Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

~: Testimonials

I haven't said anything for a long time. I received a notification from the editor on the 20th of last month, saying that I have a push today. So, the editor has not given up on me. Thanks to my editor. In one breath, what should I say?

It's too vulgar to talk about subscriptions and monthly passes. I'll talk about something else.

The performance of this book has been quite average, and it is still high, and because of the adjustment of the work of the old pigs, starting from November, I have only four hours of code time every day from 8 to 12 pm.

Get up at 7 in the morning, go to work at 8 in the morning, and get off work at 6 in the evening. It's almost 6:30 when I get home after a busy day. After dinner, I wash a little, and it's 8 o'clock. Then it's boring time until 10 Go to bed at 2 o'clock and repeat again the next day.

You can find that since November, the old pig has not erupted much. Not only has it not erupted, but it is still more owed. Khan, ashamed.

To say these are not grievances. Although the old pig has no time to play the game, but there is something to lose, the old pig has gained everyone's approval, harvested everyone's support and love, and harvested everyone's blessings ...

Having said that, the old pig is grateful that everyone does not hate this novel. There are many flaws in the novel. After all, the old pig has limited energy. Sometimes when the inspiration is exhausted, he can only act as a big monster and sneak water. If he is found Now, the old pig has to cover his head and run quickly, otherwise readers will be shot dead with a big brick!


The old pig doesn't want to die!

Keke, who does n’t want to live a life of nourishment, the real life pressure of old pigs is still very high, otherwise it will not be a part-time job of writing books. If possible, I hope everyone can still genuinely support old pigs, let old pigs That dried up pocket can be a little fuller and more banknotes, so that the old pig can raise his head in reality ...

Huh, that's all there is to say. Thanks to every genuine reader who supports the old pig. It is your existence that feeds the old pig and gives the old pig the motivation to continue! Although slow, the old pig is guaranteed not to be eunuch! 2k novel reading network