Blackstone Code

Chapter 1252: straight punch

Lynch is a good talker.

When he was in that small place, someone asked him how he got in. After all, those who can get in must have something extraordinary.

Some origins are very good, but they just go the wrong way halfway.

Some people are naturally intelligent and can easily deduce how things are going to happen.

Some people are good at imitating, no matter who or what they are, they can easily imitate them.

Someone thought Lynch was mediocre and asked him what he was good at.

He told the man that he was the best at persuading people.

Under Lynch's words, the new generation of nobles were full of confidence. They chatted happily, and everyone looked very relaxed.

But Lynch knew that these were all illusions. They already possessed one of the most basic elements of nobility, that is, "acting".

Not easily expressing emotions on the face and eyes can be said to be the most basic ability for nobles, and it is also the ability that must be mastered.

They may be able to deceive themselves, but they can't deceive Lynch. They are so relaxed when they should be very nervous. This is too fake.

And this is where the new generation of nobles are still immature—

You can't always let others see the beautiful side of you that you pretend to be, sometimes you have to let others see your real face!

Fake things, sometimes, even if they are the same as the real ones, lack the sense of reality and the impact of reality!

Lynch watched everyone perform with a glass of wine in his hand. He was waiting, waiting for a phone call.

When dinner was approaching at night, when everyone was a little tired, the phone rang suddenly.

The noisy room fell silent in an instant, and the little count glanced at Lynch, who nodded slightly.

He took a deep breath, picked up the phone, "This is...", he announced his name.

In fact, he didn't need to do that. Would the person who called him this number not know who answered the call in the end?

No, they do.

When he said his name, he just wanted to affirm himself in a certain sense. This is a very special and complicated state of mind.

On the other end of the phone is the Duke of Phoenix.

"Your opponent has rejected the peace talks. I don't care what happens between you."

"But I must warn you not to take it too far, as I said the same to that side."

"All the rest, leave it to you to solve by yourself!"

After speaking, the Duke hung up the phone, feeling bored.

At such an important moment, a group of people actually thought of fighting among themselves. After overthrowing the royal family's rule, he would definitely reorganize the aristocratic group.

As for the old aristocrat...he was also very upset. He was an old aristocrat with a long family history, but now he showed such immature determination in the face of some minor problems.

Decades of no struggle between nobles seems to have degraded some.

Real nobles have never been canonized in the nature of royal rewards!

Canonization in the nature of royal rewards will never be a real noble!

In fact, as long as we go back to history, we can find that none of the hereditary nobles are easy to mess with.

The ancestors of each family had a large number of people and a large area of ​​territory, so that the emperor felt the danger and had to give them more privileges to appease them.

"States within states" such as Grand Dukes and Principalities are even more telling.

Perhaps, it's time for those people to wake up what is deposited in their bones!

On the other hand, it was no surprise that the little earl got this result, which was what they wanted most.

Rather than going to the end, after the nobles of the Privy Council overthrew the royal family, they "killed" from the island to Amélia with the posture and momentum of the victors, and fought an unfair "war" with them.

How about relying on the help of the royal family when they haven't won, not to mention suppressing these veteran nobles, at least let the other party feel their tenacity and determination to fight to defend their power!

A nobleman took out a piece of material and spread it on the table. It was a map of the imperial capital, with various shops and icons marked on it, and letters of different colors to distinguish their uses.

Such a map is simply out of reach of ordinary people!

"Here, and here, here and here are their main industries, especially here..." The nobleman pointed to a blue building close to the central area of ​​the imperial capital.

"This is the financial company of the old Earl's family. On the third floor, the first and second floors are their leather goods store..."

Leather goods are not considered an "inferior" job in Gafra, and it was the same in the Middle Ages and even in ancient times. It can be said that leather goods were purely upper-class jobs in ancient times, and people engaged in this industry are also quite enviable.

At that time, there were very few people who could tan leather, and even fewer people could turn leather into leather goods. In the era of frequent wars, leather goods were very important equipment.

