Blackstone Code

Chapter 1190: Speak again

Many people hope to have an office of their own in the city center of Buppen, which may be a lifelong dream for many professionals.

   It sounds like... This kind of thing should be easy to do. After all, this is Buppen. As long as you have money, you can definitely rent an office.

   Most people think this way, but they face two problems.

   Either the rent is too high, and ordinary people simply can't afford the rent price in downtown Buppen. It is a price that people can hold their breath!

   Either cheap rent is only rented to designated people. After all, this is Buppen, a place where capital and politics meet.

   Here you can see an office that costs only one hundred and sixty-five yuan a month but has 500 square meters, and you can also see an office that costs two thousand yuan a month but only 100 square meters.

  They might even be next door to each other!

   Ms. Cuixi has a nice office here. It is about 200 square meters, which is not too big, and of course it is definitely not small. The monthly rent is six hundred and fifty yuan.

   The price may not even be 50 square meters in other places.

   This is due to her uncle, a patriarch of many parishes in the Federation. When she said that she wanted to set up an office in Buppen, someone soon came to the door with a lease notice.

   A workplace with a private campaign office sign, Ms. Tracy couldn't see much joy on her face at this time, and she was in trouble again.

   She has never thought about running for the Progressive Party’s vote in the state. She does not have such a great energy in the Progressive Party to enable the committee and committee chairpersons to support her.

   She will not look for things in the Conservative Party. Although they have lost the president, it does not mean that they have lost the basics.

   The president ended his presidency in a very "humiliating" way, but saved the decent and dignity of the Conservative Party.

   For the Conservative Party, whose reputation is not so badly damaged, they do not welcome outsiders as they have in the past.

   She can only vote in a swing state. The state she locked in before has no decent competitors. With a lot of money, she has not even started the election campaign. She has already let people in the whole state know about her to some extent.

  The strategy of the entire campaign team is also very simple and effective. They mobilize female supporters to vote. The percentage of women in the swing state they chose is almost equal to that of men.

   But recently, there has been a very strong opponent.

   After several years of silent contraction, the Conservative Party seems to have begun to plan to reactivate. Her opponent is a 42-year-old, very charismatic veteran who has served as a soldier and made meritorious service.

   After retiring from the military, this soldier taught himself law and now participates in the governor election as a lawyer.

   There is hardly any inappropriate place in his resume. Soldiers, lawyers, which are in line with the basic needs of the federal people for politicians.

   The profession of a lawyer shows that he is at least a sane person who understands right and wrong.

   The military background means that he will not be as conservative as the Conservative politicians in the past, and he is equally aggressive.

  Politics, parties, never cling to a certain political program. When there is a need for them to change, they will change faster than anyone else.

   It's like the Progressive Party talked about conservative strategies in the past few years. Now, it's the Conservative Party's turn to take the initiative to step into the radical camp.

   What the people need, politicians give them what they need, and then get support. This is politics.

   Compared to these "old politicians" of the Conservative Party, Ms. Tracy is obviously a bit... unable to keep up with the rhythm.

   In the Federation, if a person without political ability wants to win a certain political election, it is not impossible, as long as he has money!

   This is probably the most magical part of federal politics. No candidate needs to have experience in politics at any level.

  Before they became mayor, governor or even Mr. President, they could be a singer, an actor, a cook, a beggar or even a car wash.

   Whether they have political experience or not is not important to voters and politicians.

   But this one does not work everywhere, such as Congress.

   It is difficult to get a seat in Congress without sufficient political experience. This is a digression.

   So how can an inexperienced lady defeat her experienced opponent in the campaign and whose resume is so beautiful that she can't fault her opponent?

   is very simple, the characteristics of the federation, just spend money.

   Yes, just spend money. This may be the single most distinctive election in the world.

   More intensive posters, more intensive activities, speeches obtained from high-priced submissions, plus an excellent campaign team, the election is easy.

  A cat or a dog can win the election, which is enough to show how stupid federal politics is sometimes.

   But then again, this is a capital-first country. Doesn't this meet the needs of capitalists?

   As long as you spend money, you can hold out a political spokesperson.

