Blackstone Code

Chapter 1192: condition

In this world, there is no free lunch.

  Ms. Tracy once again picked up the wine glass and used the way of drinking to hide her inner fluctuations. She looked at the golden liquid in the cup and thought about what she could do to return Lynch.

   It was only at this moment that she suddenly realized that the handsome young man in front of her was not her nephew, let alone a "little dessert", he was a successful capitalist.

   An unprovoked heart palpitations made her take a deep breath, and her smile was not so natural when she put down the cup.

   "What do you want?" she asked.

   Her gaze locked on Lynch tightly, as if exploring Lynch’s true needs.

   Lynch held the cup and shook it gently, without putting it down or catching it. "Many people in the Federation have faith, and so do I."

   "I'm very interested in these things, you know, after people have money, they will think about a lot of messy things."

   "For example, there is technology, such as...", he smiled, "...religious."

   "The history of mankind is always full of many mysteries. We cannot pry into all the truths of the natural world through scientific methods. Sometimes we also use religious and theological methods as research methods."

   "I think I might be able to chat with Your Patriarch."

   "There is a topic about religion!"

   Ms. Tracy understood it all at once, and Lynch wanted her to introduce her uncle to him.

   She didn't know why Lynch was interested in religion, but after thinking about it for a while, she agreed.

   She doesn't need to pay more, just let two people meet at a specific time and a specific place.

   She agreed, "I will convince him."

   This matter is very difficult for most people. The position of the patriarch is very special. The pope is just a mascot in the Federation, not even as good as a mascot.

  The one who really holds the power of religion is the patriarch of each pastoral area. The politicians of the Federation are very wary of religion, so they use many methods to break up religion.

   Just like Marillo at this time, each diocese is relatively independent, and each pastoral capital is like those warlords. They will not submit to the Pope and the Presbyterian Church without actual control.

   A divided religion is better than a united religion. In addition, the number of people who believe in religion in the Federation is really a lot. This is necessary regardless of whether the people in the religion are ambitious or not.

   Most people want to see the patriarch, except for a long look at various religious activities, probably only on TV.

   Don’t look at the Patriarch, it doesn’t seem to have a lot of work to do, but it’s not easy to sit down and chat with him.

   Ms. Tracy can help Lynch and the Mu first to get online, and Lynch’s "armor" can be put on more.

   In fact, Lynch's barbaric development to this day seems to be very large, but he still lacks some time and foundation.

   A billionaire who wins a lottery ticket, and a billionaire who uses his own hands to fight his way through the sea of ​​commerce step by step, can he deal with a crisis in the same way?

of course not!

  The rich man who won the lottery still has too few high-level social contacts. Apart from being rich, he doesn't know anyone who can change his destiny.

   Some people may say, isn’t the federation a money-supreme society?

   Can't you do everything if you have money?

   The sentence itself is not wrong, but it is not completely without any conditions. It depends on whose hands the money is in and how it is used.

   Rather than getting some rewards to face the big troubles of resistance, why don't people choose to watch and divide up his wealth after this billionaire is finished?

   The other type of rich man is different. They have a vast network of interpersonal relationships. When they encounter trouble, this person can't solve it, so they can ask another person.

   They may know a lot of people, and at this time, money can play its greatest value.

  Yes, if you want money to become an almighty golden apple, you need to let it show its value, the value of wealth!

   Lynch wants to expand his social circle and expand his influence. Religion is actually a very good direction.

   There are at least 40 million believers in the Federation. Some of them are half believers and incomplete believers, but there are also many full believers and many devout people.

   Religion has its own newspaper-"The Gospel"

   also has its own TV station-"Gospel Channel"

   They also filmed their own TV series-"The Complete Bible"

   It is true that these groups and ordinary groups have a large coverage, but when faced with religious issues, these people will turn over.

   Lynch needs to establish some religious image, which will make him even more flawless!

   He may not need it before, because at that time he still didn't need a jury.

   But now he, if something goes wrong, he will definitely use the jury, and most of the jury is the bottom of society without high knowledge.

  The one they come into contact with the most may be religion.

