Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine

Chapter 39: login method

  Chapter 39 Login Method

  【The Story of Civilization】

  【Progress: 25%】

  【Achievements: Civilization History Collection 65%, Stellar Light 35%, Materials Science 15%, Engineering Science 12%】


  Looking at one of the task lists, Lu Yu couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

   Didn't get the cutting-edge technology of the Horn Clan, and most of the technology he transmitted back is still in the confidential stage, so Lu Yu is already very satisfied with the progress of this task.

  However, it can be seen from one of the achievements that it is the civilization history collection that really makes the progress of the mission reach 25%.

  As for why the system makes such judgments, Lu Yu guesses that it should be closely related to social practice. This is also a science, and it is also a discipline that is crucial to the route and organization in civilization.

   In contrast, another task is to pull the hips.

  【Meeting is destiny】

  【Progress: 0%】

  【Achieved results: Intelligent life 0%】


   After receiving it, the progress of this task has not changed.

  However, this task is S-level, as long as it can be completed a little, maybe the final settlement points may be more than the first task.

  So Lu Yu is now driving the Silver Star into a spaceship honestly, just to take a chance and see if he can give this S-class mission a chance to be completed.

   On the ejection orbit, a spaceship almost one kilometer long is waiting for the electromagnetic orbit to be charged and ready to fly into space. completely different from Lu Yu's ingenious landing plan that could fool Sophon.

   Such a big movement can't hide Sophon's detection at all. What's the difference between courting death?

   "These spaceships used to be the so-called seed spaceships, spaceships prepared for the race to continue on other planets or even other galaxies after the extinction of civilization."

   "Each ship contains tens of thousands of Diagon eggs and sperm. If I hadn't met you, the purpose of my escape was to let them launch. Even if I escaped, there might be a chance..."

   "Actually, I also understand that those Destroyers will not let the spacecraft leave this star system, but they are fighting fiercely now, and they haven't had time to care about the trivial matters in their eyes."

  After the Silver Star entered the spaceship, it entered a space just enough to accommodate it. The intelligent life displayed text on a wall to explain the origin of these spaceships to Lu Yu.

  The holographic projection shows that as the electromagnetic orbit is fully charged, the gate in front of the spacecraft slowly opens.

  Through the mottled black spar clusters above, one can see a dark part of the atmosphere. Those are not dark clouds, but a frighteningly large number of self-discipline weapons.

   There was no time to clean up the vitrification, the spaceship was ejected directly, smashing them to pieces with powerful kinetic energy.

  Rising to mid-air, Lu Yu discovered through the external viewfinder that there was not only one aircraft alone, but all the aircraft that could still be used in the underground shelter pointed to the sky.

   But it still can't change anything. The self-discipline weapons in the sky shot down in a salvo, and the number of aircraft that can stay in the air is still less than half, while the black self-discipline weapons still dive down.

  A miraculous scene happened. Some self-discipline weapons slightly approaching the spaceship seemed to lose control immediately and fell directly, and some even turned around and crashed into the adjacent spherical self-discipline weapons.

  The confusion of the team gave the spaceship a chance to climb further. Originally relying on electromagnetic ejection, it had a fairly fast initial velocity. Coupled with the secondary ignition in the air, the spaceship quickly reached the ionosphere.

   But it also seems to have exposed something, dense self-discipline weapons swarmed here.

  These spherical weapons did not rush forward, but kept a distance, and the high-energy beams fired by a salvo were even more dazzling than the sunlight in the sky for a while.

   Only a dozen seconds passed, and the electromagnetic shield on the surface of the spacecraft has begun to flicker.

Before it even started, even Lu Yu could see that this was a near-suicide charge. Although the altitude had increased a bit, reaching the low-Earth orbit was already the limit of this spaceship. The result of supporting the spaceship.

  Their ending seems to be nothing but shooting down.

  However, before the self-discipline weapon could do anything, the spaceship itself exploded.

   It was the hydrogen bomb hidden in the spacecraft that was detonated.

  One, two, three...hundreds of high-yield hydrogen bombs exploded at the tail of the spacecraft at the same time.

Originally, the power of nuclear weapons in space wars was not outstanding, but they couldn’t stand up to such a large number of explosions. While the shock wave shook a large area, the spaceship broke into two pieces. The upper half rushed to a higher orbit, and the lower half fell back. in the planetary atmosphere.

  By self-detonation, a gap appeared in the encirclement that was about to be encircled, and part of the spaceship in the upper half was rushed out, but it also caused a million little problems.

Um? ?

Lu Yu was startled, because the part where the Silver Star was located was directly separated from the escaping spaceship due to an internal explosion, and together with thousands of pieces of wreckage, large and small, flew chaotically to a higher orbit due to the shock wave of the nuclear weapon , The small half of the spaceship that rushed out of the encirclement headed for deep space without looking back.

  I haven't got in the car yet!

  GG? ?

   Game over?

  The viewfinder of the wreckage was still usable. Lu Yu watched in a daze as most of the self-discipline weapons regrouped and flew towards the small half of the spaceship that had broken through, while the sporadic self-discipline weapons began to melt the exploded spaceship wreckage little by little.

   At this time, another spaceship rushed out from the planetary atmosphere, but its engine part has been damaged by the self-discipline weapon, and it is already at the end of its strength, and reaching this height is already its limit.

   Then it blew itself up too!

  Unknown number of hydrogen bombs in the spacecraft exploded together, causing it to disintegrate instantly. At the same time, the shock wave generated interfered with the self-discipline weapons, and also pushed the wreckage of the Silver Star into the deep space.

  The direction is of course not toward the satellite, but the vast space.

  After floating in orbit for a period of time together with a large piece of wreckage, because most of the self-discipline weapons are hunting down the remnants of the spaceship controlled by intelligent life, another spaceship barely broke through from the planet to the space orbit.

   A small amount of self-discipline weapons were hunting for the bite, and when it reached the wreckage, it couldn't hold on any longer, and detonated the hydrogen bomb in the spaceship just like before.

   Encountered twice in a row, the viewfinder of the wreck where the Silver Star was located was finally damaged, and Lu Yu also realized that something was wrong.

   "This is a secret!?"

   "Use yourself as a decoy, and then have yourself disguised as wreckage, washed up on a satellite in a series of seemingly coincidental nuclear explosions?"

   Lu Yu looked at the experts who were also paying close attention. Everyone was discussing how to reach the satellite under Sophon's monitoring, but now that it was in front of them, everyone felt incredible.

   "Sophon is an existence that cannot be scanned by the Silver Star. As long as you are not captured by optical instruments, it is an ordinary wreck."

   "In the case that most of the computing power of the sophon computer is attracted by intelligent life, it is normal for seemingly ordinary debris to spread among the planetary systems."

   "If each nuclear explosion point is precisely calculated, it is possible for some debris to fly to the satellite in the nuclear explosion shock wave!"

   "This is the same principle as rocket propulsion!"

   This is how to land on the satellite under the monitoring of Sophon? ?

   During the recommendation period, there can only be 4,400 updates. Please forgive me, and there will be a wave of updates when it is put on the shelves. Thank you for your support.

   In addition, the author Jun wants to try the taste of Shang Sanjiang, so I impudently ask every reader who reads here to follow up every Tuesday.



  (end of this chapter)