Blackstone Code

Chapter 1117: Do not speak martial ethics

The Bear Pass used to be one of the important passes of the Malorian dynasty, and it was also one of the main roads from the south of Malilo to the north. Because the terrain of Malilo is mountainous and forested, there are many similar terrains.

Often three or five mountains are "stacked" on top of each other, and only the road at the foot of the mountain can pass.

In order to stick to the main road, the ancient royal family would choose a mountain road to stay, then block other passages through various methods, and build, expand, and build fortifications around this passable mountain road.

Mallory people will live in the central imperial court behind these passes, while Mallory people will live in the Quartet.

According to local ancient legends, there is a saying that "Gods live in the center of the world, while the untouchables are distributed in the four directions." The Mallory people also made plans for the entire country according to this saying.

This plan has been very effective for a long time. Even if people can climb over the hill and enter the core area of ​​Marillo, it is limited to a small number of people and is not suitable for large-scale marches.

Coupled with patrols when necessary, no large-scale army can cross the hills to attack the imperial court.

This ensures that the Malorian rule hardly encounters too much resistance. If ordinary untouchables want to enter the core area, they must apply in advance, explain the reason, and then be put on something like a necklace.

It is not a collar, it is longer and larger than a collar. It describes when, for what reason, and under whose approval these people entered the core area of ​​the country.

It's too easy to distinguish between a Malori and a Malillo. If a Malillo appears in the imperial court and there is no telling thing hanging around his neck, anyone has the right to kill him!

Before the Malorian ruler was completely corrupted and degenerated, I had never heard of any important pass that was attacked by the Malorian from the front.

But at this moment, the team facing north is facing such a victorious pass.

When approaching the pass, you can already see the "houses" built on the top of the mountain or on the mountain wall, which are said to have been built by former slaves.

There will be quite a lot of archers and stone slingers gathered inside. When there are enemies attacking, they only need to shoot down arrows or throw stones through a one-foot-square window to minimize the number of enemies.

Further forward, a city wall of more than 30 meters high is faintly visible across the passage. The surrounding mountain walls are full of various hiding places, and even part of the mountain has been hollowed out.

Xiongguan, which may have been unable to be conquered by humans from the front, seemed a little embarrassed when faced with modern weapons.

When the convoy got closer, Ryan noticed that the city wall that had just given him a lot of psychological pressure was already covered with cracks and craters, which were traces of bullets and shells.

What is surprising is that it has encountered so many shelling, and it still stands upright, which shows how hard its designers have been.

It didn't lose to anyone, it just lost to time!

All the convoys going north temporarily stopped and stopped at a certain distance from the city gate. The commander looked down at his wrist, and seemed to have nothing to explain.

The soldiers were in a riot. Facing such a barrier, even if they had modern weapons, it seemed that it was not an easy task to conquer it.

Ryan is checking the weapon and loading the bullet. Although he thinks it seems impossible to fill it with human life, he will charge if necessary.

This is his biggest change. When he first arrived here, he thought that human life was extremely important.

After experiencing so many things, he suddenly realized that compared to some things, the least valuable is human beings themselves.

Human beings are just consumables!

What's more sad is that most people don't realize this!

Ten minutes later, there was already some commotion in the team, and just as some people were asking what to do next, there was a roar behind them.

It was like a group of huge wasps circling in the ears, and the buzzing was spread over the sky.

Ryan stood up quickly, turned and looked behind him. Many people were like him.

Immediately after these people smiled, they took off their hats and waved at the plane in the sky, shouting loudly.

It makes no sense, but they just want to do it inexplicably!

The pilot flying in the first position saw the soldiers on the ground. He turned on the radio and said with a smile, "It seems that they like us very much, so we have to help them better."

Immediately afterwards, there was laughter from other pilots on the radio. They were not nervous at all. This kind of trick similar to adults bullying children may be the most favorite thing pilots do.

They fly in the sky safely and securely. There is no need to worry about stray bullets and shells. No one can harm them, as long as they are not so close to the ground.

This is the Qi-II bomber. It has an overhead window just below the pilot’s feet.

When the pilot lowers his head, he can see the situation on the ground through a glass window with sight.

