Black Ride

Chapter 776: Under luck

This way, the two people who led the cave family were safe.

Just as Wu Qi thought so, he had a glimpse of his eyes, and Hiram, who had stood next to him, had disappeared.

Wu Qi’s hole shrinks, his bushes wide open, and Hiram has appeared behind the two crypts.

The two crypts who were led by the forest mouse turned around and found that Hiram was close to them. Only a moment later, Hiram’s arm swayed down and the two crypts fell to the ground.

"It’s just two cadres of the lower ranks. It’s all about distracting them. It’s really more than one thing.” Hiram indifferently dropped a sentence.

Hiram seems to understand this. Now, it is impossible for him to say that he wants to let go of these two crypts.

Wu Qiqian feels that if they let go of these two crypts, they will not be seen, and the probability that they will not be discovered may be higher. If you rush to shoot, even if it is cleaned up afterwards, it will inevitably lead to doubts.

However, Hiram does not think so. Hiram’s idea is straightforward, like a dagger that has just been polished with a cloth.

As long as the two crypts are killed, the intelligence of the crypts and their territories will fall into his bag. At the moment, they are the escaped party with serious intelligence, and intelligence is as important as life.

Two black air flew out of Hiram's sleeves, condensed into two slender claws in the air, and seized the heads of the two crypts.

Hiram's second third-order spiritual abilities "search soul" is launched immediately. The purposeful mental impact hits the minds of the two crypts with the black-clawed claws as a medium, and searches for the memories of both of them. Any information about the crypts and territories can't escape the capture of "soliciting souls."

In a short while, Hiram will take back the "so-soul" ability and return to the information of the cave family.

"Heilum, the singer you just showed is ‘Soul Soul’?” Wu Qi asked directly. If this is the ability to arbitrarily search for the memory of an irresistible person, it is not surprising that Hiram can get the information of the "Fox of God" in the land of fire.

"You have a little insight." Hiram replied casually. It is equal to Wu Qi’s conjecture.

The intelligence of the power is a very important piece of information for any life. Unless a person is extremely conceited by his opponent, he will never actively tell others what his abilities are. Even with companions, subordinates, and masters, it is much better to be able to maintain mystery than to expose naked to others.

Hiram’s character is as much a mystery as his “soul incarnation”, which is good at hiding. The general subordinates can only understand the power of his power, but cannot know its true colors. As the sixth ambassador, his squatting is not even a living subordinate who has seen his "ontology".

Wu Qi is actually the first special case for Hiram to see his "ontology" but has not been murdered by him. Compared with the secret of "Ghost incarnation", a third-order power "search soul" is not a thing that cannot be said. What's more, in this dangerous situation where there is a strong enemy to chase, Hiram is too lazy to let Wu Qi avoid it when he exerts his own power.

The ability to "search for the soul" can be known to the subordinates, but "reading the heart" is the top secret ability that Hiram has never exposed, including Kazan.

Hiram said: "The investigation of the early work of the crypt family made it possible to control the forest area around the territory with silver firebugs in an hour. This is the key information that we have not touched before. And we are now in the southwest of the crypt family, and moving on to the southwest is the fastest way to get out of the crypt family."

"These two crypts? The destruction of the corpse will definitely lead to the suspicion of the crypts."

"At this time, you become stupid," Hiram shook his head. He pointed to the few forest rats on the sidelines. "Let the forest rats eat them, the bodies are thrown in place. It's that simple. ""

The forests seemed to understand the words of Hiram. They stood upright and raised their forelimbs. There seemed to be strange light in the depths of a pair of small eyes. Seeing people inexplicably panic.

Wu Qi can't think of other ways. It seems that Hiram's approach is the best. Wu Qi casually issued an order to let the forest rats think about how to come, how much to eat and how much to look at these rats' own wishes.

Twenty forest rats actively helped Wu Qi and Hiram to finish the scene, leaving two horrible crypts.

Hiram cleared the traces of energy left by himself. From the appearance of the body, Wu Qi pretended that he did not know what Hiram did, and only used the skills of the hunter to analyze the clues. In the end, he could only These two crypts were confined to death by a group of mutated forest rats.

