Black Ride

Chapter 748: Under the beast

The high temperature of the blast remains in the air, and the heat wave rolls over the dangerous atmosphere of the third party. The hot side is the cold and biting cold field.

The cat and the snow are far away from each other. The cat has a flame and wings, and the wings are hovering in the air. It hits the chain of icicles after 50 meters of retreat. The momentum of the pillars of the mighty masters reappeared on the spot.

The Yan cat gave a deafening roar to the mouth of the ferrets. This roar was like a gryphon, roaring and with a sense of strength that was as steady as Taishan. The relatively weak abyss of life heard the snoring of the cat may lose the desire to fight or even escape, but the snow is different; although she does not have the overbearing snoring of the cat, but the snoring does not work for her, just like Faced with the demonstrations of opponents of the same level.

The ferrets also showed a sharp tooth. Her voice was sharp and long, more like a white crane humming, and it would not give anyone the terror pressure that the body could not move.

The confrontation in front of the beast was equivalent to the battle drum before the two armies. When the cat and the snow smashed, the two sides immediately rushed to the other side. The cat volley has a flaming wing and the flame of the flame wings suddenly slams backwards in the spiral; the moment the explosion bangs, the body of the cat immediately blasts out before the amazing air force. Once again, he turned into a burning meteor, and the burning flame naturally changed into a sleek coat, both his weapon and his armor!

The sprinting action of the snow sprinted to a halt, and her limbs agilely jumped out of a dance of lightning, and in a moment, the counter-attacks swayed and moved backwards. The next moment the snow scorpion retreats, the burning red meteor blasts when the field rushes into her body 5 meters, picking up the wind and slamming it on the snow covered with white frost.

The cat smashed a magma-like blazing liquid in the land of the landing. The sledge has already seen the speeding action of the cat and retreated to a safe distance.

It turns out that the two sides are heavier than the speed of the cat. The Yan cat was wearing a slashing suit and sprinting with a punch. He stopped the spurting of the dodging snow without any pause, and the white and red on the white sand was one by one. After chasing the move, the wind is so fast that the wind is behind.

The sledge is indeed at large, but she never gave up the idea of ​​counterattack. Wherever she was, the surrounding air quickly condensed ice cubes. And she will not escape the area of ​​the 50 rounds when she flees again. When she flees to the edge, she begins to move.

The Yan cat played ten times of sprinting and punching the sand. The 50-meter-long sand land hit 10 beaches of red-hot magma. Finally, the preparation of the sleigh's counterattack was completed. The 50-meter-long sand condensed many unremarkable pale blue ice crystals that were not melted by the high-temperature flame; these ice crystals were chained and connected like dominoes. In the blink of an eye, the Yan Mao turned around and completed all the connections.

The numerous ice crystals floating in the air have become a pair of ice giant arms! The thickness of the giant arm of the ice, one hand above the circumference of the semi-inflamed cat, the two hands and the cat in front of it are three points smaller in front of it. At the end of a pair of ice giant arms, they were all received on the back of the sled, which is the core support point of the giant arm of the ice.

The bitter cat bites, killing the defender and throwing it to the snow 20 meters away! In order to defend against the coldness of the giant arm of the ice, the Yan clothing on the cat has tripled in the screaming burning. The ferrets are ready to go, manipulating the sturdy giant arm of the ice, pushing the road to the spur of the spurs with both hands, and accurately blocking the path of the sprint of the cat in the most stable way.

The cat is still afraid of the snow giant's arm of the snow, and he did not mention a sigh of relief, but chose to block the giant arm of the ice and directly attack the body of the ferrets. However, the Yan cat did not expect that the giant arm of the ice would move beyond the speed of the electric light flint. The giant hand of the giant had no bulky feeling of a large object, and it was like the arm of a tall giant with normal body proportion.

When the hunters blinked, the giant arm of the ice, which was covered with the fingers, was caught up in the cat. The huge hand of ice handed over the tortoise's torso, and immediately turned the fingers of the ten fingers. When the chill of less than 200 degrees was dissipated, the force of crushing the trunk of the cat's torso was used.

Xue Yuming’s body shape is “small”, but he controls the ice creations of a pair of “ice giant arms” to capture the cats. These visual gaps, the hunters present at the scene did not feel bizarre.

Some hunters think that the cat will win, and some hunters think that the ferrets will win. But when Harvey did not issue an "assault" order, they would remain behind the bunker formed by the sand dunes until the order was issued or the battle was over.

The center of the battlefield where ice and fire are intertwined, the cat is caught by the giant arm of the ice, and the hard skeleton under the flesh is squeaking. However, the coldness attached to the giant arm of the ice has not extinguished the inflammation of the cat's body. At a certain moment, the surface of the Yan Mao's Yanyi spurted a large circle of beautiful Mars like a fireworks. The cat began to distort the limbs and the temperature at the center of the body. Suddenly skyrocketing!

