Black Ride

Chapter 784: Angel

A perfect information collection capability, super-enhanced brain computing power. Wu Qi imagined that the next time the return to the ancestral force of the sword, the evolutionary route of the slant will extend from that part of the body, but this day has not come.

Only when the returning ancestors are in danger of absolute life and death, the gene chain deep in the body will have special mutations specifically designed to avoid danger. Just as the long process of phasing out genetic variation and natural selection has been shortened by countless times. In the past experience, Wu Qi has obtained a series of special variations such as super heat resistance, thermal sensing vision, and evolution of toxic countermeasures. At this time, the judgment derived from the ancestral gene is the evolution of the brain.

The intelligence collection is full, the mind is completely calm, and the physical energy is completely restored!

Wu Qi looked up at the vacant Tianwei Gulong, who now has full confidence to win.

"Come on, let the tenth throne see, how the most powerful seat of his majesty is lost to the unknown in the border of the territory of his own territory!" Wu Qitangtang justified the provocative language as if the tip of his tongue was poisoned.

Tianwei Gulong has been more provocative, and the spirit continues to be in anger and even get used to this heartfelt killing impulse.

In the next second, Tianwei Gulong suddenly opened the huge dragon wing, and after a strong wind pressure spread out, the fine arc once again climbed the surface of the dragon wing. This time the arc accumulates more quickly, and the beating range is extremely violent; and the anger of Tianwei Gulong is astonishing.

Wu Qizhen stood in the same place and watched Tianwei Gulong condense another plasma ball that could flatten the hill. He just looked at nothing like this, because the plasma ball will inevitably consume a considerable part of the energy of Tianwei Gulong.

In the twinkling of an eye, Tianwei Gulong has already condensed the super-large plasma ball, which controls this super-large plasma ball to aim at Wu Qiyi!

This plasma ball flies very fast, and the blazing thunder that is released from the inside out makes it difficult to determine the distance it can fly at any time. However, Wu Qi calculated the speed of the plasma ball as soon as the plasma ball was released from the tip of the Tianwei Gulong's wings. He stuck the timing of the plasma ball that was about to hit his own landing. The rocket jumped straight and went straight to the sky!

The trajectory of the ultra-large plasma ball is no different from that of Wu Qi. A loud bang, the high-concentration plasma of the core of the plasma ball hitting the ground violently liberated from the compressed state, and instantly turned into a flood of plasma that was dumped in all directions!

The plasma is the slowest and the lowest distance is the vertical direction. Wu Qiyi jumped to the height of 100 meters high with the height of Tianwei Gulong. The lightning of the plasma that strove to chase his feet reached the limit of the vertical direction early, but he gave up and rose, and he continued to expand in all directions in a hemispherical shape. .

Wu Qi’s “one step to the sky” is not purely exaggerated muscle strength of the legs. He first borrowed the explosive power of repulsion energy, and then created a row of "spitfire tube"-like energy creations on the soles of the feet after the rocket jumped to inject a large amount of gaseous energy to achieve the effect of simulating "flight."

Forced flight consumes a lot of energy, and the energy of the squib tube saves 40% of this exaggerated consumption. It also earns two or three minutes of air activity time compared with the energy consumed by releasing the bubble shield and hard plasma. Although the time is short, Wu Qi’s original plan is a quick fix!

Just as Wu Qi hovered at the height of the sky, Tianwei Gulong suddenly raised his hand and launched a thick lightning chain. The lightning chain is straight into the flood of the plasma in the expansion. The surface of the next flood of the plasma in turn spurs out the ten strong lightning bolts in different directions. Three of them went straight to Wu Qi in the sky!

Although Tianwei Gulong’s third-order abilities “Thunder Monarch” could not control the flood of plasma that was expanded after high-density compression, it still left “the use of lightning chains to stimulate the interior of the plasma, thus making the plasma flood Thus, the rear hand of the cluster of lightning chains is emitted outward. Anyone who thinks he can lie to the energy reserve of Tianwei Gulong will end up eating and selling, and even ruining his life.

Wu Qi’s figure was stunned by the flashing chain of lightning. When the chain of lightning penetrated Wu Qi’s original position, Wu Qi first predicted the attack of the lightning chain, and sprayed a round of gaseous energy to escape the lightning chain. Moreover, the closeness of Tianwei Gulong sprinted dozens of meters.

"Don't dare to be close to this seat!"

Tianwei Gulong whispered low. It violently fanned the wings, wings, dragon claws, longan, dragon's toes, and even the tails of the mountains, and lit up a high-density silver-white arc that violently jumped.

The whole dragon of Tianwei Gulong is surrounded by the majestic and thundering light. The light and electricity are intertwined into a huge Thunder armor. The surface of the Thunder armor also surges with high-intensity energy energy and high-density arc. An enemy without self-defense means that if he dares to be close to Tianwei Gulong, he will not be touched by the Thunder Warrior and will be ashes.

"Of course, you should be close, otherwise you will not be able to drop you down!" Wu Qi slammed his words on the ground. The parts of his shoulders, back and elbows also created the energy of the squib tube. The kinetic energy generated by the jet of fire energy from all parts of the squirting tube caused Wu Qi to rush out of the surface at the limit speed of 270. Kilometers!

In a blink of an eye, Wu Qi has already rushed to the front of Tianwei Gulong. Tianwei Gulong has a full dragon wing, and the huge body has retreated a few meters in the air with great flexibility. This retreat was not to escape. When Tianwei Gulong adjusted his position, he raised the right hand of the Thunder armor and grabbed Wu Qi. The advantage of distance is completely on the side of Tianwei Gulong.

It seems as if the thundering dragon claws that can tear the mountain tear open the air, but caught an empty space.

Wu Qi’s speed has also improved. He exploded at a speed of 290 kilometers per hour when Lei Guang’s claws came. The body crossed the thunderbolt claws through a very smashing gap, and it was wrapped around the neck of Tianwei Gulong. Behind the speed of 290 km per hour, the spatial visual perception of overspeed transposition has a higher requirement for Wu Qi's dynamic vision, but it is still within the limits of Wu Qi. However, from the moment he briefly opened the Leiguang Dragon Claw of Tianwei Gulong, and crossed a flight path that is as dangerous as the high-altitude walking wire, and successfully circumvented the result behind Tianwei Gulong, the dynamics of Tianwei Gulong The visual limit can be determined to be below 290 km/h.

This step is not enough to win. Although Tianwei Gulong lost Wu Qi’s heart, he immediately used the “electricity network” to find Wu Qi who flew behind him.

The first action that Tianwei Gulong did was to fan the giant wing forward into the 100 meters, then sweep the wing and turn to face Wu Qi. The thunder armor on it constantly releases the silvery arc into the empty air, which looks like a silver feather scattered by the angels.


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