Blackstone Code

Chapter 1287: Grow (forgot to upload)

There was not much progress in this trial. As the legal counsel said, the lawyer Serra hired was very professional and rejected some of the prosecutor's points of view.

However, the judge did not pronounce the verdict in court, and the prosecutor claimed that there was still some evidence to be submitted, so the judge believed that another trial was needed for the prosecutor to supplement the materials, leaving the result for the next one.

Once it was over, Lynch found Sierra, and the two embraced.

From top to bottom, Sierra exudes a noble lady's temperament. Money is such a **** magic thing. It's only been a few years?

If Lynch didn't know what his family was like in the past, if he didn't know what Sierra was like in the past, he might not have suspected that the woman in front of him was just an ordinary housewife who revolved around the family and the kitchen in the past!

You can't see these things from her, you can only see the "high" in her eyes, which is an emotional expression of indifference to the whole world and the whole society.

This sentiment is often seen in the upper class of the Federation, and it is a trait that becomes more pronounced the richer it is.

When a family is still deciding whether to move to a narrow, middle-class neighborhood where it’s better to feel wronged by family members, or to move to a larger house but a slightly lower-grade neighborhood, the rich just need to pull out a check , all troubles are gone!

Rich people are magicians, and their checkbooks are their magic books!

With money, there will be no worries in life, and the so-called bright spots of human nature can be found from these people.

They like to do charity.

Sierra also does it, and she will do charity with those ladies and ladies she knows.

Because of Lynch's relationship, many charity evenings and charity auctions will send invitations to her, and she is also willing to spend a little money to gain a good reputation for herself.

She has enough time to read, which was not possible in the past when she had to be immersed in housework every day, but now she has time.

Stable reading time, the vast upper class of society manages social activities, and the management of her body strengthens her spirit. She is a noble lady!

And this is the great role of money!

"Do you need my help?" Lynch asked.

For him, solving this matter is just a very simple matter. It only takes one phone call, or a team of ultra-luxury lawyers to drag the lawsuit for 20 years.

This is simply impossible for most ordinary people, they can't afford the money, but for Lynch... He stands still for a minute, well, the lawsuit money has been earned.

Sierra shook her head, "My lawyer told me that it is very difficult for us to lose the case, and that litigation is a very interesting process. This is the first time I stand in the dock."

Sera expressed her feelings about accepting and experiencing new things, and her tone made Lynch feel that there was nothing wrong with her.

"Your boyfriend isn't here?"

Sera froze for a moment, "You mean Coman?" After receiving Lynch's affirmative answer, Sera shrugged, "He has been busy with the company's listing recently..."

The business franchise model of Youermei has aroused the attention of Federal Capital on the game model of "tiered franchise".

Using customers' money to make money for themselves, and customers should thank themselves, this kind of thing is full of fatal temptations for capitalists.

In addition, Uermay currently has more than 300 directly-operated stores and franchised stores, and Uermay is present in almost most of the first- and second-tier cities. The three senior firms of Bu Peien gave positive evaluations.

With these assessments plus some reasonable operations and transactions, listing is only a matter of time.

Coman is more suitable for this kind of thing. He is a man, and the Federation is a machismo society. Besides, in some occasions and social processes, it is more convenient for men.

Things like sexual bribery couldn't be done by Sera herself, so she handed it over to Coman.

As long as most of the company's shares and power are in Sera's hands, Koman can't do anything that harms the company's interests.

It's just that Lynch heard some of her boredom with Coman from Sera's words.

Sierra herself seemed to realize this.

She thought about it, and finally decided to explain, after all, she is Lynch's mother.

No matter what she has become now, she hopes that she will have a positive image in front of Lynch and in her heart, not a slut.

"There are many stages in life. The first sixteen years I thought my life was full of light until I graduated from high school."

"In the next eighteen years, I used all the scars to prove that I worked hard, but fate didn't love me, and I could only accept everything I encountered."

"And because of you, honey, our lives were changed."

Sierra raised her hand and stroked Lynch's cheek, "Keman is a choice in a stage of my life. I have been improving myself. From my current perspective...he is getting farther and farther away from me!"

"Of course we may break up, but we will still be friends and colleagues after we break up."

"You don't need to worry about my affairs, I will take care of myself!"

Sera is a kind and hard-working woman. After getting rich, she is not like some women who get rich quickly immersed in material desires.

