Blackstone Code

Chapter 1280: Soon……

After Mr. Truman hung up the phone, he sat in a daze in a chair for a long time, and then couldn't help laughing.

He never thought that Lynch would actually do this, he actually wanted to...

Inexplicably, Mr. Truman was aware of a grotesque murderous intent. He knew that if he didn’t release this idea, he would provoke some terrible existence, so he was very decisive, and did not reserve to follow his previous thoughts. Go down.

Lynch, want to assassinate Emperor Gevlar!

Yes, he wants to assassinate the leader of Gevlar!

When Mr. Truman heard these words, his mind didn't turn around for a while.

He didn't understand why Lynch had such thoughts, but soon he realized the benefits of assassinating Emperor Gevlar at this time.

The conflict between the royal family and the nobility has heated up. If the emperor is assassinated at this time, who will be the direct vested interest?

There is no doubt that it must be a nobleman. After all, they killed a difficult, dictatorial tyrant, and the eldest prince was deprived of the throne by them. The second prince still has a way to go to inherit the throne.

The nobles lost their opponents and naturally won the war.

But what about the facts?

First of all, the governor of the province of Ameria will start to consider the relationship with the country because of the assassination of the emperor. He cannot bow his head. He does not know whether he will be assassinated after returning to the country. Then the best way is to let him The province of Ameria, as well as himself, maintains relative independence.

In this way, the relationship between the island and the Anmelia region will be weakened. Perhaps this does not mean anything to the vast majority of the Gefla people, but for multiple factors such as politics, diplomacy, and international status, there will be many changes.

In addition to the change in the attitude of the governor of the province of Ameria, the only thing the Prime Minister can do without knowing who did these things is to continue to suppress the nobles.

In this way, the contradiction between the new ruling class and the old ruling class is still continuing, and it will not be subsided because the monarchy disappears and the emperor loses power.

It will still exist, but this time it has become a contradiction between the nobles and the great nobles.

The two sides are susceptible to each other, and they confuse each other!

In the next three to five years, even if Gefola successfully completes the transformation of the ruling system, it will be difficult for it to unite.

If you want to unite, you may have to wait for the outbreak of the Second World War and even after the Second World War.

Emotionally speaking, Mr. Truman thinks this is a very dangerous thing, and it is also very unsuitable to do.

Assassinating the leader of a country is too bad.

But intellectually speaking, it would be very beneficial to the future development of the Federation to make Gevlar fall into a situation of long-term chaos and internal confrontation.

In the assessment of the Office of International Policy Research in the next ten years, the world will develop around the three countries of the Federation, Gefra and Penzio.

Among them, Gevlar is likely to become the enemy of the Federation, and the reason is very simple-one king of the world is enough, there have never been two kings or two emperors together to rule a country.

The world is the same. If there must be one rule maker in this world, there can only be one, not a few!

Since the future will inevitably form a competitive situation, before the firing of the starting gun, give the opponent a knife... only good for the Federation, no harm.

As for the assassination failure?

A dictator is caught in anger against the internal struggle, maybe a civil war will break out in Gevlar?

After a long silence, Mr. Truman just said two words of blessing, hoping that everything goes well and that Lynch can return home as soon as possible.

Then he hung up the phone and never asked other details. This is not what he should know, and he shouldn't take the initiative to ask, even if Lynch wants to tell him, he shouldn't listen!

Next, he will cast more eyes on Gefra.

At the same time, Shao corrected himself to his new job-a cleaner outside the palace.

Originally, Lynch wanted to arrange him as the palace guard, but later he discovered that the palace guard was inherited, not recruited.

To put it simply, palace guards can pass their job to their sons, and if they want, their sons can take their place and become palace guards.

But this job cannot be passed on to others. If it is not passed on to one's own son, then when a palace guard retires, there will be one less palace guard forever.

High welfare, high salary, coupled with the special nature and status of the job, few people will give up this job.

There are also people who have given birth to more than a dozen girls in their lifetime to give birth to a boy who can inherit their job, but they are unwilling to abandon this honor.

The biggest advantage of this is to ensure that the palace guards are always in control, and there is no problem with loyalty.

Therefore, I want to arrange for the major to be in, unless there is the consent of the emperor himself or the great prince, but this is the most impossible.

Lynch is not even a Gefla, who would believe his recommendation?