In a certain mythical story, a **** king was reincarnated into human society. Before he awakened his divine power, he was sent by his parents to learn the craft of a cobbler at a high price and became a shoemaker. !

A set of high-end formal suits in Gefra may cost two to three thousand yuan, the more ordinary ones.

A good pair of riding boots alone may cost tens of thousands of dollars!

A leather goods store plus a financial company is enough to cause at least millions of losses, and it will definitely make them feel pained for a while!

"What we want to do is revenge, not killing."

"Rush in, drive people out first, make sure there is no one inside, then set fire to it!"

Lynch looked at these nobles arranging their plans of action. In fact, the idea of ​​the little practical earl was to directly set fire to it, even burning down the house and people!

He is still young, so it is not surprising that he has such an idea. He is at an age where he is easily impulsive and has a strong desire for revenge.

Lynch is not a young man, he is well aware of the difference between a dead person and a non-dead person.

One is irretrievable, and the other is easy to find an excuse.

He pointed out a few people, and those people nodded in agreement.

This is not the work of one person, but the work of a group of people. When it comes up, it will put a lot of pressure on the other party, making them feel that "if you don't find someone to help you, you will definitely lose."

Only in this way will the fighting group continue to expand, eventually affecting more than half of the Privy Council!

Only in this way can the royal family and royalists stand with them and provide them with more convenient conditions!

Immediately afterwards, Lynch looked at the little count, "You take some people to stop their people, and arrange a few people with pistols, but those with pistols should not fight."

"They're just in case."

"Let other people take sticks and use sticks to deal with our enemies. As long as they don't kill them, nothing else is a problem..."

One by one, one by one, Lynch arranged everything properly, and even arranged for someone to steal the ship!

Yes, Kipling stole the ship, and now what the little earl has to do is to get it back with interest!

At the end, Lynch looked at these people who could no longer hold back, and said to them with a smile, "One last thing to ask everyone to carry the banner. From today, we will let the island and the whole world know us!"

"This is our time!"

It's a little past six o'clock in the evening, which is the peak time for getting off work. Even if the cold snap hits, the streets at this time are full of people rushing home.

After a tiring day at work, they miss the crispy potato wedges, juicy fish fillets, and beer that can completely relax with a sip at this moment!

No one wants to stay on the road for even a second longer!

At this time, seven or eight cars quickly stopped outside a very bright leather goods store, and then a large number of people got out of the cars.

These people wore black cloaks with hoods, and their faces could not be seen clearly in the dark. They held sticks in their hands, and they moved quickly and powerfully, and rushed directly to the leather goods store.

From the moment the first glass was smashed, everyone on the side of the road was stunned!

This is probably the first time most people have seen such unabashed violence, those men in black beat shop workers and customers with sticks, and drove people out...

A clerk rushed into a phone booth on the side of the road, his body trembling slightly.

He was just selling a set of horse gear (saddle, horse armor, horse helmet, bridle, etc.) worth nearly 100,000 to two customers. As a result, several people rushed in and not only beat him with sticks, but also beat the customer.

He suspected that his arm had been broken, and he couldn't lift his left hand up to now, and his body was shaking with fear.

He clamped the receiver with his head and shoulders, and quickly dialed the number of the police station, but the moment the call was connected, a hand suddenly pressed on the spring!

The sound in the earpiece also disappears!

He turned around tremblingly, only felt something hit his and lost consciousness for a moment.

I don't know how long it took for the clerk to wake up from a coma. He was hit **** the head and temporarily lost his ability to balance his body.

At this time, he stood up staggeringly while supporting the phone booth. Before he had time to judge the environment at this time, he was attracted by the firelight outside the phone booth!

The blazing flames engulfed the workplace where he went to work, and the flames licked out from every window, as if insulting the world!

The water sprayed from the hose of the fire truck seemed to have no effect in the face of such a terrible fire, and the people on the side of the road just looked at it stupidly.

Watch its fire grow, watch it burn everything away.

There is a very special smell in the air, a little pungent, it is the smell of money!

If this fire has brought any positive force to people, it may be that the temperature it brought when it burned made the temperature in the vicinity seem to have risen by several degrees!