Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine

Chapter 201: religious civilization

  Chapter 201 Religious Civilization

  Being able to develop to level nine civilization has more or less its own unique features.

  You can be unique, but you can't be evil!

  The moment Lu Yu heard about the restarter, an illusion of [PTSD is about to happen] came to his mind.

  The rebooters have been sealed for hundreds of millions of years, why are you still talking about it?

  【The restarter is the darling of the universe, the pinnacle that many civilizations can finally reach. 】

  【And He heard the will of the universe to erase the wrong civilization! 】

  【We are His servants, follow His will and actions, and erase the wrong civilizations in the universe! 】

  【Now we have wiped out 3 river-level civilizations and 5224 star-level civilizations】

   Almost done!

  Lu Yu didn't expect that he would see a magic stick in the end.

  This magic stick is actually serving the restarter.

  So the ones you made before are all imitations? All homage?

  Lu Yu glanced at the triangular spacecraft next to him. After all, the Huan civilization is one of the few unlucky river system civilizations.

  The triangular spaceship remained motionless, hovering quietly.

   Well, the deceased was emotionally stable.

  Since he dared to tell the truth in front of the victim, the mosaic in front of him is like a villain who thinks he has a chance to win.

   After the story behind it became slightly clearer, the cosmic sociology experts at Base Zero became even more excited.

  Religious civilization, in the existing civilization observation data, is the type that appeared in the early stage of civilization.

  As the development of civilization breaks through the first level of civilization, religion is defeated by technology, and because of the rapid liberation of thinking and tends to rationalize, basically after the civilization breaks through to star-level civilization, there is no record of religious civilization.

  Often only some declining planetary-level civilizations, when there is retrogression, religion will have the opportunity to reappear on the stage of civilization, but that also means that this civilization will soon disappear in the big universe.

  Basically, civilizations that have steadily stepped out of their home planet will spontaneously de-religious.

  This cannot be analyzed from the essence of religion.

  First of all, the definition of "nature": different from people and what people create, it is nature.

Another premise is that there are two types of religion, one is polytheism and natural religion (such as the worship of gods in ancient Greece, or the worship of natural objects such as flower gods and fire gods), and the other is the spirit of monotheism - Human religions (such as Christianity). The former worships nature with human characteristics (god is nature), while the latter worships "man" with natural power (god is man).

  Based on this, the foundation of religion is the sense of trust, its starting point is human beings, and its object is nature. This sense of trust exists in the animal stage, and when man raises it to consciousness, he enters religion.

  People are definite and individual beings. Human characteristics do not descend from the sky and come from God, but come naturally from the bottom up. Naturally, it can be understood as the place where we were born and the people who gave birth to us. Man's religious sense of nature is reflected in his worship of the mountains and rivers of his own country, as well as his reverence for his parents and ancestors.

  Individualized things are often more noble than impersonal things. However, Christianity traces back to the origin and believes that the original cause of all living beings is the heavenly father, which dilutes the fact that human beings are individual and special.

  This kind of worship of God is just a phenomenon of self-worship, because only when I agree with my own existence and praise my own existence can I then praise my creator.

  The evolution from natural totem worship to the creator worship in the course of civilization is a process of self-affirmation and self-endowment in consciousness.

  For example, people in some places worship the "God of Salt" and believe that it is the God of Salt who endows salt with a crystal clear appearance and a beautiful taste experience. But in fact, the quality of the God of Salt is the salt itself, and it is just that man has "humanized" nature.

  The essence of "God" is nature, but people regard it as an entity that existed before nature and created nature. However, if one does not add the man-made character (God's mercy or cruelty) and the role of the law-maker (God's rules for day and night and four seasons), isn't man a product of nature from the perspective of the creator?

  Then why do people have a sense of religious dependence on nature?

  The reason is that people did not separate themselves from nature at the beginning. The action of nature in man, and the series of emotions which nature arouses in man, are then taken for a characteristic of nature. When people humanize nature, nature possesses human emotion and essence. Natural changes, such as the rising and setting of the sun, the changing seasons, spring planting and autumn harvest, arouse people's sense of dependence and make people worship them devoutly.

