Blackstone Code

~: 1999

In the study, the wine with ice cubes is less irritating to swallow.

"...that's the way it is, I haven't promised them yet, maybe we can get some materials to get them across the lake."

"After all, for them, whatever you take out is what they want!"

The chairman of the board of directors told Lynch the content of his negotiations with the people over there without hiding anything, and also talked about why he did this.

"Our president has a lot of ideas, you know, and we have to fight back!"

He didn't make his words too clear, but this is also the common view of the current federal capitalists.

The demise of Jerry ap; Deiss Group, in a sense, can be seen as a typical battle where the regime overwhelms capital!

Under the condition of highly centralized power, Mr. Truman launched an attack on the evil federal capitalist society, and achieved an extremely remarkable victory!

This victory also told the capitalists of the Federation a truth.

When the federal government really decides to be ruthless, the risks of capital and capitalists will increase infinitely!

They will not allow this to happen again, so they are speeding up the peace as much as possible.

In private, Lynch even learned that, such as war compensation, a part of Peng Jieao's war compensation will be provided by these people in the form of interest-free loans!

They helped Penteo pay part of the war reparations, and thus obtained permission to open the market of Penteo Empire.

Some people say that this is a plot by the federal capital to invade Penteo, but Lynch believes that this is actually an act of treason.

Lynch was silent for a while, "Do you know how much the military's orders are worth from before the war broke out to now?"

Lynch didn't refuse straight away. This was the best performance. The chairman of the board of directors became much more energetic, "I don't know, how much is that?"

"Close to ten billion."

"This doesn't include all kinds of space-based weapons. If you include those bombs and so on, this number will increase a little bit, and it may exceed 10 billion."

"I tell you this not to tell you how much money I have, but to let you understand how much these technologies are worth!"

"They are willing to bear more unequal terms to get these technologies, and you should understand the importance of it."

"I have no objection to handing over my things to the Penteo people. I am a businessman and I have the pursuit of profit."

"As long as you can come up with 10 billion, I will give you the information."

After Lynch finished speaking, he lit a cigarette. This was not a small amount of money, and he had to make people think about it.

As for the technology itself, as far as the current research and development progress of the Flight Research Institute is concerned, it is already completely behind.

In the war, Lynch only ordered 8 billion fighter jets. After removing various costs and dividends, there is still a very considerable profit margin.

Then, under his leadership, the flight research institute, which had completely fallen into a state of excitement, began to develop new fighter jet technologies.

From the current propeller engine fighter, turn to jet engine fighter.

The jet engine is nothing new, its theory and concept have been around for a long time.

It’s just that the future has always been invisible, and there is a lack of greater investment. Coupled with the development and progress of science, the improvement of materials and dynamics, the jet engine has already had a test model, and the initial version of the wind tunnel test has been completed.

Generally, after the wind tunnel test is completed, the flight test can be considered next.

As long as the test flight is successful, the laboratory will start research on the production process.

In at most five years, jet fighters will begin to be installed, and these current aircraft will be completely eliminated.

Fight jet fighters with propeller-engined old fighters?

Totally overthinking it!

If you can't catch up or fight, this will become a fatal flaw of the old-fashioned fighter jets.

Coupled with the end of the war, the military's order volume will drop sharply, and orders of one billion in the next few years are already very impressive!

If these technologies that are destined to be eliminated in a short period of time can be exchanged for a net profit of 10 billion, why doesn't Lynch agree?

But outsiders don't know about these things, and Lynch hasn't told anyone else.

The entire area of ​​the Flight Research Institute has been listed as a military restricted area.

Especially when there is a test flight, it will disperse people who may be in further areas.

After smoking one cigarette, the chairman of the board came to his senses, "Too many!"

"Ten billion, that's too much!"

"And you have to deduct costs and taxes from your arms sales. Your actual cost may only be more than a billion!"

Lynch continued to shake his head, "You can't calculate this matter like this."

"The price of aircraft produced and shot down by the Penteo government in the war is tens of billions."

"Now it only costs 10 billion yuan to get the design drawings and production data of the most advanced fighter jets currently installed by the Federation."

"To you, it might just be a commodity."

"For the Penteo people, it will be a weight to change their destiny!"

"You can discuss it with them first, maybe they think it's not expensive?"

Lynch seemed to have thought of something, "By the way, I don't accept discounts in any sense. I only accept cash, Federal Sol, or gold bars."

