Blackstone Code

Chapter 1338: All tm is over


Kosai spun in the air and flew into the school gate. He was actually lucky.

If he was standing against the wall, maybe just like that, he would have to return to the embrace of God.

He stood in the door frame, and the huge impact of the car only knocked him into the air. Of course, the injuries were serious, but at least he still had a little hope of survival.


Four or five seconds after the accident happened, Coser's mother and the warden's wife realized what had happened.

She seemed to be pulled away by something in an instant, and her whole body collapsed.

But soon, she crawled towards her son with hands and feet like a dog in a very...unspeakable way.

She can't stand up anymore, crawling over is the only thing she can imagine in her head as a mother at this time!

The warden also reacted, and he quickly helped his wife, and the two quickly rushed towards Kesai.

There is also a mess on campus, no one would have thought that such a bad thing would happen on such an important day in this life.

People looked at Kosai with some fear in their hearts.

There may be discomfort, but not much. What they fear is not that Coser will die, be disabled, or be injured.

What they fear is that people are too fragile.

They are actually very fragile too, just like... Kosai is so fragile, which makes them a little worried, worried for themselves.

The teachers, students, including the principal all ran over.

This is a private campus, and the annual tuition is enough for ordinary people to dig out their eyes.

If Kosai is really dead or disabled, the investors of the school board will screw off the heads of the school management!

They are almost the same as the students. What they care about is not whether Coser can live well. What they care about is... the reputation and enrollment of the school should not be in trouble.

But no matter what the purpose of the people, their wish at this time is good, that is, hope that Kosai will be fine.

Kosai lay on the ground and rolled over, his body twitching from time to time.

His eyes looked at the blue sky, and the dazzling sunlight not so long ago was no longer so dazzling.

He has a desire to vomit. Human instinct subconsciously suppresses the desire to vomit temporarily by swallowing.

He remembered... he was signing a mailing note. This is the post office’s rules, like some valuable items, which must be signed by someone,

He wrote good handwriting, swashes.

It is said that many people in the Shenghehui like swash type characters, and this way of writing can also enhance their image to a certain extent.

He has developed such a habit, starting from the first letter, he writes seriously, until... he flies.

Everything is too fast!

It's too fast to react!

His eyes rolled weakly, and he saw his father.

In his not so long life, the warden has always played the hero of his life, yes, the warden is a hero to Coser!

He has set up a world for his family, so that he can have a good life and receive more rigorous and higher-level education in private schools.

He never yelled at himself or beat himself, he was very patient.

Sometimes on vacation, the father and son would travel together. They had fished in the middle of the lake and slid all the way down on the snow-capped mountains on skis.

They have been to tourist resorts to swim and dive, and they have also been to deep mountains and snow forests to cut logs for warmth...

Everything in the past flashed quickly in his mind. He wanted to express something, but he couldn't do it.

His body seemed to be out of control. He didn't know why he was so powerless with his body. He hated this feeling, and he wanted to expel it!

He saw his mother again. He wanted to raise his hand to wipe the tears off her face. He wanted to tell her that everything would be fine.

He still couldn't do it, he could only watch his mother crying sadly.

He saw his girlfriend, she was so worried about herself and was in pain all the time, and they were unhappy because of some small things.

It seems that she loves herself, otherwise she would not cry so sad, so sad!

Teachers, classmates, principals...

Kosai is not the best in school, nor is he the best in his family background.

He has never been like this, surrounded by everyone, he has become the core of everyone, this feeling...

The desire to vomit is transmitted to the central nervous system again, and this time the desire is even stronger.

He tried to continue to fight the desire to vomit with swallowing movements, but this time, he failed...


A big mouthful of blood came out, it was a squirt.

His swallowing action and the reflux of the stomach caused a conflict, something choked into the trachea.

He coughed when something upwelling passed through the trachea.

Instinctive coughing, there is no way to control it, he can actually do nothing, but at this time he still has the strength to cough!

A big mouthful of blood spurted out, and everyone's expressions were frozen...

And Kosai, coughing just now, seemed to exhaust his last bit of strength.

After vomiting a few more mouthfuls, he slowly closed his eyes.

So tired...Gu

take a break.