   Now that Ms. Tracy wants to defeat her opponent, she must either spend more money or find the opponent's weakness.

  The suggestion given by the campaign office is to use her father’s status as mayor to make a political transaction and get the support of the state legislature from the state senate, so that her winning rate in running for governor will increase.

   At the same time, she also wants her uncle to mobilize her religious advantage. It is best to add some mysterious background to her in the process of TV preaching, and then let the voters vote for her.

   Finally, if you get a few million more campaign funds in, the problem will not be big.

   For the campaign team, the value and significance of a mayor will never be as good as that of a governor, so abandoning a mayor in exchange for the support of the local state assembly is very cost-effective.

   Ms. Tracy is considering this idea, she still doesn’t know how to talk to her father about this matter.

   "For your dear daughter's political career, we decided to let you retire early..."

   is a bit cruel.

   "What if we can get more money?" Ms. Tracy asked, holding her forehead, "If we can get 10 million, will it help our election?"

The ladies and gentlemen who looked very unusual in the office nodded, and the person in charge, who was also the leader of the campaign team, gave a positive reply, "If there are ten million, it will indeed be of great use. ."

   "But I am more inclined to use your father to trade. The support of the State House is more important than money. They themselves are a big net..."

  The plan is actually very simple. It is not difficult to use a real mayor position as a transaction in exchange for the support of three to five state senators.

  Politicians still care about the mayor. It seems that this is just a mayor, but after all, it can manage the specific work and life of residents in a city.

   can specifically affect the industrial and commercial development of a city, and formulate some policies.

   If the superstructure is used to sell political resources at a good price, then the bottom politicians are the specific executors, and the position of the executors is very important.

   It is important not only to make the policies promised by some upper-class people become a reality, but also to enable some emerging capitalists in the city to fall into the arms of the party.

A deal for the position of mayor often involves many and very complicated relationships. After all, a pit can only hold one carrot. As long as there are three or five state senators supporting Ms. Tracy, then add some public relations to make the state house. The reverse problem is not big.

   After thinking for a long time, Ms. Tracey rubbed her temples, "I need to make a call..."

   The ladies and gentlemen in the room left one after another, giving Ms. Tracy enough private space.

   She picked up the phone, hesitated a little bit, and finally dialed Lynch's phone.

   It took three different calls to find Lynch. This is the most disturbing problem of this era. Communication cannot be synchronized in time.

   Sometimes once you miss some information, it will turn into a big trouble, and this kind of "missing" is constantly being staged.

   At the moment when I answered the phone, Ms. Tracy summoned her courage and said sincerely after a short chat, "Linch, I need your help."

   Lynch on the other end of the phone did not sign a check without saying anything like the first time, nor did he sign a check after saying a few words like the last time.

   This time, he refused.

   "I have already given two money, Ms. Tracy."

   Even if it is rejected, it will not make people angry, but will make Ms. Tracey blush and ashamed.

Yes, Lynch gave two pieces of money. Now she is calling for campaign funds and looks like a greedy and ugly I’m sorry, I know this...a bit too much, But I do need help now. "Thinking of her campaign career, Ms. Tracy still bit her head and continued to demand.

   "An opponent appeared outside of the plan, and the performance was very strong. Our analysis here is that if we maintain the current situation, it will be difficult for us to win the final election."

   "You know, not only you, but other people have invested considerable funds and energy, myself, too, we can't just watch all these investments in vain!"

   "It doesn't need much, three to five million will do. I will use other methods to bridge the gap between us..."

   Ms. Tracy told her about the recent events, and Lynch felt a little surprised after listening, but not so unexpected.

   When there is no obvious strong candidate among the candidates for governor of a state, especially a swing state, it is the best time for politicians to attack the state.

   The special part of the swing state lies in the changes and uncertainty of political positions, which also means that everyone is possible, as long as this person can be liked by voters.

   If people like a cat or a dog, as long as its owner has the money to pave the way for it, it can also win the election.

   "There are many ways to defeat the opponent, maybe we can sit down and talk..." Lynch didn't agree directly, but wanted to talk to her.

   Ms. Tracy did not hesitate much, and immediately agreed.