Blackstone Code

Chapter 1278: International response

Hard choice.

During this time, the major sent her girlfriend and her family to the Federation, and her family agreed to leave at this time.

In fact, none of the Gevlars are fools. The struggle between the nobles and the royal family is getting more and more fierce, and those who are able to leave the island have already figured out ways to leave.

Those who can't live without...we can only hold on, pray that the conflict between the big figures will not affect the civilian class.

In a series of trials, the eldest prince was found guilty by the Gafra noble court and the Supreme Court at the same time.

He was deprived of his status as heir to the royal family, and the judge directly sentenced him to ten years in prison in court!

The eldest prince finally couldn't stretch himself at the last moment. He cursed wildly at those nobles, completely losing his demeanor and respect as a member of the royal family.

The newspaper used "like a lame wild dog kicked" to describe his appearance in court!

The most important member of the royal family was finally taken down by the nobles.

But this is not the victory of the nobles, but the beginning of a terrible war!

The next day, the emperor also announced the abolition of a total of seventeen noble titles in the palace and reclaimed the family land granted to them at the time of canonization.

All buildings on the land must be moved within a certain period of time, otherwise they will be collectively reclaimed by the royal family!

At this moment, the tense nerves of the nobles were broken, and a breath of suffocating air was in the entire imperial capital!

It was not far from the end of the month, and in the Privy Council, Lynch arrived at the scene early.

He, the little earl and others took a low-key way and huddled in the corner, which was not so eye-catching.

Immediately after nine o'clock, the Privy Council was already full of people, including the heirs, wives, or sons of the nobles who had been seized.

They were all crying, their faces full of horror and disappointment.

Losing their status as a nobleman means that the privileges they have been enjoying will leave them.

In order to maintain the current state of family management, they have to find other nobles to be affiliated with. Those merchants who depend on them have already started to liquidate their assets and divide their shares...

All this is like the end, and some people plan to buy their houses, properties and precious artworks at a low price!

These people are like jackals, surrounding them, and from time to time they will bite off their flesh.

What is even more frightening is that the nobles actually have to serve their sentences, which is like revenge for the noble court to try the prince. Those nobles were also sentenced to ten years in prison, and they were also detained in the same prison as the prince.

When the Duke of Phoenix and other great nobles appeared, a meeting that determined Gefra's future began.

"The Duke of Phoenix...", a family member of the victim stood up. It was a girl in her twenties who looked very beautiful.

Her eyes were red and swollen, which made the "sympathetic" nobles feel a kind of grief, as if a tragedy happened to her.

She greeted all the great nobles in full, and then told what was happening to her family.

"Those cunning businessmen have torn up the contract, and some people who don't know where they came from are brandishing various proofs of debt to ask us for debts that we don't know."

"What's more frightening is that the Royal Bank has frozen our accounts. Now it is very difficult for us to even live our lives. Only by pawning some...industry and art can we sustain our lives."

"I heard that the emperor is still collecting criminal evidence from other nobles, and he will continue to frame other nobles. If you are still like before, don't stand up and speak out when we are persecuted, maybe..."

She smiled miserably on her face, "...It won’t be long before you will stand where we once stood and accept all kinds of unreasonable difficulties and political persecution, and similarly, no one will speak up for you. ."

"Until...all of us become a thing of the past!"

The girl's words didn't actually mean too much to beg for help. On the contrary, they were uniting the nobles. Her words made some still vacillating nobles lose the last trace of innocence in their hearts.

Yes, once this war is launched, one party will inevitably fall, and the royal offensive continues. If the nobles do not unite at this time, there will be no chance to unite.

At this time, another young man stood up. After looking around for a week, he looked at the nobleman on the stage and said loudly, “In view of... The emperor and the royal family..."

Then one after another nobles stood up and agreed with the proposal. Their common wish was to impeach the emperor and let the emperor "off work."

More and more nobles stood up, and a group of people in the corner who were not very conspicuous at this time became less...low-key.

People looked at them, looked at Lynch, some people's eyes were filled with distorted gazes like "Come on, merge with us".