She reads books, actively participates in high society, tries hard to maintain her figure, and restrains her desires. She seems to be making up for the lost time in the past eighteen years.

Anyway she is a hardworking and independent woman, and this proves once again the greatness of money, it can change anyone into anything you can't even imagine!

In fact, looking at it the other way around, Sera adapted faster and better than Nell, and integrated into the current life. If Sera were a man, maybe she could take a different path.

"Just be happy!" Lynch gave Sierra full understanding, "Just remember that we choose life, not life chooses us!"

This is also Lynch's understanding of life. When people have the power to choose life, they can say no to fate.

After the mother and son chatted, they separated, and Serra had to go back to socialize and explain to her sisters what it felt like to stand in the dock and fight against the federal law.

Lynch was about to go home, but just as he watched Serra leave, he got into the car, and before the car started, someone knocked on the window.

Austin sat in front and didn't respond. He was a safe person, otherwise he couldn't be so close to Lynch.

Lynch rolled down the car window, "What's the matter?"

Seeing that Lynch didn't seem to be planning to open the door, the people outside the car were stunned for a moment, and then he revealed his identity as a senior agent of the FBI.

After checking the person's ID, Lynch still asked the same question, "What's the matter?"

Mr. Senior Detective seemed to have a bad stomach and was a little constipated, so Lynch let him into another car.

Obviously he had something to say and wanted to chat with Lynch in private, and then the team returned to Lynch's mid-level villa.

After being away for many days, when I came back, I felt very relaxed emotionally.

The little maid had already prepared everything for Lynch, and he and the senior agent went straight into the side hall.

People of this level are no longer qualified to enter Lynch's study.

"Is there something wrong?"


Mr. Senior Detective nodded, "Mr. Lynch, there are some female trainers in the Youermei bodybuilding/fitness company under Ms. Serra who have a little relationship with Paradise Island..."

Lynch was a little surprised after hearing this. He took out a cigarette and took one to Mr. Senior Detective.

Mr. Senior Detective took out the lighter with great interest, bent over and extended his hand to light a cigarette for Lynch who was sitting on the sofa. Lynch took a puff and looked at him, "Continue talking."

Mr. Senior Detective didn't smoke himself. He held the cigarette in his hand and continued, "The federal government is very dissatisfied with the existence of Bliss Island. We have been collecting evidence to resolve the ownership issue of Bliss Island."

Lynch flicked the cigarette ash, "So what does this have to do with Youermi?"

The senior detective was silent for a while, and then explained, "We hope to use some small means to legally control some of the female fitness instructors who participated in the Bliss Island. This is also a relatively easy line we have at present."

Lynch thought for a while after listening, "You don't need to explain to me, this is your job, and I will support your job!"

With Lynch's affirmation, the senior agent breathed a sigh of relief, and then he said that the case related to Yuermi would be over soon, and then left.

Lynch understood that the issue of Bliss Island was really troublesome. The people who initially invested in Bliss Island were either well-known big capitalists from the Federation or politicians hiding behind the scenes.

Once when he was chatting with Mr. Wardrick, he talked about the matter of Bliss Island. It is very likely that the birth of Bliss Island was the masterpiece of some people!

Otherwise, why didn't the federal government prevent it from appearing as soon as possible, but waited for it to appear and become a fait accompli before thinking of destroying the developers of Paradise Island instead of the investors?

It's very simple, things have been done, they don't need an investor anymore, so they need to get rid of that person in a reasonable, legal and reasonable way.

Of course, this is just Lynch's opinion, not necessarily true, but in any case, this matter has little to do with him, although he is also an investor.

After Mr. Senior Detective left, Lynch began to deal with some work.

While he was outside, some work that needed to be signed was left until When the little maid helped him bring some documents, Lynch noticed her ring.

A very ordinary ring that looks like silver.

There are no handmade deposits by masters, no diamonds and gemstones, and it doesn't seem to come from any big brand of craftsmanship. It's like a half-true half-fake ring in an antique shop on the roadside, which costs 20 yuan a piece!

More importantly, it is worn on the finger that represents being married.

"You didn't tell me you were married."

Lynch put down the document in his hand, a little surprised, "You should tell me so that I can give you some gifts."

The little maid was a little shy and sweet, "Mr. Lynch, thank you very much. After we bought the house, my boyfriend ended his work in his hometown and found a job as a plumber here."

"We got married last month..."