  In the development of human society, the element of science and technology began to reverse this process.

  The evolution of productivity has enabled human beings to have the ability to transform nature, conquer nature, and finally create nature.

   This begins to destroy the foundations of man and natural religion.

  Thus, man has changed from a physical existence to a social existence, a political entity, separated from nature. Then the God of man has also been politicized from a physical entity, into an entity different from nature, into law, public opinion, honor and morality.

   That is to say, people's dependence on nature has shifted to the dependence on law, public opinion, honor and morality.

   This is the most fundamental, direct and continuous emancipation of human civilization by the discipline of science.

   Such a process continues through the development period of most first-level civilizations. As civilizations have the ability to transform the planet and have a deeper understanding of the rules of the big universe, the foundation of religion no longer exists.

  In the subsequent development of civilization, there may be personality worship, but religious worship gradually decreases until it disappears in the process of civilization.

   And in front of them, a ninth-level civilization has actually become a religious civilization, and there has been a retrogression that experts in cosmology and sociology generally believe. This doesn't surprise them.

  As for this ninth-level civilization, claiming to serve the restarter, Lu Yu was even more speechless.

  Because the Lord they serve is the one that Lu Yu personally covered the coffin boards for billions of years.

   But Lu Yu also noticed one thing, the restarters revealed in the common language of the mosaic in front of him... There are only a few!

   This is subtle.

  Because Lu Yu knew that there were no less than double-digit restarters in the restart alliance.

  So... Lu Yu couldn't help laughing.

   The void worship of unknown civilizations is a bit interesting. I'm afraid you have received warnings from restarters before, and then you have been stunned since then?

  What Lu Yu didn't know was that the level 9 civilization he encountered above the horizon of the black hole was also a demonized civilization.

   "If the restarter is the object of worship, it is somewhat logical."

   "Because in the cognition of the ninth-level civilization, the technological strength of the restarter is even weaker than that of the original civilization when facing nature."

   "The terrible civilization gap has given fear and worship a germinating spiritual soil."

   "Looking at this civilized behavior, I'm afraid I have seen the [Erasure] phenomenon once, so there will be subsequent imitations."

   "Therefore, we can judge that the civilization that claims to be the servant of the restarter has a certain probability of being a religious civilization."

  Professor Han summed up the discussion of the cosmic sociology experts, and at the same time he was also staring at the feedback from the Silver Star.

  As the current person in charge of Base Zero, the disciplines he has dabbled in have far surpassed those of the psychology professor back then.

   But at this time, if this religious civilization is really analyzed according to the sociology of the universe, then this situation is very similar to a familiar psychological symptom - Stockholm Syndrome.

  Stockholm Syndrome or Stockholm Effect, also known as Stockholm Syndrome or Hostage Complex or Hostage Syndrome, refers to a complex in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator and even helps the perpetrator in turn. This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression of, depend on, and even assist the perpetrator.

  The hostage will have a psychological dependence on the hijacker. Their life and death are in the hands of the hijackers, and they are very grateful to the hijackers for letting them survive. They share fate with the hijackers, regard the future of the hijackers as their own, and regard the safety of the hijackers as their own. So they adopted an "us against them" attitude, treating the rescuers as enemies.

  Such peculiar psychological symptoms actually appear in human beings.

  But it is indeed the first time that Professor Han has seen similar emotions on alien intelligent life forms, so why not make him, a professor of psychology, curious.

  Lu Yu wanted to collect points, and the scientists wanted to find out what happened to this civilization that could develop to level nine, so everyone decided to see what else this mosaic could reveal.

  【However, our great Lord was framed by a civilization named Lu Yu not long ago, and lost his trace in the big universe. 】

  【The harmonious and orderly cosmic environment has been destroyed by Lu Yu civilization for a long time! 】

  【As servants, we may not be able to fight against Lu Yu civilization, but we can try to find the supreme restarter! 】

  【Unknown civilization, invite you to join this great and sacred cause! 】


  Lu Yu was eager to send a funny expression to this group of mosaics.

