Blackstone Code

Chapter 1250: I am very wronged!

When several cars were parked downstairs of the little earl's financial company, Lynch was on the phone in a room across the road.

He stood by the window, the window was closed tightly, Gefla was not comfortable in the winter, and the thick clothes could not block the invasion of damp and cold air, as if in this weather, the clothes had no use for them.

There was heating in the room, but even so, a fireplace was burning.

The weather is cooling down a bit fast, so fast that when people think it should be autumn, the temperature has already entered the cold winter season.

Beautiful lace curtains hang on both sides. He is slightly sideways, holding a telephone receiver in one hand, a cigarette in his mouth, and a lighter in the other.

With the sound of "ding—", the cigarette was lit, and he took a deep breath. The thick smoke was drawn into the lung lobes and stretched, and every corner was shrouded in smoke.

At this moment, the nicotine is fully in contact with the alveoli, and a large amount of nicotine quickly enters the brain with the blood, stimulating the secretion of dopamine.

The whole person's emotions seemed to relax in an instant.

The phone was connected at this very moment.

"Did you have a good time in Gefla?" Mr. Truman's voice was somewhat nostalgic.

What I miss is not the communication with Mr. Truman, but the tone of voice of the federal people.

The tone of the Gefra people's speech is really unpleasant, and the arrogance that emerges from nowhere makes their tone of speech unpleasant.

Lynch said with a smile, "The phone line is confidential. Gefla has cooled down very quickly these days. Is it the same for the Federation?"

"Yes, the weather forecast says that tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Bupain will start to snow. This year's winter is much earlier than in previous years."

"Some experts and scholars believe that the Ice Age is coming. Yesterday, a lunatic gave a speech in Bupain, claiming that at the end of this Ice Age, the number of human beings will be less than one percent of what it is now, and All civilizations will be destroyed..."

The federal people have a very magical "constitution". They believe in the existence of gods and aliens, and believe that the stars, politicians and capitalists in the upper class are all faked by aliens.

They believe a lot of things for which there is no evidence, and naturally believe that the end of the world is coming.

Mr. Truman's tone became a little serious, "Some small troubles happened today. Many supermarkets and agricultural product warehouses in the northern region were robbed."

"A lot of food and winter supplies have become the main targets of being robbed."

"Especially now that it's too cold in the north, it's difficult for trains to pass. I suspect that the problem will be more serious after December."

He used the word austere, which is generally not used by people. It means a certain bottom line, a limit state.

Once this limit state cannot be maintained, it will be completely finished.

This is a front that needs to be defended!

Lynch had expected it, but he didn't expect it to be so serious, "Is it a spontaneous behavior or an organized behavior?"

"Spontaneously... Many people in the north have been frozen to death. Some homeless people and families who lack winter supplies are the main force. There is no conspiracy."

As soon as Lynch asked this question, Mr. Truman knew what Lynch was thinking, and immediately gave him a pretty good answer.

His answer made Lynch a little relieved. If someone organizes Renhuo in the face of such a natural disaster, it will not be a good thing for the entire Federation.

"If it doesn't work, just raise the alarm. Once there is chaos, many things cannot be implemented."

After saying this, he paused for a few seconds, "My food and winter supplies will be sent to China soon, and some problems should be solved by then."

"It's better to formulate some policies to let homeless people go to the south as much as possible. I hope it won't be too cold this year."

At Lynch's request, many areas of Nagalil began to grow food. The federal people donated seeds for free, and specialized agricultural experts helped them.

As long as you are not a fool and are willing to work, you can basically gain something.

Aser has cultivated a lot of land and has a good harvest. He will become a role model and a leading force to make more local elites in Nagalil become farmers.

In fact, there is no shortage of smart people or practitioners in Nagalil, but the past environment made it impossible for people to change their lives and the surrounding environment through their own efforts.

Now that the federal people have come, not only did they not bring destruction, but they made Nagalil better and better.

Some people think that the Nagalilians must have been abused, and they must have worked like slaves under the management of the federal people.

But it is not, they do not know the past of Nagalil, and naturally they will not understand how happy the Nagalil people are now.

After talking about China, Mr. Truman began to chat about Lynch's actions in Gafla.

This is what Lynch wants to come. Of course, Mr. Truman also hopes that he can come. No one will think that it is unnecessary to add trouble to his opponent.