When you go home... remember to wake me up.

"No!", the warden growled angrily, his whole person was like a boiled lobster, and his body was trembling violently with anger and fear.

His wife has fainted, and he ran to the door quickly, he was going to kill the man who took his child!

The out-of-control car still stayed in place, the hood had been tilted up, and heavy smoke was coming out of it.

The driver was lying on the steering wheel, not knowing whether it was life or death.

At this time, the nearby patrol and mounted police have rushed over. In order to ensure the school’s public order, the school will donate a lot of money to the nearby branch every year.

Of course, the sub-bureau considers issues such as police-civil cooperation, so they arrange for many police officers to patrol near the school.

The policemen's expressions were also very solemn. When they came, the warden had just used the deformed car door to unload.

At that moment, a smell of alcohol that was stronger than before wafted out of the cab.

"Damn it, how much wine did this **** drink?" A mounted police shook his head.

The most disliked thing as a mounted police is these drivers who drank alcohol.

They often do stupid things, such as provoking the police.

Under the influence of alcohol, they seem to feel that they are the masters of the world, or they sometimes chase with other cars.

If it's just these, it's not like dislike or even hate.

What really makes them annoying is that they do not need to be completely responsible for their actions when they are drunk, and sometimes they are treated slightly.

It's not even a punishment.

The warden grabbed the driver's hair and pulled him out of the cab, but he didn't completely pull him out.

One of his legs was right inside, and the injury seemed to be serious, at least his right foot was broken.

After pulling for several times, there was no response, and the warden hit the driver's face with a fist.

I don't know if the driver is unconscious or completely drunk. The nostrils bleed after the punch, but the person did not wake up.

The people around hurried up to stop the warden, and others began to clear the scene, giving way to the ambulance that had arrived.

Kosai was in the rescue and was taken to an ambulance.

The medical equipment in the hospital is definitely more convenient and effective than the rescue on the spot. Sitting in the car, the warden's eyes are full of self-blame and boundless anger.

He knows who did it, and this is what Brother Grimm did!

He knows this.

He had already wanted to compromise, but this time, they made a mistake!

They should not do anything to their children, and they should not put their families in danger!

When the child is sent to the hospital, he will immediately go back and send old Fox on the road!

From the time he started operating a private prison, the warden has many lives in his hands.

The first time he killed someone was because the **** was unwilling to cooperate with their work and continued to provoke the management.

If you don't let the thorn head lower your head, the work in the prison will be difficult to do.

There are only two types of people who can enter a private prison.

The first is rich and powerful. They enter private prisons to enjoy their blessings.

In addition to not being able to go out casually-they can also go out if necessary.

In terms of freedom, there may be a little restriction, but living in a private prison is actually no different from living in a villa!

The second category is severely penalized prisoners, who are at least two to thirty years old and have limited commutation of their sentences.

These people are cheap labor and don't need to pay them wages, as long as they don't starve to death.

Squeeze the labor of the prisoners here, and no one will say that you are doing something wrong.

Why can private prisons make money?

Except for the rich to enjoy life in prison, the main thing is to squeeze from the labor of these prisoners.

With one thousand serious prisoners, each person can contribute about 170 to over 200 yuan to the prison each month. After all costs are removed, they can contribute three to the warden’s bank account each month. Up to fifty thousand yuan.

This is still the value of a thousand people, not counting other income.

A private prison with two to three thousand inmates, plus those who come on vacation, will have a monthly revenue of more than 100,000. It is not difficult at all.

Of course, this means that everyone is as obedient as possible.

In case someone is disobedient, soon everyone will stand on the opposite side of the prison.

You know, the prisoners they "buy" are all serious prisoners, and many of them may have killed people!

So in any case, the first priority is to press down all the thorns.

When he frantically beat the twenty-something young man with a stick, and accidentally hit the opponent in the head, he murdered for the first time in his life.

That young man... is in his early twenties.

That guy...has been hung up for a long time, and his head that was always raised suddenly hangs down.

He didn't notice, a stick hit the back of his head, and then nosebleeds poured out from his nostrils, mouth, and ears...

Killing is actually not difficult.

He will make old Fox and his people pay the price!