The beautiful and clear cat's eyes of the snow owl are spurred like a white glare, and they can't help but close their eyes. The giant arm of the ice erupted under the control of the ferrets, and the maximum force was pressed against the blasting body. A crisp, cracked bone smashed out from the depth of the light wheel like the new sun, and then was accumulating. The sound of the explosion completely covered the past.

A flame-burning mushroom cloud rises from the corner of the silver sand desert to the dark sky, and the thick smoke is a high-intensity energy torrent that has not been diluted. On the other hand, the ground did not show the tragic match with the power of the fire; the white sand near the blast did not even stain a trace of black coking, but the simple sand was blown away by the strong wind, forming a small depression. .

Harvey’s decision to let the hunting team stand by is the decision to avoid casualties in this capture operation. In fact, even Harvey did not expect that the battle between Yan Mao and Xue Yu would be the process and result.

In the flexible small move, the Yan cat is basically hit by the snow shovel, but when he is at a disadvantage, he exerts the power to crush the ice creation ten times and 100 times the "explosion." The power of 100% of the energy storage and explosion range is exaggerated. The power is also called a scary, flesh-and-blood body. Whenever it encounters a wave of flames and high-intensity energy, the immortality is dying.

On the sand 200 meters away from the center of the blast, the body of the ferrets fell down in a burnt manner. Her giant arm of ice was destroyed and destroyed by the impact of the blast, and the heavy ice shield that was condensed was burned out by the explosion; her body was weakened by a round of flames and high-intensity energy rapids. The invasion, like a ball that was beaten out by the strong wind "fist", fell across the ground in an arc through the arc.

The result of the sled is like this, and the cat is not much better. As he walked out of the burning fire, the four feet limped and the hair turned into a dim dark red.

The ribs of the cat were crushed by the giant arm of the ice by three or four, and the vertebrae also had dangerous cracks; and after releasing two rounds of inflammatory cats, the energy stock reached a dangerous level. When this physical and energy stock is at risk, the only thought of the cat is to bite the unconscious ferrets and escape, not to fight the hunter for a round.

The hunters who formed the surrounding net stood up from behind the sand dunes, and the cats turned a deaf ear and accelerated their way to the direction in which the snow fell.

The arrow with the body and the sound disappearing through the air and the cat around the body, the sharp and hard arrow "smashes" the body of the cat, which is protected by the inflamed clothes, pierces its flesh and leaves the wound. The blood of the silk.

It seems that dozens of arrows are piercing into the shallow, or the cat is biting off the snow and fleeing. The cat ran forward without a bang, and continued to shorten at a distance of less than 100 meters. However, just as the cat ran to a position 10 meters away from the ferrets, a 4 meter tall giant figure moved quietly to the side of the cat.

The wide white seat made the suit sizzling in the wind, and Harvey raised an exaggerated giant bow on the injured cat at a distance of 50 meters. The large arrow that fits the size of the giant bow is so long that it can be pierced from the mouth of the person and penetrates through the entire torso; Harvey grasps a large arrow, catches the giant bow, and pulls the bow string sharply. .

At the moment of Harvey's hand, the body of the cat was ascended out by a high-speed train. Hey, the huge body of the cat that is 27 meters high and 60 meters long has fallen heavily on the sand and continues to plow a large sand mark.

The cat's chest was inserted with a large arrow, and the arrow's protection deep into the sternum penetrated the blood-red heart. The glaring red blood blew from his wound, and the blood loss was very fast. He immediately spread a **** poem under him.

Harvey intentionally shielded the breath and ran to a very close distance of 50 meters from the cat. The key to the cat was shot out of this powerful and vanishing arrow. Due to the comprehensive crushing of the perceptual ability, the cat did not perceive the danger before the moment of the arrow.

After Harvey saved the snow, the hunters who followed the gangs surrounded the ferrets, first wore the neck ring of the same material as the cage, and then checked the damage of the ferrets, and the vital signs were still how much is left.

"Reporting adults, Xue Yan's body skin is severely burned, but fortunately the internal organs are fine. It should be safe." Lykaon shouted.

Severe burns of the whole body are placed on any living individual, and the internal organs must burn out and fail. Shock death is also a common result. The ferrets are the ice that is created by the abilities to protect the internal organs, and the most threatening damage to life is resolved.

After confirming that the snow was safe, Harvey went to the cat in a step-by-step manner without any worries. He wants to study the corpse of this inflammatory cat in general, to see if there is any trace of energy left by the higher life in the body of the inflammatory cat, and determine the identity of his scorpion!

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