Black Ride

Chapter 727: Underarm

"My name is Wu Qi, a hunter."

Wu Qi’s introduction was only a short eight words. His words did not sway in front of the six ambassadors, as if he had spoken in the last second.

"Wu Qi, when you introduce yourself, show your strength." Kazan, who sits on the throne, is faint. He raised his right hand and pointed the **** of the index finger into a sword pointing to Wu Qi.

The connected control ability in the darkness started, and Wu Qi’s body was stiff, and the scalloped scales quickly turned out of his skin uncontrollably. The dark scales rippled from top to bottom like ripples, forming a pair of scales covering the whole body in an instant, and the hem showed a circle of elegant skirts.

More scales clumped around Wu Qi's neck, rushing to his chin and condensing into an armored armor. The mouth of the helmet had two rows of beast-like sharp teeth. Although the teeth were closed, the wild taste was revealed.

After Wu Qi released 100% of the ancestral power, the six ambassadors couldn't help but see Wu Qi.

The breath of the ancestral power is very unique. This is in the face of an abyss life that is extremely sensitive to the smell of the scented virus. It is suddenly brighter than the small sun that shines on the earth in the abyss sky with only one blazing daytime arc. Excluding the unique scent of the ancestral power, Wu Qi’s “power sense” exudes at the moment is also very different.

Among the six ambassadors, several people's eyes flashed a few times. Because they didn't even think that the human being called "Wu Qi" could make them instinctively create a sense of crisis.

Wu Qi himself was unwilling to reveal his strength, so when Kazan’s control over him disappeared, all the scales on his body immediately retracted under the skin like the tide.

Wu Qi took a look at Kazan on the throne, and the eyes were clearly asking Kazan, "Why are you doing this?"

Kazan has always worn a **** human skin mask, others can't see his face, and it is even more impossible to find the desired information from the micro-expressions made by the eyes and other facial features.

The next second, Kazan said: "Now you all know each other, Wu Qi, you choose a seat to join his majesty."

Wu Qi heard that the pupil was slightly contracted. Kazan took him back to the pale palace and called the other six ambassadors to know him. He even wanted him to choose a seat to join his majesty. What is hidden behind this series of actions, he has completely disappeared.

On the wasteland, Kazan said a sentence, "It seems that the seat is not wrong, you are the close relative of the fourth-order pioneer female city owner." This sentence Wu Qi will not forget, because this sentence exposes Kazan to arrest him must be a plot. According to the current posture, Kazan seems to be mixing his judgments one by one*, letting him relax his vigilance.

Just as Wu Qi’s mind was turning, Kazan said: “What’s wrong, hesitant, can’t choose?”

"No." Wu Qi replied decisively, and he immediately turned back, his eyes quickly swept a circle of six occupants standing on either side of the red carpet, and his mind analyzed it faster.

The first one made Dawson’s deacon a deacon of the pale palace, and the second made Lois the guard of the palace’s guard. These two people are the only anthropomorphic abyss life of the six ambassadors. The ranking is just the first and second. The probability of strength is the peak of the six ambassadors. If you join one of them, I am afraid that most of the time will be in or near the pale palace.

The third is the Ark Kerr, which is the intelligence team captain and a bird-like plague species, which inevitably controls the bird eye line of the entire territory. If you join the intelligence team, you may be able to master the most of the six options. If you want to rebel against Kazan in the future, it is definitely the best choice to remove the team leader. In the long run, joining the intelligence team is definitely useful.

The fourth seat makes Harvey a seemingly somewhat silent giant, the captain of the hunting team. Compared with the deacons, the guards, and the intelligence team, the hunting team is obviously more marginalized. The office is estimated to be a desert outside the pale palace. Joining the hunting team, the degree of direct control by Kazan is also the smallest.

The fifth seat behind makes the bone shell, Wu Qilian did not consider to skip directly. Then the sixth seat makes Hiram, this guy reveals a secret and dangerous atmosphere, he does not need to take the greatest risk to choose Hiram.

"Kazan adults, can I really choose freely?" Wu Qidao.

"Of course." Kazan gently touched the handrail with his left hand and wondered what choice Wu Qi would make.

Wu Qi took a deep breath and looked towards the third direction of the Ark Kerr. At the same time, Kazan’s index finger, which lifted a handful of armrests, suddenly stopped.

Immediately, Wu Qi turned slightly and said: "I want to join the arm of Harvey, can you?"

"Of course," Kazan said with a faint smile. "Harvey, Wu Qi has been your hunting team since then. How to use him is up to you."

The dark gray giant who had been silent turned around and bowed respectfully: "Yes, Kazan."

"Well, this gathering is here, you can be scattered."

Kazan issued an order to understand the order, and the third to the sixth seat made the direction of the palace door. Harvey is going to stay in the last of the ambassadors, just as Wu Qi can go out with him.

After Wu Qi stepped out of the gate, the huge hall door was rumbling and closed, and finally it was closed. Wu Qi looked back and continued to follow Harvey through the corridor.

At the beginning, Wu Qi entered the pale palace is a kind of space transfer ability through Kazan, so now crossing the corridor is equivalent to his first walk in the pale palace, a little familiar and remember the internal structure of the pale palace ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ At the same time, inside the main hall.

Dawson's deacon and Lois still stayed in the hall, and Dawson's deacon slowly stepped onto the ladder in front of the throne, and then stood next to Kazan.

When Lois turned around, the umbrella skirt shook a little. She looked at Kazan on the throne and glanced at Dawson, who was standing next to Kazan after the rally.

Kazan didn't hold a fist on his face. He put his hands on the arm of the throne and gently asked: "Loyce, what are you looking for?"

Lois's tone and her exquisite temperament and silver hair are the same. Her beautiful violet eyes are stunned and her lips are faint: "If Dawson is not here, it will be fine."

Deacon Dawson always keeps the standard smile of the sea without waves: "There is no good reason, that can't be done."

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