Black Ride

Chapter 712: Under the Grey Queen

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Black Ride Chapter 712 under Revenge

The entire team of the investigation team was in front of the figure filled with an enemy of the black pressure of the earth. The logistics soldier now has no armor shield on his hand and no war tank behind him. They only had one gun in their hand and sat down with a plague mount. Such "two armies" hedge, they are like naked to go to the cannon fodder.

Fear is inevitable, but every logistics soldier has not retreated. He squashed with the Crouching Tiger Warrior and picked up the large-calibre assault rifles in his hand.

A large number of bullets turned into a metal torrent, becoming the first sharp knife to penetrate the enemy. The plagues of the ash queen are all hard and hard, and there are many corpses and beasts mixed. The large number of armor-piercing bullets can be knocked down by a single shot, and the fall can quickly regain their standing.

The Crouching Tiger Warrior turned into a "arrow", the rear of the arrow is the logistics soldier who needs protection, and the front of the arrow faces the plague that rushes to the forefront. They pulled out the energy lightsaber one by one, riding the beast to jump into the enemy line is a slashing sword, the enemy bodies that have been crossed are all cut into human sticks.

The strength of these plague species is not covered. They deliberately aimed at the soldiers' mounts, and they shot the low-level jungle tigers, wild boars and other beasts in a face-to-face. The soldiers jumped off the back of the mount and set foot on the ground to start a real fight.

As soon as they entered the short-handed melee, the strength of the Crouching Tiger Warrior was completely exposed. Since the enemy is a corpse and a potential corpse, their energy lightsaber will cut the enemy's neck and limbs precisely and quickly as if they were aiming automatically. The corpse beast that has been cut into sticks can only fall to the ground and struggle hard, but can't continue fighting without dying.

The Crouching Tiger Warrior killed the enemy as if the sword of the energy light sword passed over with people running. The most dazzling part of the battle is the Song Wei, who is a three-seat tiger. He unfolded the "six-arms" and held six energy lightsabers like a light wheel into the enemy group; he ran up and was too fast to see, and even more incomprehensible was the six swords he waved.

All the plague species where Song Yu went, were thrown into the air. The opposite of Song Wei’s fighting style is Nero.

Song Wei’s main attack, Nie Luo’s guard. He stood in front of the public logistics soldiers, and the plague that Miss Song missed was taken over by him. Each plague species is close to Nero's body 2 meters, all the limbs are broken, the neck bones are folded backwards, and the eyes just can see the back. Occasionally, plague species launched a long-range attack in the distance. The energy light shield held by Nero's hands was slightly moved, and the enemy's offensive was easily disintegrated.

Nero's attack was hot and short, and the side explained that he used all his strength at the moment and tried to solve the enemy with the fastest efficiency.

Nero always has a very bad hunch. Although the abdominal injury is good, there has always been a feeling of slight coldness. This cold feeling is too real, it is a real body feeling that is unclear, or an early warning of the hunter.

The key to winning this battle plan is Renee and lacquer. The premise of winning is that their commando forces responsible for attracting the attention of the enemy attract enough attention to the Grey Queen.

At the back of the battlefield, the Grey Queen looked far away at the human commando that would have strangled her troops like a meat grinder. According to the current posture, a thousand plague species does not seem to block them. This is the same as the previous battle, the only difference is that the speed of breakout is slower.

After 30 seconds, the investigation team killed a group of tens of plague species, broke out from the sea of ​​corpse, and rushed toward the gray queen with the momentum of chill.

The investigation team only broke through, not all of the 1,000 plague species that were hit. After they completely crossed the remaining vanguards, the remaining plagues turned around and ran back, chasing the investigation team to catch up with them.

Just then, two new faces suddenly appeared in a chaotic plague population. These two new faces are one male and one female, and they have become corpses and beasts. The skin color is dark red with no difference.

Previously, the two corpses were afraid of the wolf and shrank down the ground. What they are waiting for is the success of the investigation team's breakout and the remnant of the plague.

The plague that ran back was completely a torrent, and no one in the long shadow could see that there were two more dead animals. They blended in perfectly, and rushed toward the Grey Queen with the plague of the Grey Queen.

The 18th King of the Grey Queen’s activities was so strong that he stood up. The thousands of plague species are all plague species on the wasteland. If they use it, as long as they "call", there will be a new wilderness plague that runs down and gathers under her arm.

Therefore, the Grey Queen did not feel distressed to damage these "bat soldiers". On the contrary, she deliberately sacrificed this thousand plague species to achieve the purpose of the team of human soldiers.

The Grey Queen gave another order to give orders, and the second round directly sent troops three thousand! The three thousand plague species covered the black area of ​​the ground is enough to inundate the team of 20 people. The soldiers looked at each other and knew that the hope of breaking through was extremely embarrassing.

It is completed instantly in a blink of an eye. The Grey Queen suddenly gave a sharp insect. The sound of "Bugs and Wings" swept into the area where the investigation team was! ,

In the senses of the soldiers, the whole world seems to be shaking, and the heart jumps like it is going to fall out of the chest.

At this time, it is different from the other time. The logistics soldiers are all lightly loaded. There are almost no vibrations from foreign objects such as helmets. They only need to hold the vibration from the inside of the body. After the two rounds of the Crouching Warrior and the Grey Queen, the tough and adaptable body has weak resistance to the sound of the "worms and wings", and more importantly, the "worms" have been formed in the mind. The intelligence of the flapping wing.

In the first 30 seconds, the nausea and discomfort brought by the "worms and wings" stayed at most in the sense. In other words, even if the head and internal organs were uncomfortable, they would not be affected much.

The sound of the "worms flapping the wings", the movements of the logistics soldiers have become significantly dull, and the Crouching Tigers are still struggling to kill the enemy with the "worms flapping their wings".

Their limit is 30 seconds, after 30 seconds, the internal organs will receive serious damage, and the power will also be greatly reduced.

The two corpse wolves mixed in the enemy group quickly caught up with the pace of the investigation team and smoothly merged into the large forces of 3,000 plague species. Their smell is the scent of a real corpse, and it will not be the target of a plague army that attacks humans. The two wolves are low and short, and they move flexibly through the gap of the plague torrents, and they are constantly approaching the ash queen.

Black ride