  Because the Lu Yu he was talking about was right in front of him, pulling his wool hard.

  But after he sneered in his heart, his heart shivered slightly.

  Because Lu Yu understood that if what this group of mosaics said was true, then this ninth-level civilization would be his enemy.

  After all... If he is really asked to release the restarter, then the first one to be liquidated is likely to be Lu Yu who nailed them the last nail.

   Moreover, if these restarters are more careful, maybe because Lu Yu was born as a human, even the human will be wiped out by then.

   This is something Lu Yu will never accept!

  And the development time of hundreds of millions is an excellent opportunity for other civilizations in the universe, so why not for Lu Yu?

   He might also catch it more easily than many other civilizations!

  After all, Lu Yu has an identity that he will forget—the family member of the restarter!

  He can ignore the blockade of the restarters. As long as the technology develops to the ninth level of civilization, Lu Yu can avoid the biggest detour than other civilizations!

   As long as you are promoted to a universe-level civilization!

   Then there is enough strength to lead other potential civilizations in the universe to form an anti-restarter alliance.

   As for whether this war will shatter the universe to pieces, it will be a long, long time later.

   What Lu Yu has to consider now is to finish repairing the Silver Star first.

   "So if you want to save the restarters, why are you still trying to erase civilization?"

  Facing Lu Yu's question, the group of mosaics quickly gave the answer.

  【Eliminate those civilizations that develop wrongly, this is the cause that the Lord has always insisted on, and we should maintain it! 】

  【When I erased the traces left by civilization, I want to tell all civilizations in the universe that the restarter who can control the development of all civilizations is real! 】

  【In the future, we will have to step up our efforts and increase the scope of the star field! 】

  【Because the civilization in the entire universe cannot be allowed to believe the rumors of Lu Yu's civilization, the Lord's order can be disrupted. 】

   It is also very logical!

  Lu Yu once thought that after he broadcast to the big universe, the starry sky would become lively.

   Those ninth-level civilizations hiding in the corner and lingering will slowly stand up and try to break through to the universe-level civilization.

   But in fact, those ninth-level civilizations that would not give up the development of civilization have long since disappeared in [Erasure].

  Those ninth-level civilizations who were frightened by the restarters to give up development, how could it be so easy to believe in the broadcast of an unknown civilization?

  Combined with the existence of civilizations like Mosaic, not only the fake [erasure] phenomenon spread in the big universe, but also make those nine-level civilizations who are secretly observing cautiously hesitate.

   I have to say that after learning the truth, everything this unknown civilization has done before has the answer.

   It's just this answer, and those unlucky chosen civilizations never want to hear it.

  "That's why this civilization regenerated the intelligent race that destroyed it on this planet."

   "For this civilization, this is not destruction, but it brings them on the right track, on the right track that this civilization thinks!"

   This is another characteristic of a religious civilization.

  So Lu Yu thought about it, and he decided to hit the mosaic: "Then you were already doing this kind of thing before Lu Yu's civilization, so did the restarter show anything?"

  Well, no need to guess, it must not be.

  From the black card civilization, Lu Yu knew enough information about the restarter.

   These civilizations who don’t know how many epochs have lasted don’t care about a ninth-level civilization at all.

  As long as it doesn't try to promote the universe-level civilization, even if this ninth-level civilization rules the largest star field in the universe, it will be just a flash in the pan for the restarters.

  They have seen too much in the long years, and they will never take another look.

   At most, only those dependents who have not experienced many reincarnations will take a second look when they have little knowledge.

   This knowingly critical attack silenced the unknown civilization hidden in the mosaic.

   His Lord, did not care for him.

  All his imitations are at best self-satisfying consolations, trying to convince himself that he can work hard in this way to get the attention of the rebooters.

   Well, maybe he can be called a dog-licking civilization in addition to being a religious civilization.

  (end of this chapter)