Even the scenes that have been arranged in this way are still a bit embarrassing, but at least they are not immediately reminded of what the two invaders ordered by Tianwei Gulong ordered to kill.

After solving a series of episodes, Wu Qi and Hiram re-entered the road to the edge of the forest of Bailing. They did not choose to continue to squat in the vicinity of the territory of the crypts. Instead, Heilham incarnates the black air and wraps Wu Qi at low altitude.

The vertigo family has a yellowish skin and short stature. It has a variety of organs distributed on the inner side of the skin to display the "underground perception". The limbs and body have a variety of organs that are good at underground, that is, "earth". Their appearance is quite different from that of ordinary humans, and it is also a natural humanoid.

The crypt family is different from most people who like to shine. This group is a cool and dry place. Half of their territorial buildings are on the ground and half are underground. The cadres used daily to move in the underground cave city, and used the “underground perception” to communicate with their companions on a daily basis. Therefore, the use of these two abilities to the crypt family is as simple as eating and drinking; It can be used as a "life skill" that is inseparable from their lives.

The eagle owl that flies in the sky overlooks the land and is proficient in searching for prey. How easy it is for a crypt to use the “underground perception” to find the target. Although the cadres are only the lower races of the Bailings, the title of “Earth Eagle”, which is sought after by other races, is enough to show how strong the cadres’ intelligence on the ground is.

If Hiram does not use the "search soul" to search the memories and knowledge of these two crypts, he will never know the information of these hidden murders.

As Heilham imitated the two brothers of the cave family, what Wu Qi said. They are lucky today. They basically expected everything, and they didn't expect it because of luck, and the handling afterwards was perfect.

At least, Hiram is confident and thinks it is.

After Wu Qi and Hiram left the remains of two devasted crypts, another hour passed, and the light that scatters across the arc of the abyss scorpion gradually became blazing. The beauty of the Bailing of all things has become bright in the new day.

The group of silver firebugs controlled by the people of the crypt family flew out of the territory and gradually flew to the vicinity, and found the remains of two young people of the same family in the search for the extended area of ​​the carpet.

The pedigree family was shocked! Within the family, the experienced hunters were sent to the corpse to find the spot. The final conclusion was the same as Wu Qi’s guess: the two crypt family were surrounded by forest rats that were very mutated and bitten. Broken achilles tendons, tendons, and throats, and lost their lives while being forgiven.

Wu Qi is a hunter, speculating about the idea of ​​a hunter of the crypts - standing on his own stand. Wu Qi and Hiram did not think that the crypts had been killed for more than a decade without being killed by ordinary forest animals such as forest rats. This level of accident has surpassed the accident, which is "alteration."

Wu Qi has "the revelation of wilderness and gods" that almost no life information will be missed. Hiram has a "search soul" that will never lack the information in the target memory. They both always think of themselves in their past lives. It is difficult for someone to get the right information. The intelligence acquired by the two abilities and the pride of the subconscious are superimposed. They decide that they will never think of the worst plan in the mind because of the subordinate race of a Bailing.

There is a sparseness in Baimi.

The real cause of the future becomes a factor that they absolutely don't want to see. After all, they are too ignorant of the pedigree family.

In the depths of the underground caverns of the crypt family, there is a slightly larger Yellowstone cave.

The cadre of the robes in the robes of the rattan is tall, and he is old enough to walk and stand without a cane.

There is a stone gate on the wall of the Great Yellowstone to open inside and At this time, a young cadre of height 175 cm walked in. The height of this crypt family is too high for the height of the crypt family in the gene chain, and not only his height is equal to the height of normal humans, his body proportion, muscle strength, The strength of the bones is free from the dwarfs of the crypts, and even stronger than the average humanoid race.

This crypt family youth is the most professional hunter among the entire genre of the crypt family, and the patriarch's most proud warrior: the crypt family born with the mixed ethnicity of the Bailing, "Tote."

Tot's strength and identity are destined to be the most special among the crypts, so Tot does not bow to the patriarch when he sees the patriarch, but the most basic respectful nod.


PS: Thank you for the end of the exam. Add more on weekends! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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