The Penteo Empire has conquered so many countries and it has a lot of gold!

Don't look at its finances are almost dry up to now, but if you really want to squeeze it, you can still squeeze out a lot of money.

They just intend to use the money to fight against domestic resistance forces.

If money can be exchanged for technology, they will definitely agree.

They also know very well that air supremacy has become the top priority of war.

Without air supremacy, everything is lost!

No matter how strong your army is or how invincible your navy is, under the attack of planes like a dark cloud, nothing will be left behind!

The chairman of the board of directors pondered for a while, and felt that Lynch was right. Whether or not this matter could be decided in the end was actually not him.

He then got up to leave, which was the sole purpose of his coming today.

Watching people leave, Lynch shook his head slightly.

He understood that the Penteo people would definitely jump into the pit.

If it weren't for their fighter jet technology being too backward, it's really hard to say who will win and who will lose in this war.

When both sides have equal air supremacy, they are fighting for comprehensive war power and population base.

In this regard, the Federation is not yet dominant.

Moreover, the money may not have come from Peng Jieao!

It may be that these federal capitalists and international capitalists who desperately hope that the negotiations can be concluded as soon as possible come out!

Even after they spent the money, they might cheat Lynch a bit.

So Lynch called Mr. Truman about five minutes after the chairman of the board left and made an appointment for the evening.

There was no work on Mr. Truman's side at night, the front line had come to a complete standstill, and he wasn't like he was some time ago.

Even if there is nothing, you must stay by the phone.

Now he can get off work a little earlier than before. This time, the place they met was not at the Presidential Palace, but at a small bar.

There are not many people in the small bar, and the content of the business here is relatively simple, there are no hot dances of strippers, and there are no beer girls wandering around.

The environment is elegant, and the consumption is a little bit high. After all, it is a licensed bar, and the price of drinks is more than double to twice that of the outside.

Ordinary people don't want to come here to consume, and they come here to consume because of the environment here.

The two found a corner to sit, and the bodyguards and members of the security committee stood a little further away, blocking people's sight and preventing people from approaching them.

"He came here just now, and he talked to me about an interesting thing."

Both ordered beer and some fried chicken nuggets.

Nine nine, two glasses of beer and fried chicken, in an unlicensed bar outside, the same thing, only four ninety-nine cents.

Mr. Truman frowned, and then thought of who Lynch was talking about, "What does he want from you?"

Lynch said so, something must have happened, he was just continuing to talk.

Lynch took a sip of the beer, the foam was very fine and the taste was good.

"Peng Jieao intends to buy the design drawings and production data of the fighter jet, and I agreed."

Mr. Truman's eyes suddenly became extremely sharp, and he almost stood up!

He pressed his hands on the table, and if Lynch didn't give him a satisfactory answer, he would let Lynch know that the joke was not like that.

The surrounding bodyguards and members of the security committee also noticed that the atmosphere was a bit abnormal. They moved a little further away, but they also paid more attention to Mr. Truman's Lynch raised his hand and pressed, "How old are you, still so impulsive?"

Mr. Treman was unmoved, "You must give me an explanation."

Lynch nodded, "That's why I asked you to come."

"If you have paid attention to the report of the Military Equipment Department, you will know that the real second-generation fighter we are developing has completed the initial design and empty test."

"It had a different design, including the engines, than any aircraft today."

"It's faster, it's more aggressive, let me put it that way."

"If the current aircraft is a pistol, then the new generation of aircraft that we have completed the basic research content is a large-caliber machine gun!"

"It has an absolute advantage over the aircraft we are currently installing!"

After Lynch said something, Mr. Truman gradually realized something, and he was not as nervous as before, "You guys already figured it out?"

This sentence was a bit nonsensical, but Lynch knew that he meant the previous two huge arms sales.

If there were more advanced fighter jets at that time, it would be equivalent to saying that Lynch sold the products that were about to be eliminated to the military, made a lot of money, and then promoted the replacement, and made a lot of money again!

A profiteer may be talking about this kind of person!

Lynch shook his head with a smile, "It was only in theory before, but now we have solved some key technologies to make it possible."

"So I'm not thinking about selling outdated stuff to the military, I promise!"

Mr. Truman's complexion was still not very good, he hesitated, "I have to see the gap, so we can discuss this matter further."

"No problem!" Lynch replied quickly, "There will be a secret test flight tomorrow, and you will come with them when the time comes..."