Black Ride

Chapter 743: No knife fight

Wu Qi gnawed his teeth and mobilized all the energy in his body. The massive gravitational energy was infused into the surrounding sand by Wu Qi, and the gravitational force between the sands of each of the torrents of more than a dozen sands increased greatly; the force-enhanced torrent of sand more aggressively locked the cats. The joints, one of which is like a snake, drills into the mouth and nose of the cat, and wants to suffocate it by mouth and nose.

Inflammatory cats conditionedly sprayed hot air in the mouth and nose to resist the invasion of sand, and the resistance of the limbs weakened a lot. Wu Qi’s tricks suppressed the vicious momentum.

On the other side, the sand flow under the leopard's head began to flow quickly. The flowing sand is like a crawler, and the serious wounded head of the leopard's head is moving quickly away from the cat. Wu Qi's series of actions are two-pronged, first keeping the head of the leopard's head, and then planning to clean up this powerful cat.

However, in the next second, the red hair of the cat's body sizzled with a lot of flames. Its body once again turned into a hot sun, and Wu Qi's face air temperature rose to the ground, and the temperature caused Wu Qi's skin to appear hot burnt scars.

Time waits for no one, Wu Qi can't help but pull out the arrow, and use the arrow as a close weapon to slam the hard tail of the cat. A series of stinging eardrums of gold and iron slammed, Wu Qi’s arrow of the dust-free arrow was not deformed, but the hard cat’s hard tail was cut out with a concave white mark.

"No blood?" Wu Qi was slightly horrified. The power of the "Heavenly Creations" attached to the dust-free arrows is powerful and powerful. It is said that it is indestructible.

But the sharpness of the dust-free arrow can only leave a scratch on the tail of the cat. It can be said that the dust-free arrow is not sharp enough. It can be said that the tail of the cat is too hard. It’s not easy to fight close to a dustless arrow. He must at least hit the head of the cat to really make a difference.

A hot wind violently poured onto Wu Qi, Wu Qi's black hair immediately burned and curled, and more burns appeared on the dark red skin. This high-temperature airwave mixed with high-intensity energy turbulence is not a grade with ordinary high-heat air. Wu Qi closed his eyes at the fastest speed without blindness.

Even if the corpse is not easily burned to death, he can no longer stay in the same place with the burning waves.

Wu Qi had to recover 30% of the energy and condense it into a bubble shield to block the invasion of the burning waves. The repulsion force on the bubble shield, which is always there and does not exist, helps Wu Qi to block the horrible burning waves, but the white sand torrent controlled by Wu Qi also reduced the corresponding power.

The struggling strength of the cat is getting bigger and bigger, and the flame and temperature emitted by the body are close to the point where it can condense a round of blast.

In order to maintain the bubble shield and suppress the cat, Wu Qi keeps going. After about half a minute, his temples, cheeks, hands and feet all bounced, and the muscles exacerbated the trembling. A hot heart beat fiercely in the chest, and the sound was like a thunder.

Wu Qi is good at solving the battle quickly. He himself understands that he will continue to drag on. It is equivalent to using his short board to compare with the long board of the cat. He can insist on the convergence of other hunter teams. The most fear is that they support. The speed is not fast enough.

Seeing the momentum of the inflammation of the cat, his success rate of blocking the mouth and nose of the cat with sand is not high. Wu Qixin chose to withdraw after the transfer.

His foot stepped away from the hot air around the cat. The next second, the cat broke out and broke away from the weakened sand. The gravitational energy attached to a large amount of sand particles is scattered and scattered, and the two breathing time disappears in Wu Qi's sensing range.

It’s hard to break away from the shackles of the sand and the same cats as Wu Qi. If it is not jealous of itself, it will have long been suffocated.

Now Yan Mao has finally broken the shackles that threaten his life, as if a person is holding the collapsed sky, the rest of the life after the robbery, the whole body is full of explosive spirit and strength! It violently fanned the wing of the flame, and the golden red flame that smashed and danced in the air blew it backwards. In a flash, the four feet of the cat were borrowed from strong winds, and the figure evaporated in place.

Wu Qi's obsidian eyes collapsed, and he immediately lifted the mental energy to spread the perception network, and immediately "seeed" the running track of the cat around his right oblique rear.

The flame of the flaming cat's double-winged flame produces a strong airflow and gains speed, no less than the limit speed of his return to ancestorization. In addition, the moment the cat accelerates, the flaming flame of the whole body is put away, and the obvious difference of the target is opened. The Yan cat deity has the opportunity to move to his blind spot with this tiny space.

No wonder those hunters who are agile and excellent in archery will be attacked by a cat. Inflamed cats not only have a "flame dominance" with a large energy level, but its speed is also the level of killer. The hunter of the No. 4 Hunter Squad did not send out information about the speed of the cat. It was only that the cats crushed them without revealing their true strength.