Looking around, finally arranged a cleaning job for the major for the palace square.

In this job, the emperor can only get close to the emperor when he shows up on the platform of the palace every week, and the so-called close range here is at least about 100 meters.

But this distance is very close, a rifle, only one bullet can hit the emperor at this distance.

Considering the possible assassinations, there are low buildings around the palace, and the tallest buildings are less than two floors. If there is a sniper, it is difficult to find a suitable target.

When the emperor showed up, he would only show the position above his chest most of the time, and he was protected by palace guards around him.

They are very close to the emperor, and they can throw the emperor down anytime and anywhere, or stand in front of the emperor, so there is only one chance to assassinate the emperor.

Once unsuccessful, there will be no second chance.

During this period of time, he was observing the location of the emperor's appearance on the video tape while observing the scene. He found that the emperor would be in a fixed position every time he showed up.

This may be a habit, like someone subconsciously walks to the balcony when smoking, or subconsciously feels a hunger for alcohol when they want to drink.

This is all an instinct. Over the years, the emperor has become accustomed to the process of meeting the people every time, standing in a fixed place and waving his arms a fixed number of times through a fixed route at a fixed time.

He has no new sense of this kind of thing that has lasted for decades, and he doesn't want it to become fresh.

So he would still show up in that place, show up, then leaned forward after waving his arms a fixed number of times to say hello to the people underneath, and then left.

The entire process will last for six minutes. When the emperor is waving his arms and leaning forward, it is his only chance. Only at this time will the emperor's body leave the protection of the palace guard, although only a little.

It seems that the whole process is very long, but in fact, the time that can provide him with the assassination only adds up to less than twenty seconds, or it is divided into two.

As long as there is such a short, two or three seconds of hesitation, it is possible to miss the opportunity for assassination.

The major has been cleaning the square carefully, looking for a suitable place by the way.

It's a pity that there are no tall buildings around, which also eliminates the opportunity to assassinate the emperor from a height. Shooting from the upward angle is not impossible, but the main problem is stability.

Shoot from a high place to a low place, as long as you have a good gun.

It is easy to adjust the angle and so on.

But shooting from a low place to a high place...If the location is not well chosen, the angle of the person's burial in the soil may not be appropriate.

When the major selected the assassination location, a large group of nobles rushed over again angrily.

He quickly stepped aside.

The nobles kept yelling at the palace, and some of them threw all kinds of garbage and even feces on the walls of the palace!

They also threw stones, trash, and various things in the palace to vent their dissatisfaction with the emperor and the royal family.

During this period, many nobles were seized on suspicion of serious crimes, and the nobles became even more angry, but the people thought it was pretty good.

It is also said that the emperor is drawing up a special order to deprive the nobles. Originally, the nobles of the Gafra Empire had their own codes, the noble codes.

To try the nobles, they must be tried in accordance with the crimes existing in the noble codes. This is also the reason why the Privy Council believes that the emperor's seizure of titles is unreasonable. Most nobles do not violate the set of noble codes.

Once noble privileges and even noble codes are abolished, nobles who commit crimes in the imperial codes will be tried in a civilian court.

At this point, most nobles will be unlucky, which is why they are firmly opposed to the emperor.

At this time the attitude of the ministers became very ambiguous, neither supporting the noble group nor supporting the emperor, just like...what are you waiting for.

The nobles came quickly, and went quickly, leaving garbage and all kinds of things all over the place.

The palace guard in charge of maintaining law and order appeared from the gate and commanded the major to clean up the ground.

"...These nobles are becoming more and more presumptuous, and your Majesty is too tolerant of them. You should arrest all these nobles."

One of the palace guards quietly communicated with his colleagues around him. The palace guards of these "hereditary systems" also have a kind of arrogance in their bones. People all over Fula will be arrogant for various reasons.

For example, "I am a member of the imperial capital, so I am arrogant", or "I serve the nobles and I am arrogant", or "Foreigners are poor, so I am arrogant." They always have a way to find the sense of superiority.

For the hereditary palace guards, protecting the palace is a reason for their arrogance.

The colleague next to him did not speak, and the person continued, "I don't know when the current situation will be the head?"

His colleague finally spoke, "Quickly, after your majesty signs the emperor's special order to abolish the privileges of the nobility..."

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