There were also some expressions of rejection and disgust on their faces. Perhaps they felt that Lynch and the group were not worthy of being called nobles.

When the other nobles were fighting, this group of people who had jumped the most before shrank their heads instead.

Faced with so many gazes, the little earl and the others are still a little bit pressured, but Lynch can't feel anything.

After all, he had experienced scenes more terrifying than this.

"We abstained."

Some nobles immediately showed bad expressions, but fortunately they knew that this was not the time when the conflict was triggered, and they also saw Lynch's unreasonableness.

Obviously he is a nobleman, but he always does things that noblemen can't do and can't think of.

For example... beating people.

After removing this small part of the different choices from everyone, in the end the nobles in the Privy Council passed the proposal almost unanimously.

Only some royalists voted against it.

The Duke of Phoenix looked at these people, and after a brief silence and simple exchanges with other nobles, he solemnly accepted the proposal.

"According to the rules and regulations of the Privy Council, we will immediately announce our decision to the outside world, and I also hope... that everyone is ready."

The young man who made the proposal was very humble and saluted the nobles first, and then asked, "If... unwilling to accept this result, do we need to use force to solve the problem?"

Everyone smelled the **** smell between the lines in his words, and it was terrible to use force to launch a coup.

The Duke of Phoenix, as always, was not surprised at all, always calm and calm.

He did not give an answer for or against, but said something else.

"Since the 12th, the Federation's First Fleet is cruising less than three hundred nautical miles away from us. Do you know what this means?"

He looked down at these nobles condescendingly, his eyes swept over each of them, but unfortunately he couldn't find any expressions that would satisfy him. Most nobles were still shocked or ignorant of the news. Status.

The Duke of Phoenix sighed with disappointment, "This means that the federal people have already begun to try to do something. You may be less clear. The original copyright country that leased the province of Ameria to ours is gathering forces on the border. ."

"The governor of the province of Ameria has sounded the second alarm, and war may break out at any time."

"Pengjieo people are secretly transporting troops..."

The international situation is too bad. The struggle between the aristocratic group and the emperor has just begun to heat up, and the international response has been a little overdone.

The Duke of Phoenix looked at Lynch, who smiled and raised his glass in respect.

He retracted his gaze, "You don't know what this means, so you dare to say such things as a military coup."

"Once you choose to change this country through a coup by force, the Federation will soon intervene."

"They have many reasons to do this, whether it is to support the nobles against tyranny, or to help your Majesty stabilize the domestic order, it is a disaster for us."

"The Anmerian region may also re-enter the state of war, civil war, coupled with external interference, maybe from the moment you make such a decision, this country will begin the countdown to extinction..."

It was also at this time that Lynch knew that the First Fleet had approached Gevlar’s ​​home island. Mr. Truman did not tell Lynch about this matter, mainly because he was worried about the unsafe routes.

Even if some things are unsafe, they will not affect some arrangements. However, if this important matter is intercepted by the Gevlars in advance, they can completely threaten the federal navy by threatening somewhere in the Federation. The far belt is near the island.

The Federation's Second Fleet and Third Fleet are still being manufactured, and they will not be fully completed until at least the next year. Time is too late.

There is also the escalation of the confrontation in Ameria. The governor did not disclose the news to the public ~ but secretly revealed it to the ministers, leaving the trouble to the ministers.

International pressure is actually revealing one thing. Once these people find an opportunity, Gefra will be over. This is what the Duke of Phoenix said. In fact, the problem is not so serious.

After all, this will only come if a large-scale civil war really breaks out.

According to the information held by the Duke of Phoenix, this day will not come, and everyone will “exit” in a relatively “orderly” manner to complete the Prime Minister’s plan.

The nobles took two steps back, and the royal family took one step back to release more power and fully integrate into the whole society.

In the future, the Gefra people will have the right to vote, and the power of the people will be unprecedentedly strengthened. At the same time, the obligations that the people need to undertake will also increase unprecedentedly.

Maybe this is not the best way out for Gefra, but from the current point of view, this is the only way out.


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