Black Ride

Chapter 716: Under the glory of Huang Huang

I think so, on the battlefield, Wu Qi gives priority to the safety of Renee and others, especially Renee. The squad of the investigation team was trapped in the encirclement of three thousand plague species, and it would have been a miracle to persist. Although it is an "enemy", he relied on this group of fearless warriors to take away all the information from the gray queen, at least not to do the river bridge.

Just as Wu Qi ran to the army of plagues that surrounded Renee at full speed, the plague army was suddenly changed. Massive plague species suddenly stunned, and I couldn’t see Renee’s scatter, and the space around Renee became empty.

Renee's all-out rushing action could not help but stop. She was very surprised to see the surrounding abnormalities, trying to go straight to the direction of Wu Qi and the Grey Queen. The plague that blocked her way was all slap in the face of her giant scorpion, and the plague next to it ran unnoticedly, even taking the initiative to give Renee a way to go, just like saying to her. Where do you want to run, don't implicate them. "General.

"What kind of plague is fearing..." Renee muttered to herself. She just saw Wu Qi running to him, and on the ground dozens of meters behind Wu Qi stood the gray queen, the body that was slashed and not dead.

Renee was stunned. She just thought that Wu Qi should be able to do the ash queen. Even if the combat power is almost the same, he can fill the gap in combat power when he breaks out. The two perfectly match the gray queen. Whoever thought that Wu Qi was so strong that it was so entangled that every wound wounded by the Grey Queen and the astounding energy flow of the burning fire belonged to Wu Qi.

The injury of the gray queen is even more embarrassing. She has no time to look at Wu Qi’s battle. She can probably imagine how difficult it is for Wu Qi to defeat the gray queen. This is a 50-meter-high third-order hegemon, and he was actually dissected by a human without a "flying" ability.

Renee called Wu Qi to run to meet him, but in the next second, her blue-eyed beautiful eyes suddenly reflected a full of purple and black light. Her pupils suddenly shrank, and when they got to the mouth, they suddenly became another sentence.

"Wu Qi, behind!"

The sound of the plague escaping on the battlefield was very noisy. Wu Qi did not hear the words of Renee’s screaming for the first time. However, he saw the clues from Renee's mouth shape, and at the same time every inch of the skin up and down the whole body broke out the current sense of crisis warning.

The sudden sense of current is like a plasma explosion in the body. The horrible paralysis feels that Wu Qi almost thinks it is a real feeling. Under the sense of crisis, when the sky collapsed and the heart was pinched by the invisible hand, Wu Qi suddenly turned and hit the ground with two legs, and flew 50 meters in one breath.

The shadow of Wu Qi is a gray queen who has completely changed his posture! The silver-colored scars on her whole body are spraying a strange flame of purple and black and white. The flame is like the fire of a living ghost, as if every spark has a pair of ghost eyes.

Wu Qi can clearly perceive the energy intensity of the daring of the sun in the center of the ghost **** flames across the distance of hundreds of meters. Such pressure does not blame the plague species will fear to scatter the scorpion to escape.

In just two seconds, Wu Qi watched as the flames ignited by the gray queen burned the energy flow left by him. Her "speeding regeneration" seems to be supported by the energy in the three-color flame. In the blink of an eye, the body is broken together and the 18 feet are broken. Two knives like a sick knife The arm is then restored.

The current gray queen is the monarch in the flame of the three-color flame re-emergence. The flames of the ghosts that burned her and surrounded her distorted the light in the surrounding air, and did not even question the end of the fire!

"There was absolutely no such power in the Grey Queen... This is the same as the Dragon King at dawn."

Wu Qi thought of a crucial message in shock. In the desert dragon king, the gray queen, they all burst into a high-intensity tri-color flame that seems to burn everything in the state of sudden death. At this moment, the power of their attack is several times higher than the normal state. The desert dragon king is even more It was from the state where the corpse virus in the body left little and half foot into the cemetery. The head turned and smashed the energy defense field of the dawn base and smashed the high wall of the dawn base.

Even if the gray queen burned out this raging fire, it would follow the footsteps of the great dragon king, but before that, all of them had to be buried with the gray queen!

"Wu Qi, retreat!"

Renee’s call Wu Qi finally heard, Wu Qi did not want to blurt out and shouted: “Don’t come over! Give me a fight!”

The white, purple and black enamel flames are reflected in Wu Qi's side face. Renee has never seen Wu Qi so serious, so frightened, and even with a clear expression of fear. Wu Qi, who became this expression, seems to have changed someone. It is not like Wu Qi who has calmly calmed down what happened before.

Wu Qi, who is in the field of the power of the king of the fourth-order life, is still more than ten times more shaken. The real scene happened in front of Renee, and there was a ridiculous thought in Renee's mind - Wu Qi would also be afraid.

Wu Qi’s fear strengthened Renee’s thoughts. She did not retreat, Wu Qi was retreating, and the two suddenly hit a face.

"Wu Qi, what is this power of the Grey Queen? Why has she never been exposed before?" Renee asked.

Wu Qi was almost angry and did not give Renee a punch. This woman also asked him for a calm gesture. I don’t know what it is!

Wu Qi grabbed Renee's shoulder and told her to run with her. In the process of running, he quickly said: "This is the ability to release the bottom of the box when the gray queen is dying. In this state, the gray queen can't stop it and can't hurt. She will destroy her with thunder. If we want to ruin something, we are likely to escape and will be caught up and killed!"

When Renee was about to speak, she saw the Grey Queen move. Her three-color flame volcano turned into a huge, unseen face. The three-color flame condensed the fire surface to tear open its mouth that can swallow everything, and uttered a screaming through the world!

Wu Qi and Lei Ni also felt a huge pressure. Wu Qi almost fell to the ground with a foot on the ground, and Renee squatted on one knee.

The whole world is shaking in their senses! The sky moves to the stars, the earth moves to the mountains to reclaim the sea, and the eyes that are not seen in the fire are like the recurrence of natural disasters, which makes them feel the smallness of ordinary people, as if there is no place in the world where they can hide.

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