During the previous bombing, some pilots made some suggestions that they had to lower the flying altitude in order to bomb the target more accurately, which was very dangerous.

Some aircraft have experienced high levels of metal fatigue and tearing during the dive and lift, and the strong force tore a part of the fuselage.

The opinion of the researchers of the institute is not to carry out continuous dives and lifts. If you do that frequently, it is very likely that the wings will be broken directly during a certain lift.

So they thought of a better way, that is, to allow the bomber pilots to see the ground and give them a rough sight.

In the experiment, the sights were adjusted differently in terms of speed and height to suit more complex situations.

At this time the bombing formation had already passed the convoy, and immediately afterwards they began to lay eggs.

The commander raised his wrist, glanced at his watch, and then said to the adjutant, "There are two more rounds of bombing. Tell the artillery that we need them to open a passage for us, but the position of the bombardment should avoid that door..."

Not long after, the field artillery began to reload, and when the flag bearer waved the flag in his hand, the roar of artillery fire began to sound.

Ryan looked a little fascinated at the distant city wall, smelling the smell of gunpowder in the air, he seemed to have fallen in love with this kind of life.

He tried to go back to the past, but he couldn't stand everything in that peaceful life.

Lifeless, it seemed as if everyone was enjoying the happiness of peace, but he couldn't stand it.

That's not real peace, or that's not real happiness. He is eager to return to the battlefield. Only here can he find his true self!

The shelling and bombing lasted for a long time. To be honest, except for occasionally seeing a few enemies, most of the soldiers were at a loss. They have not even discovered where the enemy is!

No matter whether they can find them or not, these shelling and bombing are all necessary, this is Lynch "at all costs", no one can stop him and them!

Following the shelling and bombing, a section of the city wall suddenly collapsed, and the commander stopped the shelling in time.

The collapsed city wall is enough for the soldiers to go up to the city wall. They have to go over and open the city gate from inside instead of everyone turning over.

They have to continue northward with supplies.

Half an hour later, the last round of bombing was over, and the soldiers were almost assembled. With the commander's order, they began to attack!

This is a dishonorable battle, but war has nothing to do with reputation!

The engineers climbed quickly and provided rope ladders to allow the soldiers below to quickly keep up with their speed. Watching those soldiers quickly climb up to the top of the wall, listening to the continuous eruption, but still unable to connect into one piece of gunfire, looking at the city gate. Open, the commander expressionlessly asked the whole army to follow up.

Ryan was breathing heavily at this time. He had two more partners, two non-veteran company employees. They received complete military training. This was their first time on the battlefield.

But they did not appear to be on the battlefield for the first time, which made Ryan a little confused.

He was standing by the door, holding a fragmented grenade in his hand. When his companion kicked the door open, he tore off the grip of the grenade. For a moment, the end of the grenade's wooden handle was smoked and he was thrown away. Entered the room.

Two or three seconds later, with a bang, several fragments shot out from the room and embedded in the opposite wall. There was no sound in the room.

No, yes, there was only the sound of dust falling down. The four entered the room and began to fill the corpse with one shot in the head and one in the chest. This is the company's regulations.

Someone once was fined a thousand yuan for missing a shot when replenishing a gun. Since then, no one has dared to replenish less but only more.

"Have you participated in a battle before?" Ryan cleaned up and asked casually.

The two newcomers shook their heads. They knew what Ryan was asking, and one of them couldn't help but say, "Now the company's newcomer training process has often during training. Someone shot at us. At first, I was scared, but then I became more and more used to it. Now as long as the bullet doesn't hit me, I basically don't feel the gunshots anymore."

Ryan was stunned for a moment, "This is a good way, who came up with it?"

"It is said that it is Mr. Lynch, he always has a lot of ideas, it is amazing!"

Ryan nodded, and the four continued to explore inside the city wall. They must clean up everything here.

Gunshots, fighting, explosions, and some abruptly interrupted begging for mercy and wailing, collapsed a section of the inside of the city wall, like **** on earth!

After more than two hours, people blasted the city gate to make sure that it would not be closed again by someone. After leaving a team of twenty people, everyone continued northward.

In less than an hour after they left, all the Marillo warlords received a message--

The federal people did not abide by the rules and launched an offensive during the spring broadcast!