When it was said that it was still too late, the Yan Mao raised the tangled, clawless claws and grabbed Wu Qi’s back. The strength of the cat was not so different when it was photographed and the ordinary people were hit by heavy trucks. Wu Qixian's attack on the cat descended one step with a short instant flank, and the backhand swept the quiver, which was an arrow that stabbed the dark blue smoke of the cat.

Yin Hong’s **** splashes, Wu Qi’s arrow pierced the right eye of the Yan Mao, and the claws of the Yan Mao’s claws were wiped by Wu Qi’s half body, and Wu Qi perfected.

The cat did not expect that the speed of his pride, coupled with the seldom missed "hunting after hunting", would be hit by a hunter with a near-technical crush. It quickly evaded sideways, and the left paw swung to the front of the face; while the cat made a short-term reaction, Wu Qi swayed the arrow to the left eye of the cat, and the arrow smashed into the nose of the cat. It was a little worse than the left eye.

The left paw of the Yan cat smashed the air, and Wu Qi immediately gave up the second eye of the cat. However, Wu Qi’s withdrawal was not the withdrawal of the distance. He pulled back and controlled the sand of the right side of the cat, and used the narrow vision of the cat to condense the sand spear.

Attacking Wu Qi with the blind spot of vision. He treated his own body with his own way. The gravitational control of the sand spear did not endure the right eye of the injured cat. The high-density pressed sand was slammed by the force of the sudden conversion of the repeller. Exploding, such as the thousands of fine bullets, the right eye of the cat was beaten into a wounded "horse honeycomb".

The right eye of Yan Mao was completely abolished, and the pain of scalp and numbness made it more mad. The madness of the monster will bring the hunter a sudden rise in danger, but it also represents the fragility of the monster.

At the same time, the cat opened his mouth with a fierce **** mouth, and a mask of fire in order to protect his face from the fire; Wu Qi took out a new dust-free arrow with the power of lightning, and attached spiritual energy. The gray shredded tobacco, the arm strength burst into the face of the cat.

Close encounters are instantly known! The "disappearing" dust-free arrow hit the fire mask of the cat, and the high-speed hot air mixed in the gap between the strong flames directly bounced back.

Less than 5 meters away, Wu Qi did not escape the distance, the chest was in the middle of his own dust-free arrows. What is even worse than returning to his own attack is that every inch of the skin above and below Wu Qi’s body is like a strong current sense like a plasma bomb.

Wu Qi’s obsidian eyes reflected a golden red fire, which was the fire coat that the cat once again put on the body!

"It has to be ignited again at such a close distance!" Wu Qi thought to turn around, thinking that the hand-cranked arrow had been bounced back mercilessly. It is expected that the cat will learn the lesson and never again. Let him easily interrupt the cat with one arrow.

The exploding time of the blast is only two seconds long, and Wu Qi’s escape is absolutely inevitable.

And he doesn't want to escape any more, or use a little energy left to create a bubble shield to survive the second explosion.

Wu Qi was heavily squatting on the sand, and the ring of silver light was once again unfolding. The silver field has swept the location of the cat and incorporated it into the gravitational field. Wu Qi directly manipulated the torrent of sand to surround the cat, and immediately cast a sand cover that completely sealed the cat.

The cover of the sand is the first layer of barrier. Wu Qi has thrown out five or six silver-light bubbles. The bubbles collide with the bubbles, and the chain expands into a huge enough to cover the cat. Super large bubbles.

Wu Qigang finished the super-large bubble covering the cat, and the inflammation of the cat did not wait for a while to explode. The first layer of sand cover cast by Wu Qi was blasted away in a flash, and the high-speed sand particles igniting in countless directions slammed into the super-large bubbles on the outer layer; watching the speed and power of the explosion, It is not at all a large bubble with a large volume and low density that can withstand.

Wu Qi did not panic or shake hands. He calmly and quickly entered the "super-perception" state. The fire and the blazing sand all slowed down more than ten times, giving him precise control of gravitational energy. The time these two barriers are not a two-layer cage that weakens the power of the explosion. The sand cover that is saturated with gravitational energy is a "coordinate", and the energy creation super large bubble is the second "coordinate". Wu Qi ten fingers micro-motion, control the super-large bubbles released from the periphery, control each sand of the sand cover that is scattered by the explosion of fire, and release the repulsive force!

The effect of repulsion and repulsive collision is a stronger bounce. Within 0.1 seconds, the super-large bubbles stood still in the sand, and the shattered sand cover returned to its original form as time goes by.

The "Resurrection" sand cover collided with the high-intensity energy of the 360-degree spout and the 4500-degree fire wave twice. At the time of the first explosion, there was still a lot of oxygen in the hood of the sand, but for the second time, the oxygen in such a small range had already been exhausted by the burning flame, and was replaced by overflowing carbon dioxide.

The real purpose of Wu Qi is to create this short-lived anaerobic environment. Even if the "flame dominance" is to burn the flame by igniting energy, it will never escape the constraints of nature!

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