

"Rena, because we became friends." Wu Qi gently said.

Renee heard it clearly, her beautiful blue eyes trembled, and immediately bowed her head, with a smile "Hm".

The night is waiting for the people of tomorrow to wait very long. Fortunately, there were stars shining in the night, and the hearts of the soldiers in the hearts of the soldiers were taken away, giving them peace of mind.

The silver moon fell and the rising sun rose. The night turned into a beggar, aiming at the front-end goal, and the war-torn soldiers once again set off.

"The Grey Queen's Legion is 50 kilometers away from us!" At some point, the tracking soldiers shouted loudly, and the voice spread throughout the scope of the entire investigation team.

Everyone is close to the heart, and the enemy in the heart reveals the winning spirit that is bound to win. The gas field of the whole team produced a subtle change, and Wu Qi, who was always outside the investigation team's gas field, felt very keenly.

This is the momentum of revenge.

The march was still going on. At some instant after half an hour, a towering shadow suddenly appeared at the end of the horizon in front of the soldiers. Closer, the plague-like corps, which is like a carpet of black pressure, appears under the towering shadows, and its figure is constantly getting higher.

Wu Qi finally saw the true face of the huge black shadow. She is 50 meters tall and has a body that is as large as an oval disc. The tail carries a huge living egg nest. Eighteen limbs and a siege hammer are thick and thick. The long, thin torso is as thin as a torso. And proudly; under the big shoulders is a pair of slender long-armed scimitars, a huge worm head above the neck end and a faceless face with a central and predator.

She is covered in evil dark red carapace, crawling through the blood lines of strange lines, no doubt, she is the corpse gray queen!

At the foot of the corpse ash queen, there is a plague group composed of plague species of the wilderness. The plague species of each species in the plague group are all available, and the number of far-sighted figures is roughly 5,000. The most powerful predator guards she led were entrenched in the nearest place around her, doing their part to protect the safety of the "Queen."

"The number of enemies is so much. If you want to fight or even defeat, you need at least five bases of human bases. The investigation team has 20 people in this area and wants to investigate the corpse gray queen surrounded by plague groups. Once caught up by the Legion, it is a life of nine deaths. This kind of action is too self-sufficient." Wu Qi silently said.

Wu Qi saw the war and knew how terrible the wheel of war was. The wheel of war can wipe out all the advantages of personal strength and wisdom, and the gray queen sitting on five thousand plagues is enough to set off a real war.

"No paint, are you ready?" At this time, Renee walked to Wu Qi with a white wolf. As soon as the war broke out, she specially greeted me.

"Just fight, I can do it at any time, but what is your battle plan? The Grey Queen's Legion is in front of you, you can always tell me." Wu Qidao.

"I came here to tell you about the battle plan. The entire team of the investigation team will launch an assault on the Queen of the Grey Queen. The Crouching Tigers will be the first to kill the enemy, while approaching the Grey Queen, while attracting the attention of the Grey Queen and the plague of the whole army. You and I hide the real body lurking into the plague inside the Legion, and by the time the enemy is attracted to attract attention, I will launch a surprise attack on the Grey Queen."

Wu Qi raised his hand. "Wait, if all the above battle plans are going well, how can we solve the Grey Queen? She has a super-large body that can be over-speeded, has no weaknesses, and a sound wave of 'worms and wings'. The attack can interfere with our offensive and defensive actions. I have never thought of a way to defeat the Grey Queen from the beginning to the present. Do you dare to implement such a combat plan, have you thought of a coup?"

Wu Qi only thought that two high-tech military weapons could completely solve the undead gray queen, one is the "anti-corpse ii type bomb", and the second is the high-energy annihilation cannon that destroys the mech. Except for high-tech military weapons, it is only possible to win the natural control abilities that are used for super-large life.

Renee only akimbo, smiling and confidently said to Wu Qi, "Coup, are we two?"


Wu Qi almost thought that he had got it wrong. After two seconds, Renee still didn't say she was joking.

"I am with you, is a coup?" Wu Qi's expression is stiff and authentic.

"Yes. You are the "human-type third-order hegemon" that even the king of ancient trees and the air-blasting whales can kill, and I have two major third-order abilities that have been returned to the ancestor; you and I work together, the gray queen again What counted?" Renee is easy and natural.

"Hey, now, you don't know how far your strength is. The enemy's oversized body can't be a barrier to your victory. On this basis, you should be a face-to-face. The humanoid enemies who have been cut off their heads and pierced the heart can continue to fight," Renee continued.

What Renee said casually just cut the things that Wu Qi was jealous of. Wu Qi's eyes are slightly wide, revealing some surprises.

His current strength can actually be used as a throne of life, Krystal, to fight?

Renee stretched her finger and poked Wu Qi's arm. "And not the only one who is not dead, with your current physical characteristics, you will not be afraid of the ability of 'worms and wings'."

Wu Qi understood that he pulled the reins and sat down with the female wolf around a half circle facing the distant Grey Queens Corps After Renee's call, Wu Qi finally found that the weak position of the weak has always been His fighting wisdom. This battle may be an opportunity to get back the posture of the strong.

Five minutes later, the entire team of the investigation team suddenly launched an assault on the Queen of the Grey Queen. The Song dynasty riding the jungle tiger rushed to the forefront of the team, making an earth-shattering trench! All the Crouching Tigers followed the trenches, and the soul of the battle was rushing into the sky, attracting the attention of the Grey Queen and its corps.

The Grey Queen recognized the enemies who committed the crime. Some time ago, she was challenged by the same group of people. Earlier, on the battlefield, she was killed by the captains of these people, and died and revived for the corpse.

The individual strength of this group of people can not be underestimated, but unfortunately everyone's fighting power is not enough to beat her. The battle of the charge seems to be imposing, but in reality it is the coward of the coward.

The Grey Queen made a loud worm, and the five thousand plagues that gathered around her immediately rushed out a thousand. The momentum of a thousand plague species has been very amazing. The momentum of countless iron feet flattening the earth is trembling, and the rolling earth dust can turn the original quiet wilderness into a battlefield.

Black ride