"How are those thoughts of yours going these days?"

he asks.

"It's okay!" Lynch took a puff of cigarette. Suddenly, some thick smoke came out of the window on the second floor of the financial company opposite him. There was also a car accident on the corner of the street. Two cars collided with each other and quickly Burn quickly.

He glanced at the cigarette **** in his hand, took another puff, then stubbed it out in the ashtray, turned around, walked back to the edge of the sofa and sat down

"It is inevitable for Gefra to change the system. Now almost everyone is standing opposite their emperor, and the royal family has no chance of winning."

"I came here only to hope to prolong this process, so that the royal family can see some hope, and then fight hard with the nobles."

"No matter what the process is, the end result will not change."

After hearing this, Mr. Truman was a little disappointed, "So, soon we will face a brand new Gefla?"

"Yes, it will be more energetic, energetic, younger, and of course more stable than before. Stability is the most important thing!"

Mr. Truman seemed to have thought of something, and asked casually, "Will we encounter such problems in the future?"

In fact, this problem has been hidden in his heart for a long time. He feels that there is a big problem with the current federal system.

It's as if everything in the world is at the service of capitalism and capitalists, from a congressman who shows up on a construction site with a tie and shiny shoes, to a guy like Mr. President.

They are actually the spokespersons of capital, and they need to speak out for the capital behind them. No one can change this fact.

Even if someone doesn't cooperate, they can be replaced in four years, at most eight years. If they are low-level politicians, they can be replaced every two years. This also forces everyone to bow to capital.

This is very wrong, there is something wrong with this system, but there is nothing wrong with it, everything is pretending to be extremely beautiful!

Lynch chuckled a few times, "This is impossible, the current federal system satisfies the needs of all classes to the greatest extent."

"We are too free, nothing can restrain us, if we blindly increase the rules, it will create some unnecessary problems..."

While talking, there was a sudden explosion, and Mr. Truman on the other end of the phone was a little worried, "I seem to hear something exploded. Is that the sound of an explosion?"

Lynch carried the phone and walked to the window again, and nodded towards the window on the second floor opposite where flames were spraying out. In fact, Mr. Truman didn't care whether he nodded or not, because he couldn't see it at all.

"Yes, there's a good show going on..."

Mr. Truman understood the meaning, and he said with a smile, "Then I won't disturb your pleasure, we will meet again when we come back when we have time..."

The firetrucks on the street were still unable to get in, and they were fighting the flames from the two vehicles that caused the accident.

The fire over there won't go out, and unless the wreckage is cleared out, you won't be able to get in.

The fire kept burning, and some people rushed out of the house in embarrassment, with some horrified expressions on their faces.

There are also some people whose faces are full of excited expressions. Violence and destruction are always things that cannot be unloaded from people's bones.

When the firetruck arrived, the fire had almost burned out. Lynch looked at the fire with a satisfied smile.

He also spent a lot of thought in order to make the fire burn more fiercely and intensify the fire.

A little later, the TV station in the imperial capital reported the news that a financial company was accidentally set on fire for some reason, and everything was burned clean.

The host of the TV station also warned ordinary people to pay attention to fire prevention as much as possible when heating and fireplaces are needed.

Every winter is the high fire season in the second half of the year. Gafla people like to have fewer fireplaces. Whether it is a poor family or a rich family, they will burn as long as the conditions at home allow!

This has also led to fires in many homes in winter.

The host intentionally concealed the truth behind the fire. It was what he thought, not only what he thought, but Lynch himself asked to do so.

Revenge always seemed to lack something without flame and incineration, and if Kipling knew what Lynch was thinking, he would have applauded Lynch for it.

At this time, the little earl was crying in the villa of Duke Phillips crying that he had just withdrawn 10 million francs in cash from the bank, and it was burned before he could take it away.

More importantly, he lost a lot of books, and the total price was tens of millions!

"I agree with your mediation and am willing to reconcile with the other party, but look what they have done!"

"They beat my employees and servants, and then burned my property, tens of millions of properties were burned to ashes by them!"

"Your Excellency, I respect you, but if this is the price I pay for respecting you..."

His lips moved, but he didn't continue.

The Duke held his forehead, frowned, and his face was a little bored.

"Do you... have any evidence to prove what you said?"

The little count said aggrievedly, "You can ask someone from the Royal Bank for the money I just withdrawn!"