Black Ride

Chapter 789: Devil

When Wu Qi’s black short knife was about to fall on the top scale of Tianwei Gulong, a soft, boneless wheat-colored palm appeared unconsciously under Wu Qi’s wrist and firmly caught Wu Qi’s Pressing the wrist.

The tip of the black short knife is only 5 cm away from the head of Tianwei Gulong. However, this 5 cm has become forever, and Wu Qi has made the full wrist and does not move.

Like the horror of a deep bottomless abyss behind the scenes, Wu Qi’s hunter’s sense of suspicion was awakened. Wu Qi almost opened his right arm at the fastest speed, and the five fingers clenched the black short knife and stabbed the enemy's face.

He saw it in a moment when he looked up. The owner of the sudden palm is the beautiful woman in front of him who is 175 cm tall. Her face is so good, a pair of amber eyes are shining; the holy white veil is made up of two large rounded corners protruding from the left and right foreheads, and the brown soft hair is covered in the gap covered by the veil. Hanging down, just draped over the smooth shoulders and the clavicle of the line.

A fairy-like pure white dusty skirt can not cover women's Feng. Full. Fire. Spicy, **** and sleek figure. She licked her shiny eyes, and her mouth slightly raised a little arc, as if she was smiling at Wu Qi.

But that is not a smile of the meaning of the hook, but a smile that is extremely angry.

Wu Qi’s arm won’t stop. He greeted the beautiful woman’s face with a knife, but he saw a broken arm swaying from the woman’s face because of the lack of distance.

When the right hand of the wheat-colored woman was holding Wu Qi’s right wrist, I did not know when the black short knife that Wu Qi’s fingers clasped was unloaded with the entire wrist. Even a painful warning did not leave Wu Qi.

Wu Qi’s mind is like a thunder. At this moment, he really felt the horror of this beautiful woman who was close at hand. It’s no better than knowing that the crisis that comes from this woman is much higher than the pressure of Tianwei Gulong. It can be said that it is not a level of life!

Suddenly, Wu Qi’s bag on his back slammed out a black gas. The direction of the black gas path is to move away from the direction of the wheat woman.

Hiram's perception is very sensitive. Although he was the first to sense the smell of wheat, he first identified his identity.

At this moment, it is so coincidental that people who have saved Tianwei Gulong here, who else can be in addition to its throne? This woman is the tenth throne, and it is genuine.

Absolutely unable to defeat the strong enemy, Hiram escaped faster than Wu Qi, who had a hand removed by a wheat-colored woman. He couldn't even take care of his black short knife and was taken away by the wheat-colored woman, because he would have to die with Wu Qi if he slowed down.

Under pressure, Wu Qi subconsciously licked his mouth. He couldn't tell if this was the joy of the perfection of the plan, the shock of the tenth throne coming to his feet too quickly, or the instinct of fear because of the disparity in the power gap.

The spiritual creatures boarding in Wu Qi’s mind stunned. He and Wu Qi joined forces to manipulate Wu Qi’s body. The left arm smashed the face of the wheat-colored woman with lightning speed; between the index finger and the **** Secretly holding a piece of long knife!

The wheat-colored woman was slightly surprised by Wu Qi’s actions. She clearly smelled the scent of Wu Qi from the top of her head to her footsteps. However, Wu Qi’s movement was contrary to the fascinating smell, and she dared to continue to attack her.

The woman of wheat color slightly sideways, seeing through and understatement, escaped Wu Qi’s Tibetan sword, while her heart pressed down her left hand and five fingers to make a fist. The whole body power bursted into a smooth line, like the tide of water. Bounce with your left arm!

Wu Qi’s entire man ran through the air for a moment and flew more than a hundred meters. He slammed into the distant sand like a cannonball and set off a 10-meter-high sand fountain.

The wheat-colored woman slowly closed her fist, then flew to the end of the Tianwei Gulong almost broken, waving a sprinkling of dust.

After stabilizing the injury of Tianwei Gulong, the wheat-colored woman turned her head again and looked at Wu Qi. At the end of a large dust, Wu Qi's figure has shrunk into a tiny black spot.

Wu Qi used all the strength of his legs to pull the speed up to 270 kilometers per hour, and the head did not return to the ground. He has already realized through the punch that just now, this woman’s fist has the power to crush the silver sand armor!

She did not attach any energy torrents to her fists. She relied on the kinetic energy of the fists and the punching to smash the device set in the silver sand armor. If the energy of the throne was attached, Wu Qi almost I can imagine my own end at this moment.

Although it is not clear why, it seems that this woman is too confident about her fist. She did not understand the hardness of the silver sand armor, and he was lucky enough to return to his life.

So run, run as fast as possible.

"Escape is useless. If you hurt your seat, you have to pay the price."

The lightness of the wheat-colored woman's fluttering voice spread across the distance to Wu Qi's ear. Wu Qi suddenly became a spirit, and turned her head subconsciously to see the other party who was driving with him.

When it was said that it was too late, the woman of wheat color was strong. The left long legs of the senses moved. The steel-like tough leg winds open the pure white gauze skirt, and the smooth long legs are kicked out without a shadow. Wu Qi first felt the current sense of the abdomen.

Wu Qi’s obsidian eyes collapsed, because the next second world suddenly fell into the “state” of all things. The movement of everything was ten times slower than the previous one, including Wu Qi’s own actions. The wheat-colored woman kicked out the shackles that seemed to get rid of the slow shackles of all Wu Qi did not actively initiate the super-perception state, this super-sensing state body instinctively launched. His body is fearful of the future with a great probability of death, and fear directly leads to the future kick.

Just as Wu Qi and the wheat-colored woman had played against each other twice, Wu Qi could not prevent the fighting skills of the wheat-colored woman without the aid of super-perceived state, let alone the full-powered attack of the power.

"Is this woman a guy of the throne of the sword god..."

Wu Qi can't help but bite his teeth. In the super-perceive state of only 5 seconds, he mobilizes the gravitational energy to converge on both sides of the silver sand armor, creating a set of protective gear that can greatly reduce the impact force; and also controls the deformation of the abdomen's reintroduced scales into a shield. Then, the aggregated muscles form the last line of defense.

Wu Qi will do all the triple defenses he can do, and then everything will resume the flow rate.

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