Black Technology Monopoly (The Black Tech Monopoly Corporation)

~: When Na Sha still think of torii

The author has always liked to read reviews, especially to read other people's comments on old pig novels, whether it is scolding or commenting, old pigs have read with interest. There is a lot of audience on a pirated software called Hanshu artifact, so I registered a number to see how they evaluated my novel.

As a result, I saw a very disgusting phenomenon, and found some people who said they were looking for piracy, but said they were looking for genuine copies. What was the reason? The reason is because there is a magic thing called genuine source in that book.

I'm surprised. When you see a genuine source, you say that it is genuine? Why don't you say the source of piracy slipped below? It's like a small stall that can't be seen on the market. A group of high counterfeit goods on it, because there happens to be a genuine article, so you can say with conscience that this stall is a genuine Adidas, not King Adi?

My sense of the book artifact is what the title says, when that is still thinking about the stuff of the torii gate, want to be genuine, you hang four or five pirated links under the genuine channel and there are no silver or two hundred here What's the difference? Do n’t say what God thinks it ’s a genuine one, God thinks it ’s my fart? He only saw that he had only genuine source, and he felt that it was genuine, but did he see King Adi in the water on our stalls of shrimp?

I'm not a fan of the magical books of Ha Shu. Book fans have their own choices. I won't talk about whether piracy is right or wrong today. I'm just talking about that stupid software. This book artifact is a puppet!

Do n’t blow, do n’t hack, do n’t wash the ground. I generously admit that I am pirated, but I do n’t say anything, but insist that I am genuine and disgusting, and that ’s all.

(To be continued.) 2k novel reading network