   The churches in every community will give donations in difficult times. Some of them rely on the donations of the church to survive the most difficult dark moments. Their faith and piety in religion are much stronger than those of the upper class.

   And these people are often the easiest to choose when selecting jury members.

   They don’t have a high culture, and they don’t want to maximize their benefits through different choices.

   These people have some small personality problems, maybe extreme, maybe persistent, but also rude and irritable.

   But it is precisely these people who will become the most straightforward jury members. They will not think that the person standing in the dock is a big capitalist who is innocent.

   There are very few things that can affect them.

   And what Lynch has to do is, for himself, just a phone call.

   Lynch called the Brothers Grimm after sending away Ms. Tracy.

  When it comes to killing or protecting people, Blackrock Security is definitely a good hand.

   When it comes to dirty work, they are inferior to Brothers Grimm.

   When the two of them dared to attack and kill the masthead, Lynch knew that they always came in handy.

   Just as the Grimm brothers set out to do this, the target they were investigating was also talking about their opponent, Ms. Tracy.

   "She doesn't have much advantage. The following calls for the election of a female governor seem very high, but they are not meaningful."

   "She doesn't have an excellent ruling resume. People are not so sure about whether she can manage a city well. We only need to continue to expand in the area of ​​propaganda and question her ability to get voters on our side."

  The professional campaign office has a more professional campaign team. These people think that they are a waste of resources to plan the governor's campaign.

   However, supporters of the Conservative Party are willing to pay for the services of these people, so who would think that the money is too much?

   Campaigns, even for the governor, will involve millions or even tens of millions of campaign funds. All this money... is money!

   This is definitely not a nonsense.

   The candidate sitting at the end of the oval table was very satisfied with these campaign strategies. He played with the pencil in his hand leisurely and was not nervous at all.

   This is the brightest moment in his life. He will soon become governor. There is no more exciting moment than now.

   He is enjoying everything now, enjoying the wonderful taste of defeating the enemy and taking the fruits of victory from the enemy's "corpse". He likes what is happening now.

   "So, are we sure to win?" he threw the pencil back on the table and asked.

The leader of the campaign team was very cautious and did not nod or shook his head. “Our current winning rate is very high. From the opinion polls, we have begun to take the lead. There are still four months before the election. When we are fully mobilized, she is not at all. Our opponent."

   "But we must also be careful and beware of the dirty work the other party does." The leader of the campaign team looked at the candidates, "Do you have anything we don't know that can be treated as a handle?"

   "If there is, say it as soon as possible. I don't want to wait for us to be found at the last minute to deal with these problems and rush to deal with it, so that our six months of work will be wasted."

   The candidate thought about it seriously, shook his head and said, "No, no!"

  He has a little hobby, but these little hobbies...are not his own vitals, he thinks.

   He used to be a bit masochistic, but the other party was his wife. He didn't think it was a problem with this kind of little love between husband and wife ~ and it was unlikely that it would affect him.

   As for the others... He shook his head again, the military background made him abide by certain rules.

   The team leader breathed a sigh of relief, "If this is the case, it would be best. The next thing you have to do is to show your enthusiasm to serve people more positively..."

   "The general strike just broke out, you should be more proactive in paying attention to this aspect of the problem, this will allow you to get the votes of the working class..."

   "You have to praise your competitors in the media and in public as much as possible, especially Ms. Tracy. This will make female voters feel good about you."

   "We don't require them to vote for you, as long as they vote for you all, or simply abstain!"

   "Also you have to pay attention..."

   There are still four months to go, but the work of the elections has already begun. Every six months to three months before various elections is the time when various politicians are most active.

   If one day, a politician in high-end formal attire walked into the workshop of the factory, he would not be disgusted with the messy, humid, and noisy environment in the workshop, and he would be able to shook hands with the workers kindly.

   Even if the engine oil stains his cuffs, he won’t make a noise. Instead, he smiled and chatted with the workers. So don’t think about it, it must be an election soon!

  Only at this time can politicians get so close to the bottom of society.

  Once they win or lose the election, they will become "people on the TV" again!