Black Ride

Chapter 781: On arrival

The thunder of the ground blooms swallowed up the figure of Hiram, and the world of all people's eyes was the ultimate white. Followed by the wind from the sky. The wind blew the canopy around the sun, and the cover of the lush forest was swaying in a row to make it a bald tree.

After the sea of ​​the canopy that obscured the heavenly scene disappeared, the shadow of the dragon that covered the sky was overlaid against the forest land where Wu Qi stood. Tianwei Gulong fanned the evil bat-like wings, and the fierce dragon head looked down and overlooked the forest below.

Reflecting the human Wu Qi in the huge longan, it is generally small with the ants.

The thunder of landing finally released its power at this moment, and the glare of the electric light disappeared and showed the burning earth almost in two halves.

The soldiers of the Crypts were frightened and fell from the back of the Xunzi to the ground. On the other side of the thunder and thunder, there was a shadow that curled up into a ball.

Hiram defended the key with a short black knife at the emergency, and the Thunder itself was only used to separate the fighters of Hiram and Crypt, and the power was not great, he was only eliminated one energy. The body.

Even so, the body of energy of Hiram is only 30%. "Three percent" is a very delicate boundary. If the body of energy is lost below 30%, it will become weak. If it continues to fight, the loss of naturalness will be greatly increased until it is alive and dead.

Now Hiram's black body is like this, the black gas continues to the outside seat to make the service overflow, the overflow is far narrower and thinner, and finally it becomes a fine black hair disappearing into the air.

Tianwei Gulong certainly looked at Heilham’s weakness in his eyes. It took a look at the fallen Achert. The cold eyes of the king showed a slight appreciation.

"Achert, timely report the location of the invaders and fight with them to drag the pace of their escape, to weaken the strong can still leave a life. A little meaning."

The next moment, the mouth of Tianwei Gulong Zhang Dazhao screamed a stunned dragon! The powerful winds of the wings set off the wind like a barbaric warhammer to clean the surroundings, if there is a substantial pressure on Wu Qi and Hiram.

"Crypt people, not fast to save people to retreat!" Tianwei Gu Long mouth spit the language of the abyss.

The crypt-earth soldiers who were scared heard that the Tianwei adults were ordering them, and immediately ran in the opposite direction with the pressure of the dragons and the wind pressure. A group of sly warriors rushed to the giant trunk 50 meters away and cautiously took down the stunned Achert, and then ran like a ghost in the back.

Wu Qi was eagerly staring at Tianwei Gulong, who was flying in the sky, when he heard the voice of Hiram in his mind.

"Wu Qi, how far can you run?"

Wu Qi solemnly said: "Heilum, I can't give you a definite answer in this case."

Wu Qi listened to Hailem’s cold, but the coldness at this time could not be removed.

"But, I will stay with you later, I want you to give me time to regain strength. During this period, whether we can survive or not depends on your ability to escape."

Hiram did not hesitate to order. If it wasn't for his energy body that was consumed by Achert's restrained ability "Aurora" more than half, the current situation can be escaped by himself with Wu Qi. Unfortunately, if not, he can only rely on Wu Qi, who can only rely on it.

Hiram's inner heart did not expect much from Wu Qi, because Wu Qi had not even supported two rounds of attack when he first encountered Tianwei Gulong. This order is no way, not so much gambling, it is better to say that it is a battle!

Wu Qi did not think much. The more dangerous he was, the more clear and calm his mind was when he became a lone wolf. He responded to Hiram's orders with a simple "hmm", and his whole body focused on Tianwei Gulong in the sky, observing its every move.

Immediately, Hiram's dark haze disappeared, and the physical seat and black short knife came to Wu Qi's bag in a blink of an eye.

When the wind pressure is no longer so amazing, Tianwei Gulong is at the top of the earth: "The corpse is born, even the direction of the escape is the silver sand desert. Sure enough, you and the 'black gas' are the subordinates of the thirteen throne!"

Wu Qi did not move his feet and still stood in the same place. Hiram’s request to him was to fight for time. Although he intended to let him run away, he dared to make his own claim at such a critical moment as long as he did not specify it.

"Thirteen thrones, the bastard? What are you, dare to be so rude to the throne! Is it looking for death?" Wu Qi was angry and rushed to the crown, his forehead bursting with blue veins, his right hand clinging to the long knife, all over the body Exudes murderous murder. It’s not like escaping, but I want to fight.

Tianwei Gulong sneered and sneered: "It is simply to laugh at this seat. Here is the site of this seat, a different throne in the district, the deity has not yet reached a small 喽啰 standing here and still want to maintain the majesty of your throne! This seat will immediately turn you into a place of ashes, so that you can no longer open the mouth!"

Tianwei Gu Long said that the arc of the claws of the claws appeared on the right dragon claw. It explored the claws forward, and the slender arc of the claws of the claws suddenly increased by a circle, turning into a seven-eight-connected lightning chain that struck the Wuqi on the ground across the sky.

"With this trick is the dog's eye to see people low?" Wu Qi said irony. His footsteps flashed in place, and the fast lightning chain could only be emptied.

After the surrounding forest trees were swept by the flashing chain of lightning, none of them exploded and the bright red fire suddenly ignited from the corner of the vast Bailingsen. Wherever the blazing flames go, the soil is defocused The air is filled with a serious scorching odor. Even the silver firebugs, which have no environment to survive, are afraid of the burning world of this electric energy explosion, and are far away from the birds.

The sky tree island is an air tree island. The terrain has nowhere to hide, and there is no shelter to cover the enemy's vision. Therefore, when Weigulong released a large-scale Thunder attack on the day, Wu Qi could only choose to display the "bubble shield" hard resistance. But now the wind and water turn, to the obscurity of the blinds that obscures the number of sights, Wu Qi's flexibility has been the most thorough sublimation, at least with the capital of flashing.

Moreover, this is the enemy's territory. It doesn't matter what the spirit of the Bailing is destroyed. This should be a matter of tension for Tianwei Gulong.

At first, Wu Qi thought so, but the short time proved that the strength of Tianwei Gulong would not be weakened by various external conditions. Any enemy who tried to be small and small would perish in shock.


PS: There